Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Lara is Back! ABSOLUTELY!

Lara Croft Tomb Raider: Legend for PS2 (etc.)was announced to be available in stores April 2006! The game's story sounds pretty neat and I am psyched that they have revamped her movements and there will be cool new environments to explore.

I love the Lara Croft movies as cheesy as they are and yes, I own a PS2 and enjoy the games as well. I am really excited for this one to come out b/c I have heard it will be more in line with the original games than the last one "Angel of Darkness".

I bought a PS2 about 4 years ago b/c my nephews got me addicted to Lord of the Rings games. I am not a true gamer b/c all of my titles are of the tv/movie genre. I have all of the LOTR games, Batman Begins, an animated Batman, Dark Angel, Alias, Indiana Jones, The Mummy Returns and of course Buffy. I don't play too often (maybe a few hours every few months) but it's nice to chill out for an hour and dust some vamps, fight crime or kick some ass after a stressful day!

You have to admit that as a fictional character, she has it all. She is a strong independent woman who is fearless and intelligent. She kicks ass and looks great doing it. What could be cooler than that?


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