Thursday, February 23, 2006

Psycho Witch Coworker Rant

You have probably read previous posts about certain coworkers of mine that annoy me. Well today I would like to just rant for a bit about one person in particular.

Rememeber LD, the PSYCHO WITCH? She is the one who was divorced, then tried to reconcile with her ex and then a month later started dating a guy from work and within a month of dating they were talking about getting engaged. Just for the record, he actually asked me out about two weeks before he asked her, but I turned him down. So anyway, on to my reason for ranting:

She is one of those hypochondriacs who always has something wrong with her. A cold, her back , her feet, her muscles...I could go on and on! She has a DR for everything and seems like she has an appointment every week for something! For the past three weeks she has been depressed. Why? Who the frig knows, but as my coworker in the same dept, she has been horrible to work with. She is the one who came into work on Friday and left after a half hour, conveniently after our supervisor had asked her to man the reception phones since our temp was leaving and the regular receptionist was out with health problems again. So guess who had to sit on the phones? Yep, me. She had been leaving early and complaining about something being wrong with her the entire week. Obviously I had to cover for her a few times already and it was getting annoying. So I told her that I am sorry she isn't feeling well, but I am going to have a ton of work to come back to on tuesday b/c I will be out fo the office (to take that class) Monday and now add to that doing her work and less time to do mine b/c I am on the phones. I told her I wasn't mad at her but I put the guilt on thick (which I NEVER do) and she has been ignoring me since Tuesday when I got back. I try to say hello and be nice but she has been a jerk to me. Oh and everyone is noticing my hair and saying they love it (including her fiance) and she hasn't said a word. Are we in 3rd grade again? Guess I stood up to her and she didn't like it. Tough.

Of course I am sympathetic to my coworkers, but when someone is completely taking advantage of the system and spinning their rhymes of "poor me" it gets really annoying! WEB OF LIES!!!

Yesterday our supervisor wanted to have a meeting with both of us to discuss our duties in order to train each other in our tasks so that when one is out (like when Nutcase goes on her honeymoon in a week) that the other can fill in the necessary gaps. We go over our daily tasks etc and my supervisor says to me that LD will be putting together a proceedures manual and she would like me to do the same. I tell her that I already have a proceedures "folder" but I can transfer everything into a binder if she prefers it in that format. My supervisor's eyes light up in delight b/c I am WAY AHEAD of everyone, and LD gets a sour taste in her mouth. Point for me!!! 30 minutes alter I was in my supervisor's office with not one but two copies of my proceedures manual, one for her and one for my desk. I wonder when LD will get her manual done???

Next after discussing duties, I tell my supervisor that now that the main receptionist is back I have handed over the things I was keeping up for her and need some extra tasks during the am to keep me busy. LD of course spews forward that she will take on extra work too...mind you she was just complaining how busy she is to practically anyone who would listen last week!! I feel like I scored some major points there (not meaning to b/c I do want more work and I am sick of asking for more all the time), but b/c LD looked like she was trying to keep up.

Oh, and then she also gets the unprofessional award this week for telling a story about her and her fiance during the meeting!!! Can you stand it!?? She is always inappropriate/ She also used this baby voice when my supervisor asked her if she will be changing her name after the wedding or not. I told you she was nutsy!!!

I mean, I am on top of things, even tho I get carried away with the blogging and email sometimes, my work is always complete and I ask for more. I think that makes me worthy of a little blog time! She makes it so obvious that she takes 8 or more smoke breaks a day, takes two lunches, emails and shops online in plain view and takes tons of personal calls everyday. Me on the other hand, I always look busy, even if I am not. It's about being stealthy, but I guess she thinks since she has been here just over 10 years she is entitled and they will never get rid of her. Grumblings have begun and people know she does nothing all day. I think she better watch her step! Hey, if it was someone who was nice to me I would give them a heads up to straighten up and fly right. She has never shown me that she is trustworthy and would go to bat for me so sink or swim baby!!

I think I will be like Amy (Still Just A Me) and play little tricks on LD. Amy has written about doing that to her annoying coworker and she is inspiring me! Any ideas would be welcome!

Sorry about being long winded! I am really working on that I promise!!! Have a great Thursday everyone!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I swear - there must be one in every office...'cause we've got one here too!

maybe they are put on this earth to test our patience! Agh - but when is the test over! LOL

10:44 AM, February 23, 2006  
Blogger Lamby31 said...

I want to be the one in my office!! But I am really staff is small, and all are hard workers...we do take time to laugh, which is required in my department!!

1:43 PM, March 02, 2006  

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