Monday, June 02, 2008


If you go see a movie this spring: choose Ironman.

Witty, fun, and cool it is a great film for the entire family (but PG-13):) It also has some interesting commentary on the world today which makes it relevent and interesting for adults as well. Oh, and Robert Downey Jr. is looking GOOD.


Blogger Lamby31 said...

I did not know there was a real Iron Man story...I just thought there was that song where the guy says "I AM IRON MAN"
I live a sheltered life.

2:03 PM, June 02, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember the song lamby is speaking about. I have heard good things about this movie, and Nathan is wondering if he should see this one with Aunt Carol.

9:03 PM, June 02, 2008  
Blogger C.C. said...

Yeah, Black Sabbath, they actually used the song at the end of the movie! I don't know if there is actually any link between the song and the comic book, (I don't know anything about the comic book) but it was a great movie.

If Nathan wasnts to see that one, I would see it again Henlib! Or Prince Caspian...haven't seen that one yet...but please, don't make me sit through Indy 4 again! Kevin is right, it would truly be torture!!!

2:43 PM, June 03, 2008  

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