Monday, October 29, 2007


Just a few quickies to get thru this lovely Monday! Swamped and trying to kick some ass this week here at work since last week I was a basket case. The weekend was relaxing and an EYE OPENER: Literally:

My Eyes are all better, my last day of REAL antibiotics and they look back to normal! Yippee!!! I did wear a bit of makeup Saturday night when I went to the halloween party and a bit today. I feel human again finally!

I realized I neglected another great show that I enjoy watching on NBC called "CHUCK". "Chuck Bartowski -- a computer geek who is catapulted into a new career as the government's most vital secret agent." It really pretty funny, and I hope they will continually move forward b/c I think they have a chance of getting bogged down a bit and stalling.

I also watched "V for Vendetta" this weekend. I DVRd it off HBO and HOLY CRAP! What an interesting story, and what an interesting movie! I know it was based on a comic, but seriously, this movie kept my interest, made me mad and moved me all at once. Sure I took offense to certain parts, butI understood what they were saying and "got it". Very interesting, I would definately watch it again. I love a movie that makes you think!

Oh and just another movie that uses my birthday: November 5th! But more on that next week!


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