The Office of a Marketing Manager:
I did have a request for a pic of my office a while back. Even tho I have a management position I still have a cubicle. That is not a bad thing because it is larger than the others, and it does have a small meeting space table in it attached to the desk...tho it is a bit covered with files in this pic. I love it. I stood in front of my window to take this shot:
My desk is a shambles!! Artwork versions and press releases posted about, boxes of samples and files from the previous Marketing Manager. I have so many high priority projects going on right now that it's just a 'Splosion of paperwork! So much for going green huh? :) Once it calms in mid January/early February I will get this paperwork under control and post a new pic to compare to!!
Actually today it looks much better because last night I stayed late to organize a bit! I am located between Sales and IT, and they are a riot so there is never a dull moment here!
I have to say, tho skeptical at first, I am really enjoying this new position!!!! I am settling in pretty well, and getting acclimated to how to work with certain personalities. I have learned a lot and continue to learn every day. Things are working out well so far!
CC's Helpful Workplace Hints: Remember, swearing at work is not acceptable. My solution? Replace swear words or phrases with Holiday references. My favorite? "Son of a Nutcracker!!" courtesy of the movie "Elf". It's clean, and it might even make you or others in your office area laugh...I know, I did it today and what a great stess-reliever it was!!
I might have the chance to play ROCK BAND this weekend (possibly tonight) at my friend Tammy's house! I am so excited because I can sing Dani California by the RHCP and we can download other songs (preferably RHCP songs!!!!) Tammy is a good sport and likes to have fun so I am sure she will oblige! See the singer in the back to the right? That will be me rockin' out... "Gettin' born in the state of Mississippi, Papa was a copper and Mamma was a hippie..."
Saturday night I am heading over to Big Geek's house for her annual Christmas party. This will be my third one and it's a great group. I am looking forward to seeing everyone again. I always have fun with Big Geek's family and friends! I have to figure out what snacky thing to bring along...
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
We have a couple of phrases that we use to keep us from swearing...when frustrated, try yelling "For Cryin' out Loud!"...we find it very "cleansing"
Bet my office is messier than your office!!
"Shut the Front Door!" Works well and gets a reaction from people! haha
I am sure your office is messier! You are an Associate Dean fro crying out loud! I might be the ONLY Marketing Manager for 4 divisions, but only two of them are needy at the moment! haha
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