Thursday, October 30, 2008

No Seriously

Some random thoughts to get out so I can concentrate this afternoon:

  1. I am addicted to facebook. Only been on a week and already 53 friends, many of which were wonderfully surprising and happy meetings. I am enjoying this more than I thought so thanks to Ari who talked me into it with her voodoo ways! haha!
  2. Tomorrow is halloween! I can't wait! My friends and I are psyched for a great night out. My costume is AWESOME! I hope it will look good so I can post it next to pics of Alison Carroll and not look like "The slightly overweight Lara Croft" ahahah!
  3. Is it legal to murder your graphic designer? Ok, maybe I know the answer to this question already, but just wanted to check.
  4. Have you looked at the London Countdown buttom lately? Can't...Freakin'!!!
  5. Lamby wins for most snow so far! 6 inches! We got about 1 or 2 here, just a dusting but enough to make me say "Brrr! It's cold in here!" (That was a "Bring it On" reference BTW) How did Henlib fare? I heard there was lots of snow on the plateau!!!??? (ha, poet)
  6. Kevin kicked my ass in scrabble on facebook. I knew he would but I held my own for the first half. I think he beat me by 110 points or so...I hope I didn't bore him!:)
  7. Big Geek is my hero. She is my mail checker, key holder and my "Alfred" (you know, pickin me up from the airport and such) whilst I am away on vaca. I hope to find her something WICKED awesome on my travels as a thank-you!!
  8. I have worked hard to keep deadlines and move projects along so I could go on this trip. Some were easier than others...but I have done what I could do and will have to face whatever music is playing when I return.
  9. On the other hand: Who gives a shit? I'm goin' to LONDON to see ALYSA!!!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Henlib had no snow at home, but Watertown and Ft Drum had over a foot!

8:19 PM, October 30, 2008  

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