Thursday, June 22, 2006

Hot and Not list: Pet Peeves and My Heroes

This week I thought the Hot and Not list whould contain personality flaws and quirks. We all have heroes (HOT) we respect for their mature handeling of situations and we all have pet peeves (NOT) which reflect how clueless some people are in their daily dealings. Here is a list (with some silly added in)I think you will all enjoy:

HOT: People who smile at everyone, even those people they don't know, just because they can and are happy.

NOT: People who don't smile back b/c they don't know the person and scowl instead.

HOT: A person who knows current events, world and local news and likes to discuss them.

NOT: A person who never takes the time to educate themselves about the world or worry about anything but themselves.

HOT: People who watch Wonderfalls (or are planning to watch it) ;)

NOT: People who don't watch Wonderfalls

HOT: People who ignore the fact that the common kitchen in the office smells like tunafish surprise b/c it would be childish to comment on the odor.

NOT: People who comment on the tuna surprise oder in the common kitchen, raise their voices so all can hear and make a big deal out of it. (Yay, your nose works! Too bad your mouth does too!)

HOT: Someone who Compliments you on how young you look for your age.

NOT: Someone who treats you like a child b/c you look young for your age.

HOT: People who enjoy getting to know a variety of people and learning about different backgrounds and cultures.

NOT: People who judge based on limited information and b/c they are not like them.


NOT: People who don't luv D-O-Gs

HOT: People who love the Goonies

NOT: People who have NEVER seen the Goonies. (HELLO!! If you are over the age of 8 what planet are you from anyway???)

Gosh I could go on forever! But alas, it is time for lunch. Hope you enjoyed this week's Hot and Not list! Have a great day!


Blogger Lamby31 said...

I thought I would add one of my own:
HOT: When someone offers to assist and they actually show up and are helpful.
NOT: When someone offers to assist then disappears...and after the event has the nerve to say "so, how do you think it went?"

4:51 PM, June 22, 2006  
Blogger Buffy said...

Not: people who go into the communal kitchen to fart and blow those. then go back to their room.

4:19 AM, June 24, 2006  
Blogger Amy said...

HOT: Sloth love Chunk!
NOT: people who think the Goonies is dumb
HOT: Respecting other's political viewpoints, even if they're not you're own
NOT: Disrespecting people b/c of their political viewpoints (this is different than good natured teasing)

6:04 PM, June 24, 2006  

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