Thursday, June 29, 2006

A Rant a Day Keeps the Idiots at Bay

Alright, I have a few rants to post here today, I can't help it.

#1: We just got a new phone system installed in our company. Who made the choices on which phone system to purchase? Did our receptionist have a say? Did anyone who uses more than a desk phone have a say? Of course not! Who did then you ask? Why our CFO and IT guy that's who! The guys who only use the phone on their desks and who have never had to be at the front reception desk routing calls. Yeah, and guess how many steps it took to get a call to the intended party with the old system? 3 steps. How many does it take now? Oh about 11 steps. Yeah. 11 Steps!
How about paging you ask? When paging you have to wait to hear the page system open or only part of your page will be heard. The old system lag: 3 seconds. New System Lag...8 Seconds! There is nothing more amusing that picking up your phone to page someone and having to count to 10 (b/c people count faster than actual seconds last)before beginning. I could use the bathroom, get a cup of coffee and blog in that time! I am thinking we called the Neaderthals and asked if they had any suggestions for a cheap phone system, ignoring the fact that 2 major parts of it would interefere with customer service (people having to wait forever to be connected). What's customer service anyway, right? The Moral: If you have no idea if the product will work to suit your needs, ask someone who knows to give imput. Make informed decisions people!!! arrggh!

#2 Stupid people. Stupid people who make fun of others for doing something they do all the time. Stupid people who judge and are rude. Stupid people who think they are "all that" but are the farthest from it. Stupid people who can't live their own lives but are experts at everyone elses. Stupid people who don't learn from their lessons. Stupid people.

#3Blogger not letting me upload any photos until late afternoon. I mean BLOODY HELL! What is the deal? I wanted to post a pic (just one) on a post I did earlier. I couldn't so I decided to do this rant. I guess I will try to post that one tomorrow. I know, I know. What do you want for free, yeah?

#4 Flooding! Where is the sun to dry up all the rain? (sans the itsy bitsy spider of course!) I mean did you see the video on, CNN or the Today show about the restaurant in upstate NY that got swept away when the creek overflowed? Yeah, well that was my little podunk hometown. We are short one restaurant now. Check out this VIDEO CLIPshot by a local resident. No worries about my parents, they live on the opposite end of town and tho they have not had phone service, they luckily have not had any flooding in to the basement...yet.:0) Syracuse has managed to stay fairly dry so far but east and south of here got nailed as you can see.

#5 Construction bites too. This week the entire road I work on is being stripped and repaved. Today I sat in traffic for 15 minutes, which made me 15 minutes late, which means I have to make it up by not taking a lunch today. Not only are they doing construction but the NYS Thruway starting in Syracuse and ending in Schenectady (near Albany, state capital) was closed due to the flooding and that traffic was being rerouted in the area of my work and the construction. So double to traffic at 1/4 of the normal speed. Not fun. They best get that paving done quick. I can barely drag my ass to work on time as it is and now I have to add 15 -20 minutes to my time for construction? Arrggh.

I know, I am nit-picking, but I had to have a 5th one! I am lucky I was only stuck for 15 minutes! I am sure those of you that live/work in metropolitan areas are telling me to stop whinning. Ok. I'll stop.

Have any rants to add???

Let's hope blogger is cooperative with pics for tomorrow's post!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Construction sucks no matter where you live! When they redid the highway out to my parents house (they live on an acreage b/c they don't farm) during one summer in high school I took back country roads to get to town for work ALL SUMMER LONG! GAH! Construction is SO crappy, until it's done...

7:27 PM, June 29, 2006  
Blogger Artistic Soul said...

General rule of thumb: Anyone hired to buy technology never thinks about how people are going to use it - they only get the most "high tech" and "cool" stuff they can for the budget they have.

Totally with you on all the other rants, though I add that moving sucks! Moving sucks sucks sucks.

10:11 AM, June 30, 2006  

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