Thursday, June 05, 2008

Thursday Thoughts; Fractured Thoughts from a Fractured Mind

Sanity has once again settled in my bones. This last freak out was discouraging for me. You would think by now I would have a better hold on myself...funny how blogging about it actually helped, but makes me look like a bigger psycho than I actually am. Everyone deals with stress in different ways. I just tend to ignore it until it's too much and I break down for a few days. It also didn't help that I was suffering from a strange sinus sickness complete with dizziness, sore throat and fever/chills. I guess the fact that I admitted to having a breakdown is a good thing, huh?

Oh! Did I mention that Tuesday the 3rd was a New Moon? A coworker said that she wondered why her cats were acting so strangely that day...but then again...I'm no cat.

In other news, I am excited that my nephew Nathan is coming to visit this weekend. This is his "Birthday Get-Away with Crazy Aunt Carol". (Don't worry Henlib, I am still a responsible adult, no matter how crazy I sometimes am! ahah)I have some fun things planned (some which are surprises and I know Nate reads this from time to time so I won't say) and it will be a nice weekend weather wise here! We will have fun and I am looking forward to it!

I am sitting here typing this post after I had scarfed down my lunch. I have a lot to do yet today, but I feel like considering the beginning of my week (Monday: out sick, Tuesday: Mental breakdown)I have gotten quite a lot accomplished, and put many more irons in the fire. It feels overwhelming still, but I am one person, though an overachiever, and sometimes I just need to stop, take a breath and reorganize. I need to remind myself of that more often.

Every day that I wear a skirt, someone comments on my it was "you have very strong looking calf muscles". Thanks. That was random, but a compliment all the same. (To qualify: the person who made the comment is a friend and I am not worried about it and didn't take it in a harrassing way)

Wow I am jumping around a bit now in this post...isn't that crazy random and fractured?

At 2pm today I have a photo shoot for a few projects I am working on. I tried to convince the powers that be that I should make an appointment with the photographer for more than one project. Today I hope to accomplish shots for 3 projects! I hope it goes well!

I am currently reading Harper Lee's "To Kill A Mockingbird". Sure my english class in High School read this, but I didn't, just like 99% of books (with the exception of Shakespeare) I watched the movie instead. I know. Lame. I remember watching the movie and thinking "Wow. I wish I had read that book". Well, now I am, and I am loving every minute of it! (Special Thanks to Pinky's Library!)

Ok. I'm done. I need to get creative around here. How boring has this blog been lately? (with exception to the Flight of the Conchords videos of course!)



Blogger Unknown said...

CC-I too read To Kill A Mockingbird recently. Great minds think alike. If it is any consolation to you, when I am having a bad day, I turn to your page for some sanity.And yes, Lamby is a great sister (and was a great boss too). As the Mets would say, You gotta believe! There is a good guy out there for you, you gotta believe that everything at work will be doable, you gotta believe that every change or move is toward a better place, a greater understanding of yourself and your place in the universe. Sadness and dark places come and then they go, they teach us to deepen our joy when it comes. Okay enough! Go get 'em tiger (or Scorpio)!

9:20 PM, June 13, 2008  

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