Monday, March 06, 2006

My Mad Monday

I seriously want to do something drastic today. I am about to go into a fairly maniacal rant here, so be warned.

I get to work expecting a slighly heavier load b/c I am filling in for LD the psycho witch b/c she is on her honeymoon this week. Wasn't I surprised when the ante upped and I was told as I walked thru the door that our receptionist is BACK IN THE HOSPITAL!!!! She has had 5 surgeries and has spend 12 weeks in the hospital in the past 9 months! If I were her, I would get another opinion and a specialist that KNOWS what he is doing. I feel badly for her but that's neither here nor there for me today.

So I am on the phones and expected to do my job and someone elses on top of that. That made my already dismal mood even uglier. I asked for more work a few weeks back in a meeting b/c I am frankly, bored and underused. What do they give me? More filing and sample requests. BIG FUCKING DEAL! I was told that if I found those tasks not so stimulating (duh!?) then my boss would find something else for me to do. Yeah, thanks. I think I already know the answer to that question. I just came up with the product name (as long as it passes legal) for a new R& D project. Does anyone notice the marketing experience on that resume of mine??? NOOOOOO.

So I sit here more frustrated than ever and my boss tells me she will OK any and all overtime that I need to get everything done. HUH? What's that? Um, NO. The time for me to prove to you my worth is OVER. I have been there done that and bought the who damn souvenier store out! You gave me a LOUSY raise when I became the "Executive Assistant to the President" which by the way most people in that type of job get paid A SALARY and make $5-$8,000 more than I am making a year!!! There is NO WAY IN HELL I am going to put more time into this place when I know it does no good to further myself in the eyes of the powers that be. What I get done in an 8 hour day I get done. 5pm rolls around and I am GONE. I have spent extra time and energy here (and every other job I have had) and my eagerness with being the over achiever at work all the time is runing out. They get no more from me than they deserve. The minimum. Why? Because you get what you pay for, that's why!!!

So back to doing something drastic. Drive 5 miles to the airport, get on a plane and be a beach bum for a week or two. I have friends in various warm climates, it's doable. I just want to

I am obviously agitated about this. Using certain words in caps and throwing an F bomb out there. Is it my karma coming back b/c I said I hope LD chokes on those strawberries our department sent to her in their honeymoon suit? Or is someone trying to light a bigger fire under me to motivate and initiate me to the greatness I know I can achieve?


Blogger Amy said...

Maybe I'm a wimp, but the idea of being drastic scares me...I know it's hard when you're uber pissed, but I hope some rational thought leaks in there somewhere: just b/c you need a job to pay rent, right? besides, you're doing the school thing and that WILL pay off. Hang in there *HUGS* (ps: I'm feeling rash lately (not itchy, but daring) and am planning to put deep red streaks in the bottom layer of my hair. ;O)

2:26 PM, March 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you are ready to move on. I know you are taking classes, but there has to be other jobs in your area that you are qualified for now.Look for something NOW> YOu are too miserable to stay where you are now. Even if you find something that pays less, it will only be temporary until you can teach, the important thing is that you are happier with what you are doing!

7:17 PM, March 06, 2006  
Blogger C.C. said...

Got an email someone couldn't post here so I thought I would check it out. Try again Red Head!

11:00 AM, March 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


11:38 AM, March 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got some crazy message this morning - couldn't even get to the leave your comment section...


my comment is...

drastic is good! LOL

(this from the girl who picked up and moved from NY to NC! LOL)

11:39 AM, March 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since you left my dojo you have lost focus. Forget the negativity and emphasize the best endeavors in your work place. Your attention now is diverted to school and future goals. Keep your balance and energy in check. And,as I have instructed you: Set on 6:00 and kick on 12:00.

3:37 PM, March 15, 2006  

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