Monday, February 06, 2006

The Return of PieHole.

Four, Five! Still Alive!!! That cold has not captured me yet. I am proving that in certain circumstances, Resistance IS NOT Futile!

I know you all have been jonsing for a bit of PieHole, so today you will get a new saga that is unfolding live today. Yes, months after her mean and nasty emails she sent one out of the blue today and is sweet as pie (or so it seems to the untrained eye). I will post it here and dissect it for it's true meaning.

First: The backstory. My Brother Tim and his girls were invited by my brother,who we will call Mr X, (without PieHole due to the fact that everyone in the family has had to put up with her crap as I did) to join he and his wife in Vermont for a few days to ski. I was also invited to come along and I decided to email my niece Sadie and say that I should catch a ride with them, b/c then I could see them since I haven't in a LONG while. Sadie was really excited and we decided that would work out well. I thought, how nice will it be to hang with my brothers and my neices without PieHole!!! Well, then I got this message (two weeks after my communications with my niece).

"Hey C.C,
Heard you were getting a ride with us to our family ski trip in Vermont. (So, you invited yourself on our vacation huh?) That's great. (Great.)I do cross country skiing also it will be a fun trip. (I haven't cross country skiied in awhile but I will write that b/c I know it will make you mad that you may have to go skiiing with me!)Hope we can fit those skis in the van I'm sure they will fit on the floor. (I hope your skiis won't fit so that you can't come with us)
I haven't down hilled in a long time but I am going to try to get out before March to get ready for MT Snow. (I am worried that the sheer volume of my body will make me go too fast so I need to practice first so I don't look like an idiot) I went there with my family many years ago. It is a nice place. (I have been there before so it's no big deal for me. You being the sad little "glorified secretary" will think it's a big deal tho) Sadie,Jen, Marilyn have a dance competition in Niagara falls the March 4,5,6 and we will be getting back on Sun afternoon late. So it will be a long trip in the dark I think. (I am hoping that our schedules don't mesh so you can't ride with us.)
Rest up I'm sure it will be a exciting weekend. (Get ready, I'm going to push all of your buttons that weekend, so you better prepare!) Just hope we get some snow!!!!:) "

Can you Imagine PieHole Skiing? Do they make skiis for women her size? I wonder if they are made out of Titanium. Strong stuff! even an Elephant could stand on them I bet! At least downhill you just use gravity (I bet she will go fast!!!) but cross country requires balance, strength and endurance... Hmmmm... Maybe I should take her on a long arduous trek in the woods, get ahead of her and leave her to freeze or find her own way back in the cold MT air.

I think the whole idea was to let me know that she is coming and that I can't back out b/c of her now b/c the girls would be heartbroken. She is a worthy adversary sometimes, tho I believe a liquid diaretic would come in handy and keep her in her place over the mini-vacation.

Breaking news on the wire says that Mr X, the Master of Ceremonies, doesn't know anything about PieHole coming to Vermont. I forwarded him the email from PiehOle and it was news to him. He said he will talk to Tim and see what the deal is b/c Piehole was not invited. Curiouser and Curiouser. The Plot Thickens.

Mr X just emailed that he spoke with Tim and tells me "That is not the plan and she knows it." Mr X has instructed all agents to maintain radio silence until further information is available.


Blogger Amy said...

Aaahhh...tales of PieHole. Fun on a Monday morning. I hope that she gets left behind. I love that your fam conspires against her...funny.

1:38 PM, February 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maintain radio silence! Maybe Project Whitetail can come into play in Vermont.Perhaps on the ski trail? Poor Tim, he never gets a break!

4:55 PM, February 06, 2006  

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