Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
No Seriously
Some random thoughts to get out so I can concentrate this afternoon:
- I am addicted to facebook. Only been on a week and already 53 friends, many of which were wonderfully surprising and happy meetings. I am enjoying this more than I thought so thanks to Ari who talked me into it with her voodoo ways! haha!
- Tomorrow is halloween! I can't wait! My friends and I are psyched for a great night out. My costume is AWESOME! I hope it will look good so I can post it next to pics of Alison Carroll and not look like "The slightly overweight Lara Croft" ahahah!
- Is it legal to murder your graphic designer? Ok, maybe I know the answer to this question already, but just wanted to check.
- Have you looked at the London Countdown buttom lately? Can't...Freakin'!!!
- Lamby wins for most snow so far! 6 inches! We got about 1 or 2 here, just a dusting but enough to make me say "Brrr! It's cold in here!" (That was a "Bring it On" reference BTW) How did Henlib fare? I heard there was lots of snow on the plateau!!!??? (ha, poet)
- Kevin kicked my ass in scrabble on facebook. I knew he would but I held my own for the first half. I think he beat me by 110 points or so...I hope I didn't bore him!:)
- Big Geek is my hero. She is my mail checker, key holder and my "Alfred" (you know, pickin me up from the airport and such) whilst I am away on vaca. I hope to find her something WICKED awesome on my travels as a thank-you!!
- I have worked hard to keep deadlines and move projects along so I could go on this trip. Some were easier than others...but I have done what I could do and will have to face whatever music is playing when I return.
- On the other hand: Who gives a shit? I'm goin' to LONDON to see ALYSA!!!
Labels: Thursday Thoughts
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Whatever Wednesday
Found some silly stuff;
This dude has the longest hair ever? I think it looks like shit...for real:
World's Longest Hair
Look! The newest Lara Croft model, Allison Carroll, plays on the Wii!
This is too funny (especially for you Star Wars Fans out there!)
Labels: wacky, weird, Whatever Wednesday
Monday, October 27, 2008
One Week from Now...
I will be flying to London!!!
Look at that countdown on my side bar...I am basically freaking out today with excitement! Alysa has really outdone herself with helping me get ready to make the flight over the pond. She has tips and itineraries all set to go and I am so psyched to see her! We will be drinking Guinness in no time flat!:)
BUT FIRST: I must (continue) to button everything up at work so that I can come back to a (relatively) stress free work environment. The reality is that I could pretty much do everything I can to get things situated, but I KNOW that someone, namely Texas Asshole, will get his panties in a bunch over something ridiculous. I plan to check in via email ONCE while I am away. That is it. It's called a vacation after all. I have earned this time off, and if I don't disengage for a few days COMPLETELY, I will probably spontaneously combust. :)
AND THEN: It's time to party like I'm Lara Croft Tomb Raider on Friday for Halloween!
But for now it is Monday and I am at work. I shall have to wait for all the glorious tom foolery that will happen in the coming days!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Dirty Tuesday
Today is officially "Dirty Tuesday" since I didn't (couldn't) drag my sleepy ass out of bed in time to take a shower! I still look surprisingly cute tho...
Anywho, how about some random stuff?
I joined Facebook yesterday. Friends have been bugging me for a while now and I finally gave in. It's actually a lot of fun so far and I am amazed at the people I have found from HS and college! I think this might be my ticket to keeping in better touch with people, since I seem to be so horrid at it.
Do you believe in Birth Order Traits? I am the youngest of 7, and altho last born traits fit me pretty close, I have a few only child traits since I was born 8 1/2 years AFTER my next eldest sibling...I was home alone from 4th grade on, making my personality a bit twisted with the two! (Yea, I know what you're personality IS twisted! HAH!)
Beth thinks Gerry looked dirty when he played Atilla: Beth, in this case, dirty is NOT a bad thing!! I mean, come on! Look at him!!!
Monday, October 20, 2008
2008 TV Season Review
Goodness gracious y'all! The 2008 tv season is upon us and I just have to report on the winners and losers so far in my book.
Returning Favorites
"Chuck" This show is still incredibly entertaining and seems to have fared well since the writers strike interupted it last season. I hope they can keep the momentum (and great writing) going. I would be sad to not be able to watch my favorite Chic Geek anymore(Winner)
"Heroes" I am not sure, but I think that since season 2 was lacking it has spewed into season 3. This season seems to be even more contrived. How disappointing from that first season that grabbed you so quickly. Tonight is the deal maker or breaker for me...If this episode hasn't improved from the last few, I will be deleting this from my must see tv list! (Loser)

"Pushing Daisies" I am sort of annoyed at ABC because of their lack of advertising of "Daisies". I was looking for the start date of the show this fall and couldn't find it...then a few weeks later I see that it has already premiered and I have missed the first 2 episodes. I will now try to catch up by watching the first two episodes online and then get to the episodes I have DVRd. I really fell in love with it last season and look forward to more seasons. (I hope this will continue to be a Winner)
"Criss Angel: MindFreak" This season of MindFreak was lame. His attempts to look cool are being overplayed and his "illusions" are getting more and more repeated from prior seasons. I wished he had gotten back to what he does best: Slight of hand. Angel is truly a master of this art, which is apparent by the fact that even after all this time one cannot figure out how he does his table tricks. The rest of his stunts are predictable if you have watched the show enough times to figure out his patterns. (Loser)
"Smallville" Lana is gone (HURRAY!), Lex is STILL missing (Hurry up he was the best part!) and the writing, acting and story lines are still elementary. I guess I am still watching this ridiculous show because it is a habit AND I actually am interested to see where it all ends...hopefully soon! (Loser)
Yes, that look of shock and surprise means that "Moonlight" has been put back into it's coffin. It sucks, and YES, the story line was lacking a bit 2nd half of the season, but I believe in redemption. Especially when Alex O'Laughlin is the hot blood sucker. Too bad, this show had potential, not sure the powers that be gave it enough of a chance. (This WAS a Winner)

"True Blood" I have already said it, it's disgusting but intriguing and like an accident I just can't look away. It's not a perfect show, but it keeps me coming back for more each week and I am not just talkin' about the cliff hangers. That Bill Compton sure is an interesting fellow. (Winner)
"Crusoe" Wow. Never have I seen a show that was so hyped and looked so good in the trailers that ended up being sooooo BAD! Not only was the dialog ridiculous, the acting was overdone by some, and the music was HORRENDOUS! Sean Bean's small role in flashbacks can't even save this show. They have stolen from every imaginable place to create terribly scripted scenes, as if forcing references from popular movies such as Pirates. It's ridiculous, obnoxious and unimaginative. To add to this, the music consists of more stolen themes played on synthesizers in the style of cheap Sci-Fi original movies. Even with a mediocre storyline and cast, the music can save a show if it is done right. My thoughts are clear: Crusoe should remain on that godforsaken island until a better offer comes along! (BIG TIME LOSER!)
Where in the world is...

"Reaper" CW keeps saying that my favorite bounty hunter for the devil will be back soon, but I haven't seen a start date yet. With my luck they will cancel it because the CW has no clue. Reaper is smart, witty and hysterical. The acting is outstanding and I love each and every one of the main characters...especially El Diablo. He is PERFECT. I hope the boys come back soon, the tv landscape is looking pretty tired without them! (it's a Winner if it survives and comes back!)
Friday, October 17, 2008
Vampire Week: Day 4
Our Featured Vampire Bill Compton of "True Blood" waits for his O Negative at Merlotte's
Vampire Sound Bites:
"Don't say UH-OH! Vampires do NOT say UH-OH!" Sookie, True Blood
"Dracula? Poncy bugger owes me 11 pounds, for one thing" Spike, BTVS
"She's not exactly my type."
"Oh? And, uh, what exactly is your type Henry? O negative?" Henry and Mike, Blood Ties
"Immortality seems like a good idea, until you realize you're going to spend it alone." Lestat, Queen of the Damned
"Look at your reflection in the mirror. You're a creature of the night Michael, just like out of a comic book! You're a vampire Michael! My own brother, a goddamn, shit-sucking vampire. You wait 'til mom finds out, buddy!" Sam, The Lost Boys
This Vampire Post Brought to you By:
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Vampire Week: Day 3
Today's Featured Vampire: Edward Cullen of "Twilight"
(In honor of Big Geek)
Vampire Trivia: You may have heard of Sanguine Vampires and Vampire bars that actually exist, however, did you know some people believe Vampires are real b/c of a virus called V5? "The strength, speed, enhanced mental and/or psychic abilities, the ability to digest human and other blood more efficiently are but a few of the differences. The reason this happens is the basic human DNA is altered by the virus." Check out the site I had gotten the above quote from: Vampiric Studies.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Vampire Week: Day 2
Henry Fitzroy of "Blood Ties" is today's featured Vampire.
Vampire News: Have you heard that Johnny Dep and Tim Burton may very well be teaming up in the near future for a big Screen rendition of "Dark Shadows"
And altho completely unrelated: A little fun with The Tudors thanks to Big Geek: )
I give you "Duchess CC The Easily Distracted":
This Vampire Week Post Brought to You By:
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Vampire Week!
Join cclifeblog as we feature a different Vampire each day for the remainder of the week brought to you by Tru Blood!
Today we feature a few Vampires who, even tho they are no longer current, are and shall remain on our list of "The Hottest Vampires of all Time"
Mick St. John of "Moonlight":
Lestat de Lioncourt from "Queen of the Damned"
And Finally Angel and Spike of "Buffy" and "Angel"
This Vampire Week Post Brought to you by:
Monday, October 13, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
Road to Nowhere
I joke that this is my theme song for a project I am working on at work, but I think it is now becomming the company theme song in general and that is totally NOT a joke:
My company just had the third round of lay offs in 5 months. I am safe, but who knows for how long. I am sure once I am done with the two large projects I have been working on, I will be fair game, but that won't be until January.
Oh and in related news David Byrne is coming to my town oh his tour at the end of November. I would really like to go as I have been listening to a lot of Talking Heads lately. I checked it out and his set list contains many TH tunes including "Once in a Lifetime","Burning Down the House", "Life During Wartime" and two of my VERY favorites: "Houses in Motion" and "Take Me To the River". Didn't see "Girlfriend is Better" tho, and I LOVE to dance to that song! Oh well. A few friends are interested and mentioned it to me before I got a chance, so it's looking good.
It's Friday Y'all! Have a great weekend!
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Guilty Pleasure? Not Really
I know my sister Lamby is gonna barf, but in this picture he is like a cross between Prince and Anthony Keidis from RHCP. The guy is probably so full of himself it is not even funny, and has probably been with more women than Castro claims, and even tho the shirt is sorta gay I still think he is kinda sexy. I'm SORRY! I can't help it! Something is wrong with me, right?
BUT Seriously. We can just pass this off as my "bad boy" obsession b/c in reality what I am really looking for my "Chuck Bartowski":
Yea, and now that those two pics are up on the same page the comparison is overwhelming...Criss Angel looks even more skanky 'cause Zachary Levi (who plays "Chuck Bartowski" on the tv show "Chuck") is sooooo adorable! LOVE HIM.
No contest. Ewww to Criss Angel! You can all breath a sigh of relief. I strike the "Criss Angel is kinda sexy" remark from the record. Chuck wins! YAY!
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Whatever Wednesday!
Well, I see what a well placed post garners in comments! I could barely even watch 20 minutes of the debate last night. I guess that's part of why we are in this mess, people don't care to try to engage themselves and educate themselves. EVERYONE should be paying attention to politics and our government. If you are not, you can't blame anyone but yourself! My excuses are my own downfall and I take responsibility for my actions or non-action.
My Halloween Costume is coming along nicely. I would say it is a hybrid of the evolution of the Lara Croft Outfits from the game. Hopefully I won't run into any TR purists Halloween night because I am working with what I have and making some adjustments for cold Fall nights here in Upstate NY.
Let me rant in a cryptic way for a moment: Thanks! So glad I have been busting my ass for this place. Economic and business situations aside, that was a slap in the face. I guess I know what my future holds and what my next move is. I will now have a laughing fit over this and think of all the possibilities that could come from this one piece of knowledge...
Could I BE more excited for my trip?
Labels: Holidays, wacky, Whatever Wednesday
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
To Vote or Note To Vote?
This Presidential race has me frustrated. I don't support either candidate, I don't want to vote based on the VP candidates and tho I know one of them will win whether I vote or not, I hate the feeling of helplessness I have when I discuss the election.
I am registered to vote, and I vote in every election, national or local. (tho I have missed a few minor local ones here and there) Voting is a RIGHT and a PRIVELEDGE, and I feel that if I don't vote I am slapping every woman who fought for my right to vote in the face. Sadly, I only feel obligated to vote in this election because those women fought so hard to be heard, not because I am backing a candidate I believe in.
Unfortunately in this current race, I feel that voting is at best choosing the lesser of two evils, or as Lamby said the other day : "It's like choosing which public bathroom stall is cleanest"
So What's a Girl To Do?
I have sent in for an absentee ballot since I will be in London for Election day. I guess I could just vote for the local races and skip the presidential. Should I write someone in? I joke that I would write in Harvey Dent or The JOKER, but what would that prove? Only that the joke is on me.
The problem is that noone has taken the leadership of our country seriously, it's all been a big joke and now where are we? Without leadership, without options and without a CHOICE. We are limited to the billionaires who have the money to run and those who may have something real to offer the country in it's time of need are swept to the side because of financial short-comings. The system is corrupt and broken. How did this happen? Maybe it always has been this way and just now my romantic patriotism is fading to show me the truth of the matter.
I know I am not the only person who is struggling with the questions of Do I vote? Who do I vote for? Why Should I vote? I have spoken to many people who seem to be in the same place I am. I don't want to just throw my hands up and wave the white flag of surrender. There MUST be a way to rememdy the political disease that has overcome this great country of ours.
I guess we will have to wait another 4 years to see what happens.
Monday, October 06, 2008
Friday, October 03, 2008
The Good, The Redonk and the Are You Kidding Me??
THE GOOD: I had my first Marketing Strategy meeting yesterday and I must say that I totally kicked some ass. I have ben in this position for a year now, and since last year was a huge rush to keep the status quo and keep up in general, I had the opportunity and time to plan my attack this time around.
Let's just say that there were many jaws on the floor, because I am convinced that they still view me as the "young work horse" only and not a creative or marketing mind. Obviously they saw me that way because I came to this company in the position of Admin Assistant and then moved to Executive Assistant to the President, where I didn't have opportunity to showcase more than my organizational skills and friendly disposition. In that time I did however coin the name for a new product, later of which I found out the previous Marketing Manager passed off as his own of course. But they have since realized the truth of the creation lies with me.
Me with my agenda and handouts to back up my ideas for Catalog theme-tie ins and opportunities for higher exposure for the brand definitely shocked my audience. They were, to put it lightly, extremely happy and impressed with what I presented to them. The GM of the division remarked "We've come a long way from Bryan (the previous MM)!" to which I replied "Well, I've been doing this for over a year now, so watch out boys!" which was well received with luaghter throughout the room. That was definitely the GOOD out of my week.
THE REDONK. The Blood Drive was definitely a bust. I gave a 1/2 pint and ended because I had been bruised by the Nurse. The funny part of this is the nurse who signed me in and hooked me up had a scar on her face that ran from the corner of her mouth out across her cheek...yea, just like the JOKER. I felt bad, since I am sure it was a terrible accident that gave her that scar. I couldn't help it because all I could think of was Heath Ledger dressed in his JOKER nurses uniform, which made my fits of nervous laughter more apparent. I did however win a $25 gift card at the luncheon after the blood drive, so I guess that made up for my failing the blood donation portion of the test!
ARE YOU KIDDING ME? How exciting that I get to go to VEGAS again this year for a tradeshow... right? Well, not really considering the current schedule. The group that is going is old and boring, and it's just not right that I have to go to VEGAS with a group this inept at having ANY fun at all. Not only that but now I have to set up and tear down the booth with Texas Asshole, putting me there a day earlier than anticiapted and having to hang out with him for an extra day. I could SCREAM. Exploring Vegas by yourself is fun for a day but 5 days? Seriously. This must be a cruel joke. I will be in Vegas with people who are the antithesis of fun... SO. NOT. FAIR.
Friday is here, and my weektho busy was not so bad. I have to admit that I am 1 month from LONDON and sooo looking forward to it. Alysa has so many great ideas of things to do and see and it will be so great to get there and sit in a pub and have a Guiness with my niece to start our adventures together!
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
CC's List of Things I've never Done
In an effort to spice up the ho-hum life that is mine, I have decided to make a list of things I have never done and would like to do. The trick here is to actually force myself to do them! I am sure things that I have never thought of doing will pop up from time to time, so they are fair game and I will post those whenever they happen to present themselves.
- Travel abroad
Give Blood(trying counts right?)- Skydive
- Learn to play guitar
- Learn to Shoot (guns that is)
- Fly in a helicopter (actually piloting it mylsef would be even cooler, but baby steps here people)
- Make and edit a silly movie/show
- Zip Line thru a jungle
- Hike Good Luck Lake (and some other hikes in the area I have never gotten to)
- Write and perform a song with my nephew Thomas
Well, tomorrow is the blood drive so that will be crosssed off soon and I leave for London in about 33 days. That makes two already! #4, #5 and #7 are in the works and should happen this fall at some point.