Thursday, February 16, 2006

A First for Me

This morning I was doing my rounds throught the factory portion of my company as I normally do passing out memos, tracking down packing slips etc. Today as I was saying my normal "hello's" and chit-chatting with many of the employees, something strange happened. I was approached by a guy (6 ft 5 inches approximately 250 lbs)who works in our Press Department. I know him by name only (and that I am not even really positive I have right) and the exchange went something like this:

Guy: "Hey Carol"

Me: "Hey How are you?"

Guy: "A bunch of us are going out tonight after work to this bar and we wanted to know if you would come with us"

Me: "Oh, who's going?"

Guy: "That bunch over there" (points to a group of 7 guys from his department and names the guys. They are all standing in a group smiling at me)

Me: "Oh, I don't know that bar" (I am thinking...creepy...gang rape scenario here)

Guy: "No?"

Me: "um, No"

Guy: "Oh, no problem"

Me: "Yeah, but thanks for asking"

(walk away)

I think I just got asked out by an entire department! ? ! ? What the frig was that?

8 guys asking a girl out might be a little intimidating (OK a lot)? Oh yeah, and get the 6 ft 5, 250 lb ginormous NFL linebacker guy to do the asking! I know some of them and they seem nice at work, but seriously! You never know who people are outside of work and that was not a chance I wanted to take.

I am still scratching my head on this one. The full moon already passed this week right?


Blogger Artistic Soul said...

I'd bet even money one of them has a crush on you but is too chicken to ask he sent a buddy, or is hiding behind the buddies so as not to get rejected.

12:13 PM, February 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HALF FULL! MY GOODNESS when did the world turn into half empty, doom & gloom, everyone thinks of the worst that could happen.

Life is when you take chance...

You go back up to the linebacker and tell him it's been a hell of a day and what a fun way to start off the weekend - going to have a drink w/some co-workers.

You have watched too many creepy movies. They are not asking you to someone's house...they are asking you to a public bar. Who is to say one of their girlfriends isn't a bar tender...or for that matter other friends are meeting them their too...

And who is to say that you can't bring one of your friends? Where is C? you've got me all fired up.

OH! OH!!! I am with Wiccachicky...
this poor guy probably took all week to get up the courage to ask you for a drink (and a group drink at that).

March young lady! LOL

2:02 PM, February 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol...grammer & spelling mistakes are only because I am so fired up...

bartender is one word

there should be there, not their

2:04 PM, February 16, 2006  
Blogger Lamby31 said...

If their intentions were pure, I'm sure they never considered how creepy this seemed. But I really have to disagree with redhead. I know I'm old and rather conservative...but there is a big difference between taking a calculated risk, and just being stupid.
1. You don't know the bar (could be some real hole in the wall, in a crappy neighborhood)
2. You don't even know these guys.
3. If they are functioning at the level of 8th graders ("I'm too insecure to ask her out for a drink, geeze buddy, could you ask her for me...."
WHY would you even waste your time?

2:14 PM, February 16, 2006  
Blogger C.C. said...

Holy Crap!! Red Head! Chill out! It's funny b/c I have gotten both sides to that "How cool! You should go" and also "That's creepy and kinda shady". I just think they didn't realize that it looked intimidating! It just caught me off guard. I am not interested in any of them anyway, so stop FREAKING OUT!!! :)
Luv ya Red!!!!

2:18 PM, February 16, 2006  
Blogger C.C. said...

Hey Lamby...that's exactly what I was thinking. That bar happens to be in the middle of a bad part of town (shootings etc) and not knowing my way around there with a bunch of guys I don't know would NOT be good judgement. I would rather not take a chance with those parameters!

Also, yeah, get some balls boys. Of course probably most of them didn't even finish high school, hence the "can't talk to the girl, do it for me man" approach. Maybe I am naive, but I am holding out for an intelligent MAN...

2:25 PM, February 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

perhaps my rants were misunderstood...

all I am saying is how do you know?

one word fate.

how do you know that one of them might be someone worth getting to know?

how do you know that you might just have a 1/2 drink - leave and bump into someone that you'll want to get to know?

this is all I am saying.

and I certainly would never want my dewey to put herself in harms way...obviously if you go to the bar and it's a total dump when you drive up - you leave. (Ahh...the beauty of cell phones and the "something suddenly came up" lol)

...and you're old lamby ;) JUST KIDDING!

2:29 PM, February 16, 2006  
Blogger C.C. said...

7 comments!! (ok so 3 were my own!)but YAY! I like comments!!! Guess I should go controversial instead of funny...yeah I didn't think so!

Red, none of them are for me. TRUST ME!. I have this under control and I know what I want and what the potential is...Nada, Zilch, Zero, Nothing! Seriously,

If I had even an inkling that I would be interested in one of them I would have told them to meet me out Friday night at the bar of MY choosing...

In Lamby's defense if she is old, old = wise. And if Red Head is wise she must be a WISE ASS!
;) Thanks for posting comments guys!

2:38 PM, February 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok...this is so not fair.

I still stand by my fate/give everyone a chance because you never know/half full approach to life.

HOWEVER! I was not given all the facts...
- bar happens to be in the middle of a bad part of town (shootings etc)

that's really bad. no, I wouldn't go (But would consider a "hey, that's a crappy bar, do you know (insert your bar here where you'll have home court advantage) - it's over on XYZ side of town. I was actually thinking of going there if you guys change your mind.

if they didn't finish high school -hmmm...I could go either way with you. Maybe...maybe their dad died and they had to man of the family and work to help make ends meet. yeah...

Ok, am I sound too much like Pollyanna???!!

ps - if I waited for my husband to ask me out, I'd still be single! (which, is that really a bad thing?? LOL JUST KIDDING! Maybe that's why I am living vicariously through you! LOL LOL)


2:39 PM, February 16, 2006  
Blogger Lamby31 said...

OLD but Sage

2:43 PM, February 16, 2006  
Blogger Amy said...

Wow, what a buncha comments! I can see both sides of the coin here...and I'm partially w/ Red, but only b/c one of them may turn out to be a friend or someone fun to hang out with. But, I like the idea of meeting them up at a way better bar, better part of town...

3:13 PM, February 16, 2006  

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