The Coffee Adventure!
Most people complain about their job, and most of us would like a little excitement or fun during the day, especially when the day is slow. Well. I like to institute fun into my day randomly just to keep me from rotting here of boredom and the lack of a creative outlet. Hence the blog, and hence my story today.
As most of you have heard, I sit across from the kitchenette in the executive offices. I am usually the one who realizes that coffee is out and makes more, fills the creamer or sugar etc. Today I was working on a project away from my desk and decided my cofee was cold and I needed a fresh cup. The karaf gave me 1/3 of a cup and then spit at me indignantly. I had to make more coffee, but didn't want to wait for the whole pot to brew.
Everyone remembers the famous scene in "Indiana Jones and the Raider's of the Lost Ark" where Indy fills a bag with sand and swtiches it for the golden idol in the tomb.
Well, picture me with my pirate cup in one hand as the coffee is brewing into the pitcher: I quickly pulled the container out and putt my cup under the stream of caffinated heaven. I was very impressed that I didn't even spill a drop! A few minutes of coffee from the machine straight into my cup and I had what I needed. I then repeated the process putting the container back and pulling my cup out: again not spilling a drop! I could tell you that my movements were flawless and ballet like, but you would be ready to spit darts in me! I think Indy would be proud!
Ok so this pic made me laugh. I need a photo editing program to make the quality better! Hopefully this brings a smile to your face and encourages you to put a little "adventure" into your day!