The Many Moods (Modes) of CC
I have noticed that I have 4 distinct Moods or Modes as I like to call them. I thought it would be interesting to delve into these today.
Happy-Crazy-Happy Mode: I think this mode is a majority of my days, that is my status quo. I laugh, I joke, I am motivated and I know that things are getting better. I am my normal friendly self and just crazy happy, or just happy being crazy!
Angry Evil Mode: Yeah, you do not want to mess with me on one of these days. I usually will have one of these days every-so-often and it is not good. The smallest things will set me off and I hate these days b/c they seem like they just have to run their course b/c no matter how I try to shake myself out of it, I have to wait it out. It's usually not an entire day but 5-7 hours of deep seeded loathing of everything around me. What is good is that when I bounce back from this mode, I feel renewed and motivated again. Maybe it's that whole symbolic Scorpio death and rebirth thing...or maybe my hormones are completely out of wack!!
Content Reflective Mode: Many days are like this as well and this mode can be combined with Happy-Crazy-Happy Mode. I tend to be very focused on certain aspects of my life and I spend time researching and troubleshooting these areas (ie: how to make them better, how to organize myself to be more productive etc). This seems to renew my faith in myself. I feel I can accomplish anything just as long as I stay focused and positive. Today is a Content-Reflective Mode day as you can see.:)
Adventure Mode: These are the days when my Happy-Crazy-Happy Mode turns into excitable emails to friends (Christine and Ariane) wondering if a weekend jaunt to Vegas or a week in Mexico hanging on the beach and hiking to ancient ruins sounds like something they would be into. Adventure Mode never takes into consideration budget and finances, available vacation time or any other major details that need to be addressed before such an adventure can be tackled. Perhaps in a former life I was the daughter of wealthy parents and jetting off to some exotic place for an adventure was commonplace since money and time were no object. Spontaneous actions rule these days.
Yep. All these "Modes" make me the person that I am. Confusing to some if they catch me on that wrong day, but otherwise an energetic and happy person doing the best that she can!