Friday, June 30, 2006

Drink Up Me Hearties, Yo Ho!

Here's one more reason I LOVE Sting!!! and Johnny Depp...and Pirates...and music...


Sting, Bono, Lou Reed and Nick Cave are just a handful of the artists who have lent their voices to 'Rogue's Gallery: Pirate Ballads, Sea Songs & Chanteys,' due August 22 via Anti-. The double-disc, 43-song set was produced by Hal Willner, working from an idea hatched by director Gore Verbinski and actor Johnny Depp in the midst of shooting 'Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest.'

Not that any of these are familiar save 1 or 2, here is the track list for "Rogue's Gallery":

Disc one:
"Cape Cod Girls," Baby Gramps
"Mingulay Boat Song," Richard Thompson
"My Son John," John C. Reilly
"Fire Down Below," Nick Cave
"Turkish Revelry," Loudon Wainwright III
"Bully In The Alley," Three Pruned Men
"The Cruel Ship's Captain," Bryan Ferry
"Dead Horse," Robin Holcomb
"Spanish Ladies," Bill Frisell
"High Barbary," Joseph Arthur
"Haul Away Joe," Mark Anthony Thompson
"Dan Dan," David Thomas
"Blood Red Roses," Sting
"Sally Brown," Teddy Thompson
"Lowlands Away," Rufus Wainwright & Kate McGarrigle
"Baltimore Whores," Gavin Friday
"Rolling Sea," Eliza Carthy
"The Mermaid," Martin Carthy & the UK Group
"Haul On The Bowline," Bob Neuwirth
"Dying Sailor to His Shipmates," Bono
"Bonnie Portmore," Lucinda Williams
"Shenandoah," Richard Greene & Jack Sh*t
"The Cry Of Man," Mary Margaret O'Hara

Disc two:
"Boney," Jack Sh*t
"Good Ship Venus," Loudon Wainwright III
"Long Time Ago," White Magic
"Pinery Boy," Nick Cave
"Lowlands Low," Bryan Ferry with Antony
"One Spring Morning," Akron/Family
"Hog Eye Man," Martin Carthy & family
"The Fiddler/A Drop of Nelson's Blood," Ricky Jay & Richard Greene
"Caroline and Her Young Sailor Bold," Andrea Corr
"Fathom The Bowl," John C. Reilly
"Drunken Sailor," David Thomas
"Farewell Nancy," Ed Harcourt
"Hanging Johnny," Stan Ridgway
"Old Man of The Sea," Baby Gramps
"Greenland Whale Fisheries," Van Dyke Parks
"Shallow Brown," Sting
"The Grey Funnel Line," Jolie Holland
"A Drop of Nelson's Blood," Jarvis Cocker
"Leave Her Johnny," Lou Reed
"Little Boy Billy," Ralph Steadman

Sounds like a very interesting collection of songs and performers (Nick Cave, Bono, Gavin Friday, Lou Reed!) I think I will OD on Pirate themed stuff this year but I am willing to take my chances.

Happy Friday everyone! Have a Wonderful 4th of July Weekend!!!

Thursday, June 29, 2006

A Rant a Day Keeps the Idiots at Bay

Alright, I have a few rants to post here today, I can't help it.

#1: We just got a new phone system installed in our company. Who made the choices on which phone system to purchase? Did our receptionist have a say? Did anyone who uses more than a desk phone have a say? Of course not! Who did then you ask? Why our CFO and IT guy that's who! The guys who only use the phone on their desks and who have never had to be at the front reception desk routing calls. Yeah, and guess how many steps it took to get a call to the intended party with the old system? 3 steps. How many does it take now? Oh about 11 steps. Yeah. 11 Steps!
How about paging you ask? When paging you have to wait to hear the page system open or only part of your page will be heard. The old system lag: 3 seconds. New System Lag...8 Seconds! There is nothing more amusing that picking up your phone to page someone and having to count to 10 (b/c people count faster than actual seconds last)before beginning. I could use the bathroom, get a cup of coffee and blog in that time! I am thinking we called the Neaderthals and asked if they had any suggestions for a cheap phone system, ignoring the fact that 2 major parts of it would interefere with customer service (people having to wait forever to be connected). What's customer service anyway, right? The Moral: If you have no idea if the product will work to suit your needs, ask someone who knows to give imput. Make informed decisions people!!! arrggh!

#2 Stupid people. Stupid people who make fun of others for doing something they do all the time. Stupid people who judge and are rude. Stupid people who think they are "all that" but are the farthest from it. Stupid people who can't live their own lives but are experts at everyone elses. Stupid people who don't learn from their lessons. Stupid people.

#3Blogger not letting me upload any photos until late afternoon. I mean BLOODY HELL! What is the deal? I wanted to post a pic (just one) on a post I did earlier. I couldn't so I decided to do this rant. I guess I will try to post that one tomorrow. I know, I know. What do you want for free, yeah?

#4 Flooding! Where is the sun to dry up all the rain? (sans the itsy bitsy spider of course!) I mean did you see the video on, CNN or the Today show about the restaurant in upstate NY that got swept away when the creek overflowed? Yeah, well that was my little podunk hometown. We are short one restaurant now. Check out this VIDEO CLIPshot by a local resident. No worries about my parents, they live on the opposite end of town and tho they have not had phone service, they luckily have not had any flooding in to the basement...yet.:0) Syracuse has managed to stay fairly dry so far but east and south of here got nailed as you can see.

#5 Construction bites too. This week the entire road I work on is being stripped and repaved. Today I sat in traffic for 15 minutes, which made me 15 minutes late, which means I have to make it up by not taking a lunch today. Not only are they doing construction but the NYS Thruway starting in Syracuse and ending in Schenectady (near Albany, state capital) was closed due to the flooding and that traffic was being rerouted in the area of my work and the construction. So double to traffic at 1/4 of the normal speed. Not fun. They best get that paving done quick. I can barely drag my ass to work on time as it is and now I have to add 15 -20 minutes to my time for construction? Arrggh.

I know, I am nit-picking, but I had to have a 5th one! I am lucky I was only stuck for 15 minutes! I am sure those of you that live/work in metropolitan areas are telling me to stop whinning. Ok. I'll stop.

Have any rants to add???

Let's hope blogger is cooperative with pics for tomorrow's post!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Super Whatever Wednesday!!

Lately there has been all this talk about Superheros. As you know Superman is back on the big screen this summer, followed by Spidey and Batman returning in 2007. Sure they all wear tights and run around big cities, but that doesn't lessen their masculinity or effectiveness.

Personally I think Superman is fairly lame when it come to Superheros. I mean really people! The guy wears glasses and civilian clothes during the day and when crisis calls he puts on leotards, a cape and ditches the glasses. That's just ridiculous. Sure I agree with his motto of Truth , Justice and The American Way, but couldn't he be a little cooler? Superman does deliver and saves the day, but the character is not interesting enough to keep my attention. That's when my attention turns to the evil Lex Luthor b/c he is so much more interesting! I think the newer comic book and animated versions of Superman are decent but the movies just don't do him justice. Maybe this latest Superman movie will prove me wrong. Lex Luthor will always be the ubercool character of that story tho.

Spiderman is definately a favorite of mine despite my irrational arachnophobia I deal with everyday. He's an average Joe who one day gets bitten by a radioactive spider and becomes Spiderman. If you are going to be a freak, this guy has the best abilities: Climbing walls, webslinging/swinging and spidey sense. Speaking of Spidey Sense,I have that too. I can spot a spider within seconds in any room I am in. I think because of my phobia, by senses are heightened to their presence. Weird, I know, but I digress...Spiderman knows what it is like to be normal and he also knows what it is like to be "super". This gives him a perspective on crime fighting that Superman doesn't have. The movies have been really great. I am hoping the next installment will be as addicting!

Of course there is one superhero that has been my favorite ever since I was little. Maybe it was because I watched The Adventures of Zorro (the original black and white eps) when I was younger and somehow it made me appreciate a man dressed in black wearing a mask...hahaha. Yes, I am talking about Batman. How much cooler can you get than a man who sought out and trained for years to return to his beloved Gotham City and fight the villans who pray on it's citizens? Sure he's a billionaire playboy as Bruce Wayne, so he has the money to fund all sorts of things like Batmobiles and awesome gadgets etc., but he is also a man with no special powers. He has skills people. Martial Arts skills... Stealthy Attack skills...Intimidating skills...The Batman relys on himself and his strength to defeat the evil. He is by far the most noble of Superheros in my book! You've got to love the villians of Batman too. They are creepy and demented, which makes you root for the Dark Knight even more.

Here are some little bits from interviews with Christian Bale and for the upcoming Batman movies. There are some very interesting comments here which makes me even more psyched for future Batman flicks!

Christian Bale (Batman) was the first to sign, followed by Michael Caine (Alfred), and Morgan Freeman (Lucius Fox).A source also tells, "Everyone is in agreement that the movie's strength is with Christian Bale, Michael Caine and Morgan Freeman." Then adding of Katie Holmes, "She won't be in the sequel... the next romantic interest will be a much stronger actress." "Warner is happy that people are now focusing on who'll be playing the JOKER rather than Katie and Tom."

Actor Christian Bale spoke to MTV about the Joker possibly being included in a sequel to the successful Batman Begins movie and how he feels about the infamous character."I want to see the Joker, because I think it will be a very different kind of Joker than people have seen before," he said. "I think even the card that you see at the end of the movie shows that it is a darker, more sinister-looking Joker than anything I have seen depicted before. I think it would be a good adversary."Bale also talked to the Chicago Sun-Times where he expressed his thoughts on Robin, the character whom plays Batman's teenage sidekick in the comics and previous Batman films."Thank God, there was no Robin," Bale says. "You really don't need him because Robin makes it campy and not dark.

The joker will not be killed in the sequel, that is a mistake they made in the frist film by Burton… it will spill into the 3rd installment where the Joker scars DA Harvey Dent in court with the acid….etc

According to BoF, the only names bandied about by Warners right now are British thesp Paul Bettany and the relatively unknown Aussie actor Lachy Hulme.

No Katie, the return of the Joker and we're in total agreement over the Robin factor!! They must have read my mind! Oh and BTW, noone was caring about Katie and Tom, I think most Bat fans were annoyed that she was even cast in the movie in the first place! Hmmm...I wonder who will be the next love interest? Angelina Jolie would make a fabulous Catwoman, yeah? If she is not available, I think I could clear my schedule to help Christian Bale out:)

Monday, June 26, 2006

Monday Blah blah blah

Hello all. It's Monday and I haven't the slightest thing to blog about. Well, actually I do but I have no energy to do it. Perhaps tomorrow you will get something worth reading. In the meantime, here are some pics from movies I watched this weekend:

This movie was so awesome and I haven't seen in awhile so I popped it in Sunday afternoon!

Not a bad flick. Interesting story, kick ass girl main character and some hot guys too (including a little bit of Stuart Townsend!)

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Hot and Not list: Pet Peeves and My Heroes

This week I thought the Hot and Not list whould contain personality flaws and quirks. We all have heroes (HOT) we respect for their mature handeling of situations and we all have pet peeves (NOT) which reflect how clueless some people are in their daily dealings. Here is a list (with some silly added in)I think you will all enjoy:

HOT: People who smile at everyone, even those people they don't know, just because they can and are happy.

NOT: People who don't smile back b/c they don't know the person and scowl instead.

HOT: A person who knows current events, world and local news and likes to discuss them.

NOT: A person who never takes the time to educate themselves about the world or worry about anything but themselves.

HOT: People who watch Wonderfalls (or are planning to watch it) ;)

NOT: People who don't watch Wonderfalls

HOT: People who ignore the fact that the common kitchen in the office smells like tunafish surprise b/c it would be childish to comment on the odor.

NOT: People who comment on the tuna surprise oder in the common kitchen, raise their voices so all can hear and make a big deal out of it. (Yay, your nose works! Too bad your mouth does too!)

HOT: Someone who Compliments you on how young you look for your age.

NOT: Someone who treats you like a child b/c you look young for your age.

HOT: People who enjoy getting to know a variety of people and learning about different backgrounds and cultures.

NOT: People who judge based on limited information and b/c they are not like them.


NOT: People who don't luv D-O-Gs

HOT: People who love the Goonies

NOT: People who have NEVER seen the Goonies. (HELLO!! If you are over the age of 8 what planet are you from anyway???)

Gosh I could go on forever! But alas, it is time for lunch. Hope you enjoyed this week's Hot and Not list! Have a great day!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

4th of July Reunion Party: Blowout 2006!!!

Just in case anyone is in fact taking a trip to purchase some fireworks again this year, I thought I would list some old favorites as well as some new ones to add to the mix. :)

Firstly, the favorites:

Shagadellic Mojo! Yeah Baby!

Pyrotechnic Motherlode? Shut your mouth!

And my personal favorite: Toot 'N Twirl!!!
"Excuse Me." (blush)

Here are some new names to add to this year's extravaganza:

Don't fear the Reaper.

Just in case Tom Cruise and L.Ron stop by:

I hope I didn't offend anyone with my "Stinko De Mayo Post"!!!

Last but not least...MY EYE!!!!!


Hey, with or without fireworks, our 4th of July Reunion Parties are a great fun, safe and completely legal. Just in case you were wondering.:)

Have a great day everyone!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Awww...Wook at dat nice D-O-G!!!

Since I don't feel like blogging much I thought I would just post this adorable picture.

Hims could be my guardian Angel!!

Friday, June 16, 2006

Yippeee!!! Hey You Guys!!!!

Not only is it Friday and I am looking forward to my weekend with family but I also got the coolest package in the mail yesterday when I arrived home!

Who sent this fantastic package and what was in it you ask? Why Amy sent it with the help of her good friend Wiccachicky! These girls got a little silly and sent me some sunshine! Inside was a velvet peacock coloring set and a set of squirt guns in a variety of chic colors that will go well with my mostly black wardrobe. Don't worry, those squirt guns will be put to good use, tho I cannot guarentee that they will always be used for good and not evil. (insert maniacal laugh here)

The highlight of this grouping was the Goonies "Truffle Shuffle" T-shirt!!! Yes, that's what I said!! CHUNK!!! I have a Truffle Shuffle T-shirt people!! HOW COOL IS THAT??? Here is a pic of my shirt I found online to show you all:

Seriously, how nice was that of them to send me that package? I have gotten to know them a bit b/c Amy stumbled onto my blog and passed the word on to Wiccachicky. I love reading their blogs and it's so nice to have blogger friends! We are all Goonies at heart! Thanks guys! You ROCK!!!!

Have a great weekend everybody and catch you next week: Same blog time same blog address!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

What's Up? and This Week's Hot and Not List

Today is Thursday, almost Friday and hopefully the end of the craziness for me this week. My eldest niece's High School Graduation party is Saturday and the entire family is coming in for it. Since I am seeing everyone I have 3 birthday gifts, her grad present, plus it's Father's Day and I have a gift for my Dad as well. Thankfully I got all the presents wrapped and situated Tuesday night so tonight I am concentrating on packing and doing some last minute shopping for something to wear for the party. It's going to be a hot one (90 degrees or better they say) and a girl ALWAYS needs a new outfit you know! If timing is right, I may stop off for a pedicure...I need a little relaxation b/c everyone and everything has been driving me bonkers this week.:)

HOT: I watched two movies this past week. The first was "Dear Frankie" starring my Gerry Butler. This movie was an independent Scottish film (I believe)about a young deaf boy who writes letters to his absent Dad. You can read the synopsis here. The young boy was amazing and so adorable you just had to love him. Gerry was great as the "Mysterious Stranger" and there were many funny and touching moments in this film. I highly recommend it if you have the chance to see it. I laughed, and yes I cried (I admit it) and I loved it.

NOT: The second movie was "Underworld: Evolution" Two words: It Sucked. Yeah and not b/c it was about vampires either. It was way gory, even worse than the first, and I found it really boring. It's bad when you don't acer about the main characters. I didn't really care if Scott Speedman got the shit kicked out of him. I love Kate Beckinsale, but throughout the entire movie I was thinking that she would make an amazing Lara Croft if Angie doesn't want to do a third movie. I know a lot of people loved this series, but I was not thrilled.

HOT: Last night whilst at the library I picked up "Siddhartha" by Hermann Hess. we were supposed to read this book in English Prep Senior year, but of course I never did. I have seen and read many things lately that have spoken about Siddhartha and decided that it is time I read it. I started it last night and hope to finish it tonight. I am very intrigued by this story of young Siddhartha looking for enlightenment. It's seems to be hitting home for me right now.

NOT: Julia Roberts on Broadway. I can't stand Julia Roberts. I used to like her, back when she was innocent and sweet in "Sleeping with the Enemy" and "Pretty Woman" but now she comes off as a jaded, bitter actress with a hefty chip on her shoulder. Poor Julia didn't get a TONY. :(She's only been in one broadway show and for only a month she doesn't deserve one!! I feel bad for those talented actors out there slaving away to try to make it on broadway now that all these Hollywood multitaskers are stealing roles and paychecks away from them. Bravo Julia!

HOT: I just found out today that Ben and Jerry's has some cool new ice crean flavors out. a few of my favorites on their list are "Neopolitan Dynamite", "Berried Treasure" and "Vermonty Python"!!! How funny are they? Check out all their flavors here at "What's New Lagoon".

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

"Be yourself, no matter what they say"

Sting wrote that lyric into "Englishman in New York" and from the first moment I heard it I couldn't agree more. If you can't be yourself, you are lost. I know how to be myself in any situation, abiding by those unspoken social rules but still staying true to myself. That to me is part of maturity: Knowing what cards to show when, but knowing every card you play comes from your deck, and not someone elses.

Here are some other great quotes that speak the same truth.

"He who trims himself to suit everyone will soon whittle himself away." ~Raymond Hull

"God has given you one face, and you make yourself another. " ~William Shakespeare

"Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else." ~Judy Garland

"We are so accustomed to disguise ourselves to others that in the end we become disguised to ourselves. " ~François Duc de La Rochefoucauld

"It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are." ~e.e. cummings

"Hateful to me as the gates of Hades is that man who hides one thing in his heart and speaks another." ~Homer

"There is just one life for each of us: our own." ~Euripides

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." ~Dr. Seuss

"This above all: To thine own self be true" ~William Shakespeare

Be yourself! No regrets! Carpe Diem! Life is too short! Goonies never say die! (Ok maybe that last one was a bit off topic) tee-hee!

Have a great day everyone!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

A Musical meme!

Ok, so I stole this littel gem from Amy. It looked pretty neat so here goes. even tho I thought of a bunch of other fgroups like The Rolling Stones and Led Zepplin etc here are the ten that came out first.

List ten musical artists you like (do this before reading the questions/responses below).

1) Sting
2) Cold Play
3) U2
4) The Red Hot Chili Peppers
5) The Doors
6) Seal
7) John Mayer
9) Van Halen

1. What was the first song you ever heard by No. 6? "Crazy" because we're never gonna survive unless, we get a little crazy...

2. What is your favourite album of No. 8? "Kick" It was in heavy rotation in Jr High.

3. What is your favorite lyric of No. 5? I will do two, 1 sad, 1 happy: "This is the end,Beautiful friend,This is the end,My only friend, the end Of our elaborate plans, the end
Of everything that stands, the end No safety or surprise, the end Ill never look into your eyes...again" And now a happy: "She lives on love street Lingers long on love street She has a house and garden I would like to see what happens"

4. How many times have you seen each of your ten bands live? Sting: once Some of the others are dead/not together anymore and the fact that I don't get to see many live bands.

5. What is your favorite song by No. 7?: "Neon" is a great tune.

6. Is there a song of No. 3 that makes you sad? "Stuck in a moment that you can't get out of"

7. What is your favorite song by No. 2? "In my Place"

8. What is your favorite song by No. 9? Oh that is too hard to pick just one!! When I was little it was "Hot for Teacher" b/c I loved the crazy drums and guitar. Now I would say: "Drop Dead Legs"

9. What is your favorite album by No. 1? Ten Summoner's Tales is my favorite Sting CD for Summer...otherwise I would list all his albums b/c I can't pick an overall favorite!!

10. How did you get into No. 3? My brother used to listen to the Joshua Tree in High school, but it wasn't into them until college when someone bought me Zooropa as a birthday gift. It was a random gift by someone I hardly knew.

11. What is your favorite song by No. 4? I have 4 RHCP songs: "Taste the Pain", "Breaking the Girl", "Around the World" and "Hey"

12. Who is your favorite band member in No. 9? Eddie Van Hallen of course! Hot (well maybe not so much anymore? haven't seen him lately) but he is amazing on that guitar!

13. Which of the ten has influenced you the most? All have influenced or touched me in some way thru their music. Sting has to be the most influencial. His music is always with me, thru good and bad. The good times feel as if they couldn't get any better and the bad times never seem as bad when I am listening to him.

14. What is a good memory concerning No. 2? The fact that some of my friends think of me whenever they hear Cold Play (on the radio, in a store etc.).

15. Is there a song by No. 8 that makes you sad? "Never Tear Us Apart"

16. What is your favorite song of No. 1? "Englishman in New York", "Fields of Gold","After the Rain has Fallen" and "Seven Days": Again I could go on and on but this is long enough already!

17. What would you do to meet No. 10? I would get back stage because I would steal a pass from an unsuspecting attendant and pass it off as my own. :) I am pretty stealthy like that you know...

Monday, June 12, 2006

Revisiting the Past

This weekend was spent at my parents home for the annual "Violet Festival" in my hometown. Alot has changed over the years since I graduated High School, and even tho I visit my parents at least once a month, this weekend really drove home a few things for me. It was a sort of an awakening for me, tho an emotional one but I think I will be glad I had this range of emotion later on.

As I walked around the town I saw many people I knew and had gone to High school with. Some are still living in the area and some like me, were visiting for the weekend. I saw a classmate who is divorced, has two children and is now living (or dating not sure which) with a man 8 years older than her and his 2 children from two previous marriages. This guy was one of my brother's best friends in high school and I had the biggest crush on him when I was little. To see him, "dating" a girl who I graduated from HS with kind of creeped me out.

I remember about 5 or 6 years ago, many of my classmates were getting married and having babies and I was thinking that maybe I was on the wrong path or doing the wrong things. As I chatted with them and caught up a bit I was thinking to myself how old my friend was looking. I say this without malice or judgement, but I am glad I have not married yet. I would not want to have married and divorced with two children by the age of 28 or 29. I felt lucky that I am where I am right now, and happy with my life thus far. I am not be immune to these situations but it is clearer every day that I am right to be picky, and not settle.

Running into an ex is always fun too. This time he is married and has a 8 month old child. He married one of the biggest hos in town. She was at one time the village bicycle and have you ever heard of the saying "A face only a mother could love"? I always say, anytime you can rank on a ex's new girl, it's wise to be as vicious as possible. I am not bitter about it, it's just sad. He is a small town (fairly hot) guy who has small town thoughts and is now married to an ugly troll of a girl. I know looks aren't everything, but if you saw this girl, you would rather slit your wrists and sit in a tub of rubbing alcohol than wake up to that every morning for the rest of your life!!! Was that vicious enough?

Yeah, moving on. This is a really mean spirited post huh? Sorry about that, but it's going to get even worse. I guess everything hit me at once and I became an emotional wreck last night.

I also saw the sister of my friend who had died in a car crash 9 years ago. It's always nice to see her, but it's also weird b/c I immediately can't stop thinking about Jenn, and I am sure that she is reminded b/c of me. Those memories of the phone call I received that morning, along with her wake and funeral came rushing back to me and I couldn't clear my mind of them to get to sleep last night. My emotions were so close to the surface that I literally thought I was going mad. The images were so vibrant, as if I was reliving them all over again. I thought I had dealt with her death. I thought I had squared myself and accepted it and moved on. Moved on, tho remembered her. Maybe realizing that it had been 9 years in May without my kindred friend was the kicker. Maybe it was alot of things that came to mind about how much Jenn has missed over the last 9 years and also how much I miss her.

Ahhh, sorry about that. I just had to get that out. Ever since Jenn, I have been in avoidance/numb mode when it came to family deaths, only to have an outburst down the road. It's not healthy but I hate crying in front of people. Feel free to call a grief counselor on my behalf. After reading that, I am sure I am in need of some help. :)

Many good things happened over the weekend however as well. I saw a few coworkers as well as my Boss from the music store. It was nice to chat with him for a bit, seeing that my position was cut in such a manner that I was a bit annoyed when I left. He's a good guy and treated me very well while I was there like supporting me thru my major surgery. He apologized at the time and told me I would thank him for it eventually b/c I needed to get out of the area and do something better with my life. He was right, and here I am finding my way.

I also ate extremely well(as usual). Dad had made BBQ ribs and London Broil Saturday night, there was ice cream and lunch out and Dad's homemade sphaghetti sauce and meatballs on Sunday. I wouldn't have been happier (or more full!) Oh and a cozy fire in the fireplace (since it was barely 50 degrees this weekend!!!) was the icing on the cake (and my saving grace) this weekend.

It all comes down to being happy with who and where you are. Being with Family and friends and being thankfull for your blessings is the key. I am still here, I have a lot to accomplish and I wouldn't trade it for anything. This weekend made me realize more than ever that I am going to be fine and I am getting to where I want to be. Maybe the journey is starting slowly, but I am making strides all the time, emotional baggage and all.

Well, now that I have used up my serious post for the week, I hope to be able to post some light and silly posts at some point. :) Have a good day everyone.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Since Blogger has been a bit sluggish this week I haven't been able to post much. It's Friday, I am bored already at work and I thought some updates and randomness would keep me going, so here goes.

Recently the feeling to travel has been getting stronger. Not that I have money to travel anywhere very far right now, but the urge to just get away to someplace new for the weekend has been nagging at me. It's not so much to travel very far but to see and experience something new. Although I would love to travel abroad, I feel that there are many things to see and do right here in my own country. One of the main things that is holding me back is not having any friends in the area that want to explore with me. This weekend when I am home I am planning a hike as long as the weather cooperates. Maybe that will placate me for awhile, until I can formulate an adventure with some kindred souls (Christine! My Boys up north!!!).

The library gig is going great. The Librarian wants to start getting me acclimated with the administrative duties she does. Everyone is really great there and I think the more I learn early on about the different aspects of running a library, the better off I wil be when it comes to applying for schools and having a real focus. I am excited b/c who knows where I will end up. I have an incling judging from the ideas I have and things I like so far...but I won't make any predictions. I proved how NOT psychic I am by predicting Angelina would have a boy a few posts back...

I am also scoring some sweet books to read for this summer: my favorites! Historical fiction on Egypt and Pirates so far!! They have been just jumping off the shelves at me! I have also stumbled upon a movie I have been trying to find called "Dear Frankie" starring my Gerry Butler. I love the library!!!

That's it! Posting that pic did me in. I got nothin' else to say! What could possible follow Gerry Butler?

Have a great weekend everybody!

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

"I wonder wonder why the Wonderfalls..."

By now, all of you who read this blog understand some of my personality quirks. If you are still reading this, I guess you have decided that you're OK with it, or that you simply don't care but enjoy reading my ridiculousness. Either way I am sure you won't mind another post about my recently aquired Wonderfalls Season 1 DVD. I have been watching the episodes and the more I see the more I love this crazy little show.

Jaye, the main character in Wonderfalls works in a retail souvenir shop in Niagra Falls. Her family worries why she is working a dead end job and not using her degree. The thing I like about this character is that she is completely real, well, aside from talking to inanimate objects. She gets annoyed with her customers, hangs with her friends and gets into some wacky situations b/c there is nothing else to do. The whole premise is relatable to anyone b/c everyone experiences the adjustments of trying to find their place in this world, especially if you feel that you have no control over anything. Sometimes I too feel like I'm "fate's bitch".
I think your ability to relate is why we like certain shows or movies so much. If you can relate to the characters or story in some way you are more interested in their stories. I smirk when I think that I was that girl who worked in a retail store and felt my life was running me, not the other way around. Of course the dead end job thing still holds true for me now as well. It also hits home when the pink flamingo looks at Jaye and says “Get off your Ass”, b/c I know I need to get off mine when it comes to certain parts of my life. “Get her Words out!”, “Girl needs a boy”, I could go on forever!

There are little instances that really make my viewing of Wonderfalls even more enjoyable. Remember my Indiana Jones pic I altered to dipict the coffee caraf/mug switch I do at work when I am impatient for the coffee to be done? If not refresh your memory of my Coffee Adventure. Yeah, well, Jaye pulled that one in an episode. That made me absolutely split. Lovesick Ass I think was the episode. I also love the way she yells “Crap!” at appropriate junctures, and makes faces of annoyance or disgust and doesn’t hide them. These few instances that her behavior mirrors mine, crack me up and make the show even more near and dear to my heart.

Who can I thank for introducing me to this new Wonderfalls obsession? Tabby! All she said was that she thought I would really like the show. Now that I have watched all but the last episode, I am interested to see if she will tell me if there was anything specific that triggered her to think of me. Perhaps she will post a comment and tell us!? (hint, hint)

Here is the first part of the lyrics to the Wonderfalls Themesong (as If I haven't already beaten a dead horse...)Ewwww! I hate that analogy! Let's forget I even wrote it!!! Poor Old Horsey...

"We're bobbing along in our barrel
Some of us tip right over the edge
But there's one thing really mystifying
Got me laughing, now it's got me crying
All my life I will be death defying
'Til I know

I wonder wonder why the wonderfalls
I wonder why the wonderfalls on me
I wonder wonder why the wonderfalls
With everything I touch and hear and see”

Just to make things clear, the black cat jelly bean dispenser on my desk told me to post this. :)

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Remember last Halloween when I was the Devil? I thought it appropriate to post this pic again today.

Well, everyone is freaking out because today is 6/6/06. Wanna hear something even creepier? My friend Ariane works in Manhatten in building 666. HAHAHA. "Stupid superstitious bastards" (name that movie anyone?)

I tried to post all day yesterday but something was funky with Blogger and also our server. I still can't upload any pics on my post I wanted to do yesterday. SO annoying. So the one I wanted to post yesterday will have to wait and this is as good as it gets today!

Since Today is DEVIL DAY, cause a little mayhem of your own!

Friday, June 02, 2006

I Want a New Drug...

Since I am swamped here at work today I thought I would post this hysterical email I received from my friend Lura.


D A M N I T O L : Take 2 and the rest of the world can go to hell for up to 8 full hours.

ST. M O M M A'S W O R T : Plant extract that treats mom's depression by rendering preschoolers unconscious for up to two days.

E M P T Y N E S T R O G E N: Suppository that eliminates melancholy and loneliness by reminding you of how awful they were as teenagers and how you couldn't wait till they moved

P E P T O B I M B O: Liquid silicone drink for single women. Two full cups swallowed before an
evening out increases breast size, decreases intelligence, and prevents conception.

D U M B E R O L :When taken with Peptobimbo, can cause dangerously low IQ, resulting in
enjoyment of country music and pickup trucks.

F L I P I T O R: Increases life expectancy of commuters by controlling road rage and the
urge to flip off other drivers.

M E N I C I L L I N: Potent anti-boy-otic for older women. Increases resistance to such lethal
lines as, "You make me want to be a better person .Can we get naked now?.

BUYAGRA: Injectable stimulant taken prior to shopping Increases potency, duration,
and credit limit of spending spree.

J A C K A S S P I R I N :Relieves headache caused by a man who can't remember your birthday, anniversary, phone number, or to lift the toilet seat.

A N T I-T A L K S I D E N T: A spray carried in a purse or wallet to be used on anyone too eager to share their life stories with total strangers in elevators.

Have a great weekend everyone!!!