Goodbye 2007!
Well, the year is coming to a close. Lots has happened here at CCLIFEORSOMETHINGLIKEIT Blog. Most of it in the past 6 or 7 months: a new niece, a new job, a new apartment, and of course the bad along with the good: "The Pink Eye", some health scares/issues and a fling gone bad...but I am now happy as a clam...can clams be happy? I always wondered about that!
I think this year will be even better than the last. Of course we all like to say that because it has to be, right? But seriously, even tho I am starting out on a quiet note (a pesky chest cold is keeping me at home alone tonight :( ), I feel as tho I am finally on the right track, doing something worthwhile with my work days and accomplishing something to better myself and my financial picture. It's about freakin' time!!!
You have to be optimistic if you can! Especially when a mysterious stranger brushes all the snow (3 inches or so) off your car in the morning... Yea. I didn't see who did it b/c it was before I got up, but they saved me 5 minutes this morning and how nice was that?
Be safe and have fun!!