Weekend Excitement!
Saturday my Mom turned 75 YEARS OLD! You wouldn't know it, she is young looking and young at heart! We thought it would be nice to have a blowout in honor of this very important birthday. 75!!! That calls for a Limo and dinner and something fun!! So we made reservations for a limo and dinner at one of her favorite restaurants: Grimaldi's... (Erin, Me and the Birthday Girl before dinner.)
Then after dinner we decided it would be fun to have the limo take us for a ride through the Wonderland of Lights! This is a charity drive through holiday light show and it was really pretty. We popped open the champagne and began our adventure! (Mom and Dad clutching their champagne as the driver takes a corner! Her face expression is priceless!!!)
(Gettin' crazy in the limo: Dad, Mom and Anne brace themselves as Linny enters the pic!)
The excitement of a sun roof! Everyone took turns sticking their heads out to see the lights from a different view: (Me and my Mommy, The Birthday Girl!)
(Linda and Evan: How cute are they?? I spy a festive reindeer to the right!)
(Erin and CC, a bit blurry , but havin' fun!)
(Linny and CC taking in the sights and bein' silly! I believe those reindeer to the left are taking flight y'all!)
The entire gang in front of the Limo. Our Driver, Dick, was happy to take a picture for us: (Back: Dad, Wade, Mom, CC and Annie. Middle: Kathy, Linda and Erin. Front Evan!)
Mom really enjoyed herself and we all had a great time! The weather was clear, the dinner was wonderful, and the Christmas lights were a hit!
Happy Birthday Mom!!!
It certainly was a memorable night. I don't think Evan will ever get over that Limo ride!
Hey in the last picture you didn't put my name anywhere. I am so mad...not
Looks like you all had a great time, what a nice way for your mother to celebrate her 75th!
that last comment was from Henlib, I am having trouble with posting a comment using my name. I will try again.
PS Love the bangs!
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