Tuesday, February 07, 2006

PieHole: Uncovering the Beast Within

It is apparent to you all by now how amazingly off balance my sister-in-law PieHole is. She flies off the handle and then as if nothing has transpired, she sends me a nice note as if she is my best friend. There is obviously an underlying agenda hidden in her words. Mr. X tells that she understands she is not invited to Vermont and this letter proves that she is trying to gain information or ruffle feathers about it.

My first impression is that she is writing to let me know that she knows I am going. I never thought that my neices wouldn't tell their mother that their Aunt is attending the festivities. The eldest was so excited she said to me in an email "If you come with us it will be the best weekend ever!". It's hard to hide excitement and I am sure she told her mother I might be coming along. I am excited too! I mean, last time I spoke with Piehole (via email) she told me I wasn't allowed to email or see my neices ever again. In less that 1 month I will finally see them for the first time in 8 months. They live only 1 1/2 hours away. Yeah my brother "Tim" was really helpful in keeping the connection alive. I believe his answer to her nasty emails were "She's a PieHole, Ignore her" Thanks for your support ball-less wonder!

My second impression was that she wanted to tell me she was going (as if I don't communicate on a regular basis with my siblings, duh!) in hopes that I would back out and disappoint the girls. I would still go if she was going and according to Mr. X, that is not the case! I am sure "Tim" will cave and Piehole will rule by either coming along or not allowing them to come at all.

My third thought was that she is trying to see how much I know about the trip and get info from me. Funny how she thinks she will get information from me with that sweet letter after the mean, nasty letter I got from her a few months back. Why would I want to speak to her when she attacked my family and I personally and professionally? She is dealing with a Scorpio here. We never forget, and they always say, "Beware the Scorpio's Sting!".

In light of all this, I am doing some recconnaisance of my own to assertain whether PieHole is reading her children's emails or not. She had been doing this last time, sort of "checking up" on them by reading their emails and deleting without their knowledge or permission, as well as sending nasty emails back to me and others as if it were from my neices...nice right? How sad that she used her own daughters to try to turn them against me. She made some major mistakes and I turned out to be a decent detective and exposed her for her transgressions. Obviously she was mad at me and hence the major blow-out in the end.

BREAKING NEWS: My brother "Tim" emailed me this afternoon to tell me that PieHole was mad about me going when he told her she couldn't come. Apparently this angered her greatly. She actually told my brother that I mentioned to HER that I was coming along. He said he didn't know I was coming and I said I wondered why "Sadie" hadn't told him what we had planned but told PieHole. Nothing jived here and I immediately set the record straight that I have not spoken or emailed her at all (why would I?) , that she was lying and that "Sadie" had either told her or she is reading her daughter's emails again. He wanted my side of the story so he had some ammo to go home with tonight. She is playing her games again and using her family and mine for her own wacko agenda!PSYCHO!!!

Doesn't she realize that she is not invited because no one likes her? She has been mean and nasty and has said things that are not able to be forgotten or forgiven (not that she's EVER apologized). Why would any of us want to spend time with her let alone VACATION time with her? It's not that she's not invited b/c there are space issues (although that could be a valid argument...:)), or because of any other excuse she is thinking of. She is not invited because she is a BITCH. I think that is reason enough. If she wants to take her life into her own hands and show up in Vermont or at my parents 50th Anniversary Party in April, let her come. It will be like Lions stalking a boar.

Unfortunately, reality sets in and we are dealing with a really, seriously, mentally ill person here. I fear for my brother and my neices who are subjected to her crazed rantings on a daily basis. She is causing damage to those girls (ages 10, 13 and 16) and my brother doesn't have the balls to end it. It's a sad story really when you look at it that way, even tho I make light of it and post crazy things here. Maybe that is my way of coping with a situation I have no way of controlling or fixing. The only thing I can do is be there to email my neices (especially the eldest "Sadie"), and let them know that I love them and I would never abandon them.


Blogger Artistic Soul said...

Oh, that sounds awful!! It's so terrible when in-laws are like that. We have a few raving looneys on our end too.

7:22 PM, February 07, 2006  

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