Sunday, May 25, 2008

"That's for Blasphemy"

"Steven Spielberg and George Lucas should be shot!"

That's what my friend Jess turned and said to me as the credit began to roll on The Kingdom of the Crystal Skulls.


Look, I was excited to see it, but I expected it to be mediocre. I was disappointed. It SUCKED.

I have so many things I want to say, but being that it is after 1:30 a.m. I will post tomorrow or Monday. I feel a WTF post coming on.

I prefer to forget I saw it, AND I will not be considering that crap to be part of the Indiana Jones "collection". There is only an Indiana Jones TRILOGY in my book. This mess of a movie was just a bad dream.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kevin felt the same way after seeing this movie. I thought maybe it was just him, but he said it was horrible. Do you think it is worth taking Nathan to see, or should he just wait for it to be available on Netflix.
We watched a good movie this weekend, "Almost Famous". It is from a few years ago, but someone recommended it to us and we enjoyed it.

4:37 PM, May 25, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I, too, saw this spurious nonsense that masquerades as a sequel to our beloved Indian Jones Trilogy.

It wasn't just terrible-it was painful. Surviving a nuclear blast in a refrigerator? A MacGuffin that looked like it came from the discount pile at Wal-Mart? Cate Blanchett with the worst accent and haircut I'd ever seen? Aliens?!? I couldn't believe it. My friends and I were laughing loudly through much of it, until the flying saucer scene. Then I just wept. "The space between spaces"??? COME ON! This may be the worst movie I've ever seen. I was tempted to leave the theater early, but I kept thinking "This can't be it. This is all a bad joke, a dream or something. Soon Indy will wake up and the real movie will begin!" I honestly cannot name a single bright spot.

PS. Shia Labeouf as "Mutt" is one of the most bizarre casting choices I've ever seen.

2:07 AM, May 26, 2008  
Blogger C.C. said...

Nathan should never see this movie EVER! Just forget it even exists! Do you really want your youngest son to be scarred for life? For his birthday we will see either Ironman or Narnia!!!

Kevin, I knew we were related. Wait until my next post. Many of the things you brought up will be discussed. I look forward to your comments on that post as well.:)

9:36 AM, May 26, 2008  

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