Yes!... It was my... Birthday!!!
I had a great Birthday weekend last week! It began on Friday with pizza and animal sitting (4 cats, 2 dogs and a bird named Henry) at my sister Kathy's with Linda, Wade and Evan. Those kitties and d-o-gs were so CUTE!!! I wuv dem...but I digress...
Saturday was a nice peacful day with Mom and Dad followed by dinner at a favorite local restaurant with Anne, Linda Wade and Evan joining us. After dinner, I opened presents (a lovely array of kitchen accessories for my new apartment!) and we had cake and coffee. Dad made a fire in the fireplace which made the evening perfect!Mom, me and Annie perusing the menus. Prime Rib for me!!!
Linda and Dad toast the evening's festivities with some magnificent Manhattens! I love this picture!
It couldn't be my birthday without a swordfight!!! Mine was from my Manhatten, but Evan, in true Pirate spirit, stole his sword from his Momma!!!
Evan took a pic of the group after we were well fed and resting by the fire. Looks like not all of us were ready for the pic, but Evan did a great job!
Sunday I was treated to Dinner at Linda, Wade and Evan's house. I celebrated all weekend and then on Monday at work on the actualy day. Thanks to everyone! It was a great Birthday!:)
Isn't is great that all of our celebrations center around good food and drinks!
Oh, happy birthday! Good to see you enjoyed it!
i'm glad you had such a great bday weekend. you deserve it!
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