Tuesday, April 25, 2006

50th Anniversary Party Weekend: Part 2: The Party

Saturday morning we were in great shape. All we needed to do is get ready and pick up the cake on the way to the Country Club. When we arrived everything looked great. We placed the centerpieces while Wade and Mark hooked up the projector for the presentations. Once we were settled, we all toasted with a round of Manhattans to a successful party and shortly after, everyone started to arrive.

The cake, with their wedding picture and their original cake topper:

50 years and 7 children later...

Enjoying their day:

After a wonderful dinner, a presentation was made. My brother Mark had put together a 21 minute "True life Story" of my parents. From baby pictures to how they met to stories of each child as they were born, the video spanned 50 years of happiness. There was much laughter...

and in the end not a dry eye was left in the room.(note the tissues by Linda):)

Saying a few words after the presentation:

The afternoon quickly passed by with much visiting and reminiscing. Things like this always tend to go so fast! Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and Mom and Dad seemed very pleased and thankful for the attendance of their family and friends.

Stay tuned for the final (short) installment: After Party at the Cabin!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your parents are too cute...makes me want to go back and see them!

(and partake in a fish fry and good friday services with your dad...I don't think I've ever laughed so hard and held it in at church! LOL)

8:46 AM, April 25, 2006  
Blogger Artistic Soul said...

Wow. 7 kids! I don't know how people made it through with that many. I'm nervous to have one!!

8:56 AM, April 25, 2006  
Blogger C.C. said...

We get that a lot! People are amazed that we all have college degrees, everyone is successful in career and family (I hope to catch up soon!)and the only major problem we face is PieHole! (tho not many know about that besides my blog friends and some family) We are lucky to be so blessed! :)

9:18 AM, April 25, 2006  
Blogger Amy said...

Your family is wonderful. Kudos to all of you.

12:51 PM, April 25, 2006  

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