Monday, June 30, 2008

Return of the Celebrity Collage

MyHeritage: Celebrity Collage - Genealogy research - Free family tree

MyHeritage: Celebrity Collage - Roots - Geneology

Thursday, June 26, 2008


Today I thought we could have a bit of fun in honor of the Movie WANTED coming out tomorrow. it just hit me to do a post and make my own version of the movie. The stills from the movie (as well as cobb jobs of my own) will serve as visual aides in my story-telling. It's based on my hillarius true life events of the last few days, twisted slightly to simplify, and made to sound more important than they really are. Enjoy the silly! (Check the comments for a brief disclaimer)

The Movie Poster:

[A Cell Phone Rings: Ringtone blares The Police tune "When the World is Running Down (You Make the Best of What's Still Around)
We hear the sound of a cell phone flipping open]

[cut to cell phone text message shot]

"You wanna hear my thoughts??"

[cut to the reply]

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Secret Life of CC: As Told by Cell Phone Pix

Receptionist: 2006

Concert Photographer: (RUSH Snakes and Arrows Tour 2007)

Cat Burglar: 9/2007

Guitar Hero Party Host: 10/2007

MindFreak and Luxor Lover: 1/2008

Mini Golf Pro: 6/2008 w/Nate C.

Card Shark: 6/2007

DJ Extraorinaire: 6/2008

Monday, June 23, 2008

Monday, Monday

After a hectic but fun weekend of preparing, attending and cleaning up my Niece's HS Graduation party, I am back at work and exhausted. I actually ignored my alarm at 6 this am, turned it off and slept until 7:45! I needed that extra sleep and probably could have used more. Work has been tough this afternoon now that the tiredness is hitting me. I could literally put my head on my desk and fall asleep within 3 minutes...Seriously.

The party was great and the best part was that all of my brothers and sisters were together at the same time! All 7 of us and Mom and DAD! We took pictures. I will share when I get them. That's the highlight of the weekend by far, since that doesn't happen very often!:)

Tomorrow my company is taking part in a run/walk with other companies in the city. I signed up because I did it last year, but this year I wish I hadn't signed up for it. I hate to not show up after my company paid my entrance fee for me, but I really don't want to go. The fee was only $28, and if it is raining I will not be attending, BUT we all know I will follow thru and go and I will probably have more fun than I think I will. It wouldn't look right if I backed out now, so I am sorta stuck. :(

Friday, June 20, 2008


Um, some quickies:

Had dinner with my friend Chantal last night. She is a riot. I love hanging out with her. We are famous for 3-4 hour dinners because we talk incessantly! :)

Tomorrow is the first of 3 graduation parties I have to attend this summer. My Niece Erin is having a Hawaiian themed party. Looks like it will be sunny and 81 so far in the forecast, so that is good. I am sure it will be fun.

Borrowed the movie "Jumper" from a friend this week. It was OK. I am sure the book was better. There were some really cool parts and I have to admit I have a little crush on Hayden Christensen. He was a bit distracting at times 'cause he's a bit of a smoldering mix of Brad Pitt and Justin least that's who came to my mind at the time. News has it that he might return to Jumper for a second and third installment...I could watch him for a few hours regardless of the movie.

Today is Friday!!! Try a little game from our friend
CLICK HERE (there is music so turn up the volume clowns!)


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Wierd & Wacky Wednesday!

I have come across some WIERD & WACKY stuff on the internet during my lunch today. Thought I would share the links and of course, my two cents::)

  1. Japan builds Robot Girlfriend for Lonely Men It's like an episode of Buffy coming to life!!
  2. Offshore Oil Drilling? Hello People!!!! A short term remedy for a long-term problem? What is WRONG with this country??? Why are we not looking into other fuel sources? Spending all this money on something that is running out and costing us a lot. Big Oil be damned, the ads about tapping into a 60 year supply (for only half the population BTW) is so bogus. Most of the old farts who are pushing this will be dead before 60 years is up and the rest of us will have to deal with their bad business decisions. WAKE UP!!! My parents brought up another great point. Think abou this: As the world pumps oil out of the earth, what is left behind? huge caverns of nothing? No wonder we are having tidal waves and earthquakes that are so devastating!
  3. Lemonade Stand Robbed! Huh? I hope this makes the Darwyn Awards! What a reject!
  4. Not so wacky news I saw was the passing of Cyd Charrise, a beautiful and amazingly talented dancer. I was just talking about her a few weeks back with my family. I definitely will be watching "Brigadoon", and "Singin' in the Rain" again soon in her honor.
  5. More WACKY from Dark Knight Viral Campaign: Two Face?! I need to be careful and not see too much. I would like to be surprised by the film when it comes out, ya know! Oh and to what lengths they will go, it's so ridiculous, but the kid in me is LOVING this Gotham Cable News Special Report

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Monday, June 16, 2008

CC's Signs of the Apocolypse

I think it's finally here. Yes, the apocolypse. Here are the happenings that have brought me to this conclusion:

  1. The economy: Gas prices, airline prices, food prices, and just prices in general have skyrocketed over the last 4-6 months. Jobs are hard to come by and if you have a job, make sure you CYA and are an asset: We've layed off 20 people in one week here at my place. (both Factory and Office staff!) That's roughly 10% of our employed workforce...and really scary.
  2. The Lost Boys 2 is coming out on video next month and The Two Coreys have a second season of their Reality show on A& E coming out this month. It really IS the end of the world as we know it!
  3. Harvey Corman and Tim Russert have both died in that past month. Now if that isn't a sign, I don 't know what is. Both Brilliant Men in their careers be it comedy or politics (and let's face it, both are interchangeable) they were amazing and will be missed.
  4. The GREEN movement is taking over everything, including stupid graphic tee's in every store. It's so overboard it makes me want to eat off styrofoam plates and drive to work on a lawnmower!
  5. Reese's Peanut Butter Cups are not what they used to be. The chocolate is horrendous, but so is Hershey's, Cadbury etc....
  6. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull...'nuff said.
  7. The Dark Knight Viral Campaign is more interesting than real life right now. BTW, a new Issue of THE GOTHAM TIMES is out! Can't wait for the HaHa Times of this one!!! (case in point)
  8. A woman who saves a squirrel and dresses it up and takes pictures of it is a good indicator that the end is near! (see post about Sugar Bush Squirrel entitled "And you thought I was NUTS")
  9. I was swimming in an 80 degree pool yesterday and got a nice bit of sun. Today we got a violent hail storm. Weird weather always is a predictor of the Apocalypse, right?
  10. My "Pirate Girl" sticker on the back of my car is almost 1/2 worn off...if that doesn't say "Apocalypse", I don't know what does!!

Seriously, has the world gone mad?

Thursday, June 12, 2008

For My Nephew Nathan:

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Got another email from Harvey Dent's campaign this morning. I was psyched to see that the Gotham City board of Elections was finally up and running and I was given the link to register and vote in the email.

Once my registration was complete, I received an email telling me my voting district and where my polling place is located there.

Here are the voting districts of Gotham City. My district is #23: Industial Park, Uptown.

Of course, Gotham City is forward thinking and allowed me to vote remotely online(their answer to absentee voting!) Here is the screenshot of my "I Voted" button I received after voting:

The polls are open June 9-13th. Register and vote at The Gotham City Election Board

Friday, June 06, 2008

And You Thought I Was NUTS!!!

Get ready to pee your pants at this crazy site I saw featured on Cute Overload! You are not going to believe it!

Check out: Sugar Bush Squirrel

No seriously people...

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Thursday Thoughts; Fractured Thoughts from a Fractured Mind

Sanity has once again settled in my bones. This last freak out was discouraging for me. You would think by now I would have a better hold on myself...funny how blogging about it actually helped, but makes me look like a bigger psycho than I actually am. Everyone deals with stress in different ways. I just tend to ignore it until it's too much and I break down for a few days. It also didn't help that I was suffering from a strange sinus sickness complete with dizziness, sore throat and fever/chills. I guess the fact that I admitted to having a breakdown is a good thing, huh?

Oh! Did I mention that Tuesday the 3rd was a New Moon? A coworker said that she wondered why her cats were acting so strangely that day...but then again...I'm no cat.

In other news, I am excited that my nephew Nathan is coming to visit this weekend. This is his "Birthday Get-Away with Crazy Aunt Carol". (Don't worry Henlib, I am still a responsible adult, no matter how crazy I sometimes am! ahah)I have some fun things planned (some which are surprises and I know Nate reads this from time to time so I won't say) and it will be a nice weekend weather wise here! We will have fun and I am looking forward to it!

I am sitting here typing this post after I had scarfed down my lunch. I have a lot to do yet today, but I feel like considering the beginning of my week (Monday: out sick, Tuesday: Mental breakdown)I have gotten quite a lot accomplished, and put many more irons in the fire. It feels overwhelming still, but I am one person, though an overachiever, and sometimes I just need to stop, take a breath and reorganize. I need to remind myself of that more often.

Every day that I wear a skirt, someone comments on my it was "you have very strong looking calf muscles". Thanks. That was random, but a compliment all the same. (To qualify: the person who made the comment is a friend and I am not worried about it and didn't take it in a harrassing way)

Wow I am jumping around a bit now in this post...isn't that crazy random and fractured?

At 2pm today I have a photo shoot for a few projects I am working on. I tried to convince the powers that be that I should make an appointment with the photographer for more than one project. Today I hope to accomplish shots for 3 projects! I hope it goes well!

I am currently reading Harper Lee's "To Kill A Mockingbird". Sure my english class in High School read this, but I didn't, just like 99% of books (with the exception of Shakespeare) I watched the movie instead. I know. Lame. I remember watching the movie and thinking "Wow. I wish I had read that book". Well, now I am, and I am loving every minute of it! (Special Thanks to Pinky's Library!)

Ok. I'm done. I need to get creative around here. How boring has this blog been lately? (with exception to the Flight of the Conchords videos of course!)


Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Stop me if you've heard this one before...

You are having a bad day...well, that's an understatement. It's like the walls are crashing in around you and you think you are having an emotional breakdown...yes, you think this might actually be the psychotic break that you knew would always come.

Unhappy with my current living situation and the noisey neighbors I am looking for another apartment. Not only one that won't be lined with such paper-thin walls/floors, but one that is closer to work and more accessible for visitors. Save gas. Save your social life. You know, kinda like "Heroes" only without the cheerleader.

Work is overwhelming me at the moment. 2 Major projects and a few minor ones that think they are major, plus the knowledge of a few more major projects coming down the pike have made me completely flip my lid. Oh and add into it a few coworkers that I would love to play target practice with and you have a volcanic episode.

Oh and my love life? The wrong guys are always interested, I can never seem to meet any decent guys, and the guys that everyone seems to think I am perfect for are ridiculously immature and completely clueless.

Take these three main parts of my life, throw them in a pot and stir it up and that was my confusion of this week. You would think that by now, I would be used to the Scorpio death and rebirth cycle, but this one just hit me pretty hard. Add in the New Moon yesterday and you might as well hide in your bunker, cause the nuclear bomb is on it's way!

As usual, my sister Lamby is my voice of reason. I know when I have a freak out she will calm me, put things in perspective and prescribe the best remedies. One was "Drink a Manhattan or two!" and the next was "Retail Therapy!" I took her advice on the second remedy and went out and replaced my PS2. Going home and rocking out on GH for an hour mindlessly was wonderful.

Jimi Hendrix has been stalking me via the radio airways for the last two I also (finally)bought a disc of greatest hits. Many songs and lyrics hit me as the perfect rememdy for my emotional turmoil yesterday such as the lyrics to "All Along the Watchtower" ("There must be some kind of way out of here" said the Joker to the thief. "There's too much confusion. I can't get no relief.") and "Manic Depression" ("Manic depression is touching my soul. I know what I want but I just don't know, how to go about getting it" and "Manic depression's a frustrating mess!"). Somehow, Jimi is doing his part to ease the pain and put things into prespective.


It is curious though, as I sit here I do feel different today. I feel as though something has changed. I hope it is for the better, and that this means a time of growth, change and focus is ahead for me. My horoscope is definitly on today:

Today's Scorpio Horoscope: Jun 04, 2008
Don't worry about not being on the right path, dear Scorpio, because you are. You seem to be always in the right place at the right time and there is no need to feel regret or shame about things that have happened in the past. Turn negative experiences into lessons for a better future. Even though you may not be able to change a certain situation, you can at least change your reaction to the situation.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

How did I miss this????

Just last week I had heard that they have actually made another Mummy Movie! Then I recently saw the trailer on TV. So I checked it out online and also went to You Tube to embed the trailer for you all to see.

I have to say, since "The Mummy Returns" was such a disappointment, this one looks entertaining because the expectation is no longer there. I am disappointed that Rachel Weisz is not reprising her role as Evie, however, I can't really blame her after "Returns". I am NOT happy that Maria Bello has darkened her hair and is trying to use an english accent in order to play Evelyn Carnahan, but John Hannah and Brenden Fraiser are still in it, so they might get me thru it. :)

Many people are bitching about this movie and how it's based in China this time. Apparently they are not aware that Mummified remains have been found in other parts of the world besides Egypt. Obviously no civialization has painstakingly created mummies from their dead as the Egyptians since it was not only a part of their culture but also of their religions as well, but mother nature, as well as some (unsuspecting) cultures have made mummies.(whether they meant to or not depending on climate and burial provisions)

Yes, the chances that an Egyptologist like Evie would have enough knowledge of another culture like the Ancient Chinese to also be an expert in that field is unlikely, HOWEVER, if she is focused on Mummies, then Mummies of any ancient civilization would be of interest to her in order to compare and contrast them with her beloved Egyptians.

But, yea, this is a movie, so reality and logic don't necessarily have to play into it then right? I just wanted a chance to defend the movie's premise. Something I could never do with a certain summer LACKLUSTER movie that shall not be named.

BTW, the movie that shall not be named has started a ridiculous "jump the shark" type phrase: "Nuke the Fridge". Would someone please hand me my twin semi-automatic pistols? I'm heading for the Star Wars Ranch.

Monday, June 02, 2008


If you go see a movie this spring: choose Ironman.

Witty, fun, and cool it is a great film for the entire family (but PG-13):) It also has some interesting commentary on the world today which makes it relevent and interesting for adults as well. Oh, and Robert Downey Jr. is looking GOOD.