Monday, February 27, 2006

Mad Eye Moody Monday!

Hmmm...sounds like a day to give the stink eye, so here it goes!

Lurkers. That's what my friend Beth likes to call people who hang out, read your blog but never publish a comment. Comments are fun for everyone, exhibit A, the story about me getting asked out by the entire press department. 11 comments!!! Back and forth, differing views. It was great! You don't have to tell me who you are, post as anonymous, or make up a name. Maybe you don't comment b/c the post didn't strike you, and that's fine. I am just starting to feel that most of my posts are not striking a chord, so why am I bothering? I admit that I need some reinforcement, even just a "Hey that was good/funny/terrible". This blog is here to make you laugh just as much as it is a forum for me to express myself. Comments let me know if you are enjoying, hating, or sick of it. If you don't like it, I can take it, tho my goal is that I'd rather you enjoy reading it and that it puts a smile on your face!

Office Gift Giving: Why on earth does my department insist on giving a fairly elaborate gift to LD (the Looney engaged girl) when noone likes her? Not top mention none of us are invited to the wedding, this is her second time around and she is the most difficult person in our small department! My supervisor had the wonderful idea to have a bottle of champagne, strawberries and crystal glasses sent to the honeymoon suite as a wedding gift for the happy couple. I make a ridiculously low hourly wage at this place and I am not about to spend almost 2 hours of my pay to buy a wedding gift for someone who can't speak to me on a regular basis let alone is selfish, not trustworthy and NUTS! I am not fake like that. I told my Supervisor that I don't have the money to give. It's ridiculous that I have to explain myself and that is expected that everyone will participate. If she wants to send champagne, strawberries and glassses to their room, then she can send them...on her own time and with her own money!!!

Apartment Maintenance Men: Last Thursday I had some issues with my downstairs bathroom toilet. The water level in the tank was not regulating and it was running and leaking. Seeing as tho I was alone and it was 11:39pm, I decided to wait until morning to call maintenance to fix it. I opened the back, fiddled around with the floaty thing to make the water level lower so that it wouldn't overflow while I slept and I went to bed. Woke up and so far so good, my plan had worked. I call the apt and tell them the problem and that I was going to work and away for the weekend and I wanted them to fix it so there wasn't an overflow for three days while I was gone. I gave them my number and didn't hear anything back.

I get back yesterday afternoon and check it myself. Still running, still leaking, so I call them back. The guy comes over and he tells me he came friday but didn't see what the problem was so he left it alone. He had my number!!! Why didn't someone call me?? What in my explaination of the probalem was not understood? Did he even check it at all? Did he know what he was looking at? ( I think probably not b/c he is words were "When I came in the back was off of the toilet downstairs, but I didn't see what was wrong". WARNING!!! Mental Giant Ahead!!!!

I also had a feeling from his demeanor that he figured he was dealing with a young girl who didn't know much. Yeah, well I took off the back and showed him and explained to him how the toilet works and what was not working that was causing the runing and leaking/overflowing. he went and got his little tools and upon inspection found that the seal was old and wasn't sealing to regulate the water flow, so he replaced it and we are all set. Finally. he did tell me that I did the right thing, but adjusting the water level so it wouldn't overflow. (yeah thanks asshole, I already knew that!) Unfortunately for him, he didn't realize who he was dealing with. Me being the renaissance woman that I am! That was a very fufilling thing.

Ok, now I feel better!!!


Blogger Amy said...

Way to go w/ the toilet. I would've had no rock.
As for lurkers...creepy. Just say SOMETHING people, anything? Geez!

6:38 PM, February 27, 2006  
Blogger Artistic Soul said...

Okay, don't get me started on random unwritten rules of gift giving where weddings are concerned. They are up there with the random rules of inviting people to the wedding that are totally annoying me right now!!

5:52 PM, February 28, 2006  
Blogger tabbi said...

I am sorry, I am a lurker. I have been lurking in your blog for a few weeks now. It's not that your posts don't strike me as absolutely hilarious, it is more fear of my "saying" something stupid that will be preserved forever in cyberspace. It's bad enough I do this in real life where you can always count on someone to remember the thing you would most like to pretend never happened. I will try to post more and lurk less in the future.... :-)

12:36 PM, March 01, 2006  
Blogger Lamby31 said...

You, my dear, are a true "Renaissance Woman"!!

1:40 PM, March 01, 2006  
Blogger C.C. said...

Ahhhh!!! I have achieved it! Only until I am called a true "Renaissance Woman" by Lamby or Pinky can I actually believe that I am! That was a great compliment! Thank you!!!

1:53 PM, March 01, 2006  

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