Thursday, June 15, 2006

What's Up? and This Week's Hot and Not List

Today is Thursday, almost Friday and hopefully the end of the craziness for me this week. My eldest niece's High School Graduation party is Saturday and the entire family is coming in for it. Since I am seeing everyone I have 3 birthday gifts, her grad present, plus it's Father's Day and I have a gift for my Dad as well. Thankfully I got all the presents wrapped and situated Tuesday night so tonight I am concentrating on packing and doing some last minute shopping for something to wear for the party. It's going to be a hot one (90 degrees or better they say) and a girl ALWAYS needs a new outfit you know! If timing is right, I may stop off for a pedicure...I need a little relaxation b/c everyone and everything has been driving me bonkers this week.:)

HOT: I watched two movies this past week. The first was "Dear Frankie" starring my Gerry Butler. This movie was an independent Scottish film (I believe)about a young deaf boy who writes letters to his absent Dad. You can read the synopsis here. The young boy was amazing and so adorable you just had to love him. Gerry was great as the "Mysterious Stranger" and there were many funny and touching moments in this film. I highly recommend it if you have the chance to see it. I laughed, and yes I cried (I admit it) and I loved it.

NOT: The second movie was "Underworld: Evolution" Two words: It Sucked. Yeah and not b/c it was about vampires either. It was way gory, even worse than the first, and I found it really boring. It's bad when you don't acer about the main characters. I didn't really care if Scott Speedman got the shit kicked out of him. I love Kate Beckinsale, but throughout the entire movie I was thinking that she would make an amazing Lara Croft if Angie doesn't want to do a third movie. I know a lot of people loved this series, but I was not thrilled.

HOT: Last night whilst at the library I picked up "Siddhartha" by Hermann Hess. we were supposed to read this book in English Prep Senior year, but of course I never did. I have seen and read many things lately that have spoken about Siddhartha and decided that it is time I read it. I started it last night and hope to finish it tonight. I am very intrigued by this story of young Siddhartha looking for enlightenment. It's seems to be hitting home for me right now.

NOT: Julia Roberts on Broadway. I can't stand Julia Roberts. I used to like her, back when she was innocent and sweet in "Sleeping with the Enemy" and "Pretty Woman" but now she comes off as a jaded, bitter actress with a hefty chip on her shoulder. Poor Julia didn't get a TONY. :(She's only been in one broadway show and for only a month she doesn't deserve one!! I feel bad for those talented actors out there slaving away to try to make it on broadway now that all these Hollywood multitaskers are stealing roles and paychecks away from them. Bravo Julia!

HOT: I just found out today that Ben and Jerry's has some cool new ice crean flavors out. a few of my favorites on their list are "Neopolitan Dynamite", "Berried Treasure" and "Vermonty Python"!!! How funny are they? Check out all their flavors here at "What's New Lagoon".


Blogger Amy said...

I LOVE Ben & Jerry's. Too bad they're not on the Jenny Craig approved food list. Bah. I had such a fun time last summer trying all their new flavors--Dublin Mudslide, Marsha Marsha Marshmallow, etc. The new ones sound good--but I miss One Sweet Whirled. (Love me my DMB!)

1:39 PM, June 15, 2006  

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