Dear Gentle Blog Reader,
Have you been missing stories of PieHole? Have you wondered what the Evil Spawn of Satan has been up to lately? Well, saddle up kimosabes! I've got the latest right here:
I think it is obvious at this point that I am completely protective of my family and friends. When I heard this latest atrocity, I was foaming at the mouth and ready to go for the juggular. Here's the scoop and my subsequent plan of action:
My sister Pinky was invited to accompany my brother and the three girls on a two week vacation. They will fly out tomorrow morning to visit the newest member of the clan in San Francisco at my brother Mark's place. After a week visiting the west coast they will fly to Idaho and spend a week at Mark's cabin on a lake.
Obviously Pinky was invited b/c Jim and PieHole are in the midst of a separation/divorce, selling the house etc, and Jim needed a female to accompany he and the girls (11, 13 and 17). The girls are excited that Aunt Pinky is coming along, and Jim and Annie are happy to get away and spend some time catching up. Aye, and there's the rub, with PieHole anyway.
PieHole would not allow Pinky to stay over at the house to catch the 6:30am flight Friday morning, so Jim made arrangements for her to stay at the house of his old High School friend and wife that live nearby. Once PieHole caught wind of that, she threw a fit and Gale and John told Jim that they wouldn't be able to host Pinky (event tho they have known Pinky longer than PieHole has known them). I don't know the exact reason, but I am sure she layed into them that they were interfering and most likely threatened them in some way. She is a psycho you know!
What was Pinky to do? She lives 2 1/2 hours away from Jim and the airport they are leaving from. She decided she would get up and leave her house by 2am to pick up Jim and the girls at their house by 4:30 to make their flight. Many of us have offered to drive her and pick her up so she wouldn't have to do it alone, but she didn't want to put any of us out. She also felt that having her car at the airport would be best so she can drop them off an continue home when they return. (Jim was afraid for her to leave her car at his house b/c PieHole would do something to it). Yeah, she's THAT bad
So Pinky, being the selfless, patient, non-imposer that she is, is rearranging her schedule to drive in the middle of the night to accompany my brother on his vacation and PieHole is up to her old tricks. Pinky of all people, should not be treated like that. She does everything to accomodate others. Anyone who would be that mean to her deserves whatever comes their way...
Speaking of comeuppance...

If anyone who lives out of state would like to send an unmarked package of animal feces (or something of equal or greater gross factor) to PieHole, I have her address and would be happy to share it with you. Email me at: cclifeblog@hotmailcom
As for me, I am waiting to get the address of the house that she will be moving into. Once everything is final, she WILL be getting her due.

Think I am not serious? Oh believe me I am. I am tempted to drive out to her house next week while Jim and the girls are out of town and mess with her. You know, dress in all black, wear a scary mask, tap on her windows, make weird noises and watch her FLIP OUT!!!
But alas, Revenge is a dish best served cold and I shall wait for the opportune moment. I need to wait until I calm from this newest annoyance. Until the thoughts of me bashing her head in and not feeling guilty about it leave me completely.
I realize she's a nutjob but that's a chance I am willing to take. Yeah, I'm crazy enough to take on PieHole...CRAZY LIKE A FOX!!!