Friday, April 28, 2006
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Thursday News and Random Thoughts
So today I am actually a bit busy here. I have a few quick thoughts and some news then I will post my Summer CD collage.
Firstly let me say that next Wednesday I will be starting my new part time job (evenings with some weekend time eventually) at the local Library just a few block from my Apartment. I am very excited about this, and I know many people who may read this and think "CC working in a Library?? HUh??" Well my friends, things have changed since HS and even since College. This will give me an opportunity to work in a public library and see if a Masters in Library Science would be a good fit for me. Library Science is not just being a librarian and signing out books anymore. It's increasingly about Technology and using it to our advantage. Libraries are changing and I may just want to be a part of that. Wish me luck!
I am trying hard to actively take a part in figuring out what the Hell I am here for and what I should be doing with my life. Maybe it's a late start but at least it's a start. Who knows where this may lead. :)
Angelina Jolie: I saw an interview with her on the Today show this am. Anne Curry (I love her! Why didn't she get picked to take over for Katie!!!??)went to Africa for Global Education week and interviewed Angelina on one of her humanitarian visits to a small village in Namibia, Africa. Angelina has always been seen as a sexy, dark and dangerous (and often weird) person. I have always liked her and her movies tho. I know some of you dispise her especially for the whole "Brangelina" debauchle, but I had to post this b/c I think she is turning her life around a bit and becoming a useful member of society on a global scale.
I often thought in interviews that even tho she is many things, happy was not a word that one would use to describe her. For me, laughing and being happy is the cornerstone of my existance. Laughter is such a powerful thing and should be a part of everyone's life. Everyone needs to be silly sometimes!!! In the interview this morning, Anne Curry said that she had heard that Angelina has been giggling a lot lately, to which Angelina responded with a giggle and quipped that it's the pregnancy. Anne said basically that Jolie should keep the giggling even after pregnancy because it's a good thing. I agree. She needs to shed some of that darkness. She is a Mom now and she needs to let some happiness and light into her personality...but she can still wear black if she wants! I know I do!!!:)
Oh and by the way, I think she is going to have a boy. Just wanted to put that out there in case she does have a boy then you can all think I am prophetic!:)haha!
Yeah, I was also going to post My Summer CD list but the alignment of it messed with my blog so I decided to scratch it until I can make it work. So hope your Thursday is going well! Tomorrow if Friday!!! Yippeee!!
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Hey Tabbi!! It's a "Wonderfalls" Post!!!
This post is for Tabbi. She has recently turned me on to a show called "Wonderfalls". I started watching and I couldn't stop laughing (or shaking my head in agreement!) This show is a riot. I think I actually remember seeing part of the first episode, thinking it was kinda cool, but not having time to watch it. So now thanks to Tabbi I get to see the entire season!!! Yipee!
I guess only 4 episodes ran and then it got canceled. There were a lot of people who tried to save the show but to no avail! Then they released the DVD about a year ago with a full season of episodes! (13)!!! Here is a quick Synopsis I got off the website:
Set against the backdrop of Niagara Falls, Wonderfalls is a quirky one-hour family dramedy about an underachieving twenty-something souvenir shop worker named Jaye Tyler. Her life is forever changed when inanimate figures – including toys, cartoons and anything in the form of an animal,(like the wax lion above or the Brass Monkey book end below) begin to talk to her. In each episode, the creatures' cryptic messages set into motion a chain of unpredictable events that invariably lead Jaye into the lives of others in need.
Throughout the series' bizarre situations and madcap adventures, Jaye seeks advice from her best buddy Mahandra and befriends Eric, a local bartender who tries to help answer her unrequited questions. Is the universe conspiring against her? Is this real or just her imagination? Should she struggle with fate or surrender to destiny? Whatever the outcome one thing is for certain - Jaye will discover that the world around her is a magical place and that the seemingly random events in her life are actually all part of something much greater.
Oh yeah and there's a hot boy in it too! the Bartender Eric! I have only watched the first two Episodes so far, but I am interested to see what happens there!
So, if you get a chance, check out Wonderfalls! It's a very witty show from the minds who produced a plethera of great shows like: My So-Called Life, Twin Peaks, Felicity and Freakylinks to name a few. Great writing and really right-on life commentary. Thanks Tabbi!!!!!
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
The After-Party at The Cabin!
After the Anniversary party, immediate family was invited to Linda's house for an after-party. After changing into comfy clothes, everyone arrived and the celebration continued with Evan's birthday, lots of munchies and games.
Here is a pic of me and my peeps all piled up...Yep, all 9 of my neices and nephews! I had a great time this past weekend hanging out with everyone and hope we can all do it again soon!!!Ahhh...this is what it's all about folks!!! Family!!!
50th Anniversary Party Weekend: Part 2: The Party
Saturday morning we were in great shape. All we needed to do is get ready and pick up the cake on the way to the Country Club. When we arrived everything looked great. We placed the centerpieces while Wade and Mark hooked up the projector for the presentations. Once we were settled, we all toasted with a round of Manhattans to a successful party and shortly after, everyone started to arrive.
The cake, with their wedding picture and their original cake topper:
50 years and 7 children later...
Enjoying their day:
After a wonderful dinner, a presentation was made. My brother Mark had put together a 21 minute "True life Story" of my parents. From baby pictures to how they met to stories of each child as they were born, the video spanned 50 years of happiness. There was much laughter...
and in the end not a dry eye was left in the room.(note the tissues by Linda):)
Saying a few words after the presentation:
The afternoon quickly passed by with much visiting and reminiscing. Things like this always tend to go so fast! Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and Mom and Dad seemed very pleased and thankful for the attendance of their family and friends.
Stay tuned for the final (short) installment: After Party at the Cabin!
Monday, April 24, 2006
50th Anniversary Party Weekend: Part 1:Friday Night Pizza Party!!
Friday began with much running around. Last minute pick-ups like Wine for the after party and flowers for the center pieces. Linda and I had lunch with Mark and Cullin at the Country Club to check in with the caterer and make sure all was set for Saturday's festivities. Then we headed to the college to have Wade help Mark with an equipment check for the slide show and DVD presentation.
All went smoothly and with a few more quick stops we headed to Kathy's house for a pizza party by 5:30pm. Jim and the girls were already there and we sat down to some relaxing conversation, margaritas and eventually some silliness as my family knows best! Here are some pics from Friday's get together.
Me and those silly girls from Rochester: A PIEHOLE FREE WEEKEND!!!!!
Our host and the California Contingent!
Wiggin' out: The Brunette as a blonde(yep, that's me), the blonde as a redhead and the red(ish)head in Pink???
Kisses from the North 4th Gang
We started a fad! Now everyone wants to play! Pinky's in Pink!!
Changing up: Me with black hair!
We had a great time at Kathy's Friday night with a camp fire and fun. Everyone was looking forward to the following day and Mom and Dad's 50th Anniversary celebration.
Stay tuned! Part 2 coming soon!!!
Thursday, April 20, 2006
SPY Magazine Features N.E.G.S.S. Agent!
Recently SPY Magazine interviewed a secret agent from the N.E.G.S.S. (National Eastern Grey Squirrel Society)for an in depth cover story. The article will be published in the upcoming issue (pictured above).
The following are exerpts from this exciting interview.
I met Agent Treehopper in a dark alley on a Friday night at dusk... Well, that's how it would have been if this were a movie. Instead I met Agent Treehopper at a Starbucks on the corner of 5th and Main on a bright and sunny Saturday afternoon.
"There's really no sense in trying to disguise my identity. Us Squirrels look a lot alike. Anyone would be hard pressed to make a positve ID on any of us!" he chuckles over his triple hazelnut latte. "It makes the job less stressful that way."
Agent Treehopper has been with the N.E.G.S.S. for about 10 years now. He has seen everything from missions gone wrong (Operation: Bambi) to successful missions like the 1997 "Operation White Wedding" in Oregon.
"I have seen a lot and I learn more each time we prepare. This latest mission, 'Operation Golden Rod' has been really intense. We have new equipment to train on as well as our regular reconnaisance preparation. I have to say that working with the Agency is always a pleasure though. They are good people trying to do good in this world. This PieHole thing is crazy but we are doing our part to help out. Our motto for this mission is 'Nuts for the Nutty'!!! You know, fighting fire with fire!"
cclifeorsomethinglikeit has aquired a few of the TOP SECRET pics revealed in the issue:
"We like to have some fun too you know. I remember this time we were at an Agency picnic at Finks Basin and these Red Squirrels were trying to start something with us. My buddy Buster just let them have it. After that we busted his chops about it for weeks and somehow this picture of him during the altercation kept being posted all over our home base! What a riot!"
SPY Magazine also found out that the N.E.G.S.S. plays as hard as it works. Here Agent Treehopper is seen performing with his Jazz ensemble and a very special guest on trumpet. When asked about his hobby he smiles. "I just love Jazz? My Alto was specially make for me and that black nichol plating really makes my sound as smooth as silk!"
SPY Magazine always likes to ask our guests at the end of the interview what famous SPY they idolize, real or fictional. Agent Treehopper said he really thinks James Bond is cool. "He's got all these gadgets, and the chicks! Man, I wish being a secret agent was that easy!"
You can read more about Agent Treehopper and the N.E.G.S.S. in the May issue of Spy Magazine on sale soon.
The Final Countdown, American Idol Annoyances and More!
Ok people! I need to stat with American Idol first! Seriously! I have to rant and rave for a moment!
This is my first American Idol season and I am convinced that the people who vote are idiots. Last night the bottom 3 should have been: Ace, Pickler and Elliot, and instead the bottom 3 were Chris, Paris and Ace!!! When they said Paris was safe and it was between Chris and Ace I about crapped my pants!!! Chris did NOT belong in the bottom, Pickler sucked and she should have been up there with Ace! I think the people who vote are lovers of the "dumb Blond" thing that has been exacerbated
by the Jessica Simpson machine. Pickler SUCKS!!!!!!
I realize many people will say that I have no right to bitch b/c I don't vote. That si a valid point, although being musically inclined, I think I know what I am talking about. I am glad Ace is done, tho he was lovely to look at (which is probably why people are voting for Pickler!) OK I am done ranting. I must stop getting riled up about this stupid show. I am addicted!!:)
The Final Countdown has begun!! Only 51 hours until the Anniversaru party! everything is set and a walkthru of the banquet hall will be done tomorrow along with last minute details and running around. Then it is off to my sister Kathy's house for a pizza and wings party with most of the family. Mike and Kim and the boys aren't arriving until Saturday. :( They will be missed! BUT...after the party Saturday we will all be getting together at "The Cabin". Lamby has graciously allowed us to party at her place Saturday evening, tho it looks like rain...Aunt Carol will keep all the kids busy!!! I have plans for games will be fun.
I am sure I will post again today since I have someother information to impart but it should be in a seperate post. For the time being I leave you with today's PieHole Advisory level:
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Whatever Wednesday!
Woo-hoo!! It's the return of Whatever Wednesday!!
Let's start the randomness!!!
Firstly Erin has been hard at work at another PieHole Pic:
I had a little help from my grey squirrel friends this am. One was sitting in the middle of the long driveway leading out of my apartment complex. I literally had to come to a complete stop before he moved! Then about 50 yards down another one did the same thing...just long enough for me to catch out of the corner of my eye a deer starting to cross up ahead! It was like they were trying to tell me to stop b/c the deer were crossing! It was really funny! As I approached I waited to see if another would follow (they usually are in groups) and sure enough she came thru the thicket and looked at me then followed her friend into the woods on the other side. Coincidence? I think not! Those Grey Squirrels are smart!!!:) HAHA!
I tried the Billy's Bootcamp Basic Training this morning. It was pretty good. I wasn't using the "Billy Bands" b/c I don't have a set and I figured first time thru I would see how it all went. I guess I need to get a set. He's big into squats, arms and abs, the places I need it the most! It's nice to mix it up, I was getting bored with my other workout!
Did you know that VH1 has another channel that does and hour of 70's music videos (Bowie, The Clash, Sex Pistols, Clapton, Elvis Costello etc)from 6-7am? Also after that from 7 - 8am they do an 80's video hour with everything from the Psychadelic Furs to Janet Jackson to the Eurithmics. It's quite an eclectic mix and very distracting when you are trying to get ready for work and be on time!! So much fun tho! Then I checked regular VH1 and saw a new video for the Chili Peppers! YIPEEE!! I love those guys!! Anthony Keidis cracks me up with his rhyming lyrics and Flea is an incredible bass player. Hey Erin, if you are reading this...How are my mixes coming??? hhahhah!
I will leave you with my Whatever Wednesday random photo! Have a great one!
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Totally Tuesday!
Firstly let me say that today is Amy's Birthday!!!
Please take a moment to wish her a happy day either in the comments here at cclifeorsomethinglikeit or visit her at her blog Still Just A Me.
Hope you have a great day Amy! Be looking out for a CC fun package later this week!!:)
OK, so I am not a consistant speller. I try to edit my work, but sometimes when you are in a rush, things slide by. Kinda like my AdviSERY, I mean AdviSORY!!! But I fixed it and all it well!
Isn't it funny how when you get up at the butt-crack of dawn (say 5:15am), you work out for an hour and then get ready for work etc, you have more energy during the day!??? I know I do. This getting up earlier stuff really helps me out. I know I have said it before but I think maybe I was getting too much sleep. My energy level is so much better and Moody McMoodypants has left the building!!! So far I am not losing any weight, but I am not gaining any either. Sooner or later it will kick in, I hope! For now I am happy with the energy I have gained!
Salahadin! to Erin!! Check out this pic that she made of Piehole! Thanks for submitting it!!!
Have a great Tuesday and remember to wish our girl Amy a great birthday!!!
Monday, April 17, 2006
The PH Factor
This week at the bottom of my posts, I will include the "PH Factor" Advisory System. This handy tool will tell you if PieHole is on our radar and to what extent her outbursts are being rated. Much like the governments Terrorist Advisory System, color coding will be important.
Disclaimer: Excuse the poor resolution in portions of the Advisory, it was put together on short notice today.
This afternoon the PH FACTOR is:

Monday Madness!
Monday is here, the weekend went too fast as usual! Lots of things going on here this week. I am off Friday b/c the big weekend is finally here! The 50th Anniversary Party for my Parents is on Saturday. There is lots of stuff to do and fun to be had with family Friday so I am looking forward to hanging out and getting all the last minute details situated.
I have updated my list if you are interested in seeing my's on the sidebar.
Here are a couple quizzes to entertain you on this Manic Monday!
You Are a Halter Bikini |
![]() You're an athletic girl with a hot athletic bod to match. And you've got a great tan, probably from all those beach volleyball games! |
Good deal. I have a halter bikini. Don't have a tan yet tho! I am snow white!:(
What Your Black Outfit Means |
![]() You're a sophisticated woman with big city taste. You have a strong creative force - even if you don't wear the boldest clothes. You tend to intimidate people. But the right guy won't be intimidated by you! Designer match: Dolce & Gabbana Signature accessory: Gold framed sunglasses |
Wow, I tend to intimidate people huh?...maybe sometimes. Am I intimidating? I thought I was silly! I do have gold framed sunglasses !!!:)
I did an email and post a while back about "One word to describe me" and I never posted my results...Here are the words and the amount of times I got them.
Hysterical x1
Scorpiolicious x1 (Christine made that up, so yay for originality!)
Crazy (in a good way) x2 (um..thanks...I think)
Silly x1
Fabulous x2 (cool!)
Familyoriented x1 (yeah not one word but Carolyn cheated!)
Best x1 (now that is awesome!!!)
Salahadin x1 (So are you Erin!!!)
Hmmm...Intimidating was not on there! That's weird...hahahaha!
Have a great day!
Friday, April 14, 2006
N.E.G.S.S. Mission Update: CLASSIFIED
Communications Specialist Agent "Whiskers" is hard at work making sure all systems are go for next weekend's OPERATION: GOLDEN ROD. With an extensive computer network and links to "cclifeorsomethinglikeit", the CIA's own Map Server as well as many other invaluable resources, the N.E.G.S.S. is a powerhouse of information.
Agents everywhere are training and testing new & existing equipment for the mission.
Agent "Chatter" is seen here testing out the comm links to the home base. "Simplicity is the key" he says of the high tech comm devices they use. "It's easier to get where I need to go without cumbersome walkies or other radios. Headsets are lighweight and allow you to keep your hands free"
New lightweight backpacks to hold ammunition were ordered from government special ops for the occaision. Agent "Night Fox" is also testing out a new video surveilance system that looks like an IPOD and attaches to his sunglasses, enabling him to continue to monitor his immediate surroundings.
Special Agent Jitters is perfecting his aim at a special target practice for agents of the N.E.G.S.S. Friday morning.
"We have a variety of targets to practice with" Agent Jitters commented. "This makes us well rounded to hit our target anyway she presents herself. I am confident that our Mission will be a success"
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Bye Bye Bucky!!
Yipee!! Woo-hooo!!! Yeehaw!!! Bucky got sent home from American Idol last night!!! I must admit when I heard they were doing Queen I laughed and jokingly said "Who's going to do 'Fat Bottom Girls?'". Little did I know someone would actually do that song and it would be Bucky! I lost it when he sang it to open the show Tuesday. He never said "Get on your bikes and ride!" tho and that's the best part! In my opinion he should have been sent home a few weeks ago. Finally we are free!!! No more Bucky!!
So what about next week? If Ace can blow us away next week, which is a long shot since they're doing Rod Stewart(ugh!) he may stay and Elliot will go, but if Ace messes it up again, I don't think his hottness will save him. The only way I would vote for Ace next week (if I did vote)is if he performs "If you want my body and you think I'm sexy". If Mike Myers can sing it accompanied by a bagpipe while he dances around made up like an old Scotsman in a kilt, Ace could sing it!!! HAHAH!
Man am I run-on long winded sentence girl today! *breath* Sorry about that!
Oh One more thing about AI. Chris D wearing eyeliner. I kinda like it. He looks good any way you take him. Is it that child of the 80's coming out? Eyeliner, like bald heads, only look good on certain people. He is hot enough to pull them both off. Yay Chris! Also, thanks to Chris for making my friends finally understand why Bald can be beautiful (and hot!!). Case in point:
Chris D of American Idol:
Michael Rosenbaun as Lex Luthor
Billy Zane
Arnold Vosloo as Imhotep
I could go on and on...but I am sure you get my drift.:)
OKay, Time for a few of those tests I took and need to post. I think these two go along nicely with the theme of my post:
Your Inner Pop Princess Is Hilary Duff |
![]() "I'm shedding Shedding every color Trying to find a pigment of truth Beneath my skin" You're sweet and cute, but a little more complex than that. |
This cracks me up b/c I remember last summer when this older guy approached me at a bar and told me I looked like Hilary Duff with dark hair. I took it as a compliment, she is a cutie...or WAS a cutie until she recently turned in a skeletal bobble head of her former self!
Your Theme Song is Back in Black by AC/DC |
![]() "Back in black, I hit the sack, I've been too long, I'm glad to be back" Things sometimes get really crazy for you, and sometimes you have to get away from all the chaos. But each time you stage your comeback, it's even better than the last! |
AC/DC...hmmm Just for Chris and Lisa's benefit I want to say that I prefer "Dirty Deeds" (eeeewwwwwwww!) or "TNT" (High voltage!). Chris!!! I know you sang those just now! Admit it!!! ahahah!
Have a great Thursday and don't forget!!! SMALLVILLE and CSI!!!
Ahhh CSI...One more pic before I guy, not bald, but still beautiful!!
Gary Dourdan as Warrick Brown:

Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
"PieHole" T-Shirts a Reality???
Would you wear a PieHole T-Shirt?
What if I told you that I could get a few designs made and shipped to me for about $15 per shirt?
What if the designs were original, one of a kind and looked like this?
or This:
Or Even This:
If you have an idea for a PieHole T-shirt, let me know! I would be happy to design it and post it for you!!!
Serious inquiries only!
If you want to be seen wearing the hottest custom T-Shirts around, let me know sizes and quanity and I can make your dreams of owning an Authentic PieHole T-Shirt come true!!!!!