(*GASP*) Dun Dun Dun!! It's Wednesday!!!!
I got this off of Cute Overload and it should carry a warning. Seriously, the more times you watch it the funnier it gets. I don't know who did this, but I think they are a soul mate of mine...
I got this off of Cute Overload and it should carry a warning. Seriously, the more times you watch it the funnier it gets. I don't know who did this, but I think they are a soul mate of mine...
Today is weird day at work but I am getting some things accomplished. Tonight a bunch of us are heading over to the Clam Bar to sit outside and have a few beers. Wednesday night my company is the "corporate guest" at at local hotel where they have an outside bar and band. I have to wiggle out of working at the library to attend but it should be fine.
Lots going on here still. Getting ready to move on the 15th of Sept, new job is going well, having fun and trying to squeeze what I can from the last of summer. It goes so fast.
I have a few songs in my head today and decided to put up the lyrics to this one and bold my favorite parts. The peppers seem to mention us Scorpios a lot in their songs...
Red Hot Chili Peppers: On Mercury
I've got myself
In a masochistic hold
Why don't you let go
Shake it off
Just to redirect my flow
Come on let's go
Sit up straight
I'm on a double date
I've got to find my way
Into the light, heavy, middle weight
We don't stop rock around the clock
Motor mouthing off
In front of every other road block
Come again and tell me
What you're going thru
Like a girl who only knew
Her child was due
Memories of everything
Of lemon trees on mercury
Come to me with remedies
From five or six of seven seas
You always took me with a smile
When I was down
Memories of everything
That blew thru
Looking up into
A reverse vertigo
What an undertow
Give it up
Another stubborn scorpio
Come on, let's go
Sit up straight
I'm on a double date
I've got to find my way
Into the light, heavy, middle weight
We don't stop rock around the clock
Motor mouthing off
In front of every other road block
Come again and tell me
What you're going thru
Like a girl who only knew
Her child was due
To the moon she gave
Another good review
Turn around and look at me
It's really really you
I haven't messed around with my laptop in awhile so I thought I would take some silly quizzes on blogthings. I am home and vegging today. I did get to the mall to pick up a few things, but otherwise I am just hanging around. Anywho, here they are:
You Are a Carousel |
![]() You are young at heart and a truly playful person. No one would ever accuse you of taking life too seriously. You are definitely in things for the fun. You find joy easily, and you are often building up anticipation for your next adventure. In relationships, you tend to want to be babied and taken care of. And while you may be a bit high maintenance, you are incredibly loyal. Your life is simple and satisfying. Each day you treat yourself to something you enjoy. You have a lot of emotional attachments, and experiences are extra vivid to you. You tend to be nostalgic and sentimental. The past is important to you. Comfortable around all living things, you have a special connection to animals and children. At your best, you are whimsical, free spirited, and creative. Even if your schemes seem a bit strange, they usually work out wonderfully. At your worst, you are spoiled, demanding, and impossible to satisfy. You've been known to act like a brat if you aren't getting your way! |
Your Movie Buff Quotient: 72% |
![]() You are a total movie buff. Classics, blockbusters, indie favorites... you've seen most of them. Your friends know to come to you whenever they need a few good DVD rental suggestions. |
Your Emoticon Is Smiling |
![]() Right now, you're feeling cheerful and content - without a care in the world. |
Notice the singular THOUGHT? yeah, this is a big topic and I need to vent.
Oh boy! Where do I start? Let's see. Here's a good place:
(my comments are in red italics after the paragraph)
WASHINGTON (AP) - Falcons quarterback Michael Vick "is not a victim" and should be held responsible for his actions involving a dogfighting ring in Virginia, the national president of the NAACP said Thursday.
"He absolutely must account for what he has done," Dennis Courtland Hayes, interim president and CEO of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, said in an interview with The Associated Press. He had earlier given similar comments to NBC's "Today" show.
But Hayes cautioned against condemning the Atlanta star too quickly...He's not a victim, but maybe he is in a way. Way to double talk there!
"As a society, we should aid in his rehabilitation and welcome a new Michael Vick back into the community without a permanent loss of his career in football," Atlanta NAACP President R.L. White said. Yeah, we should use him to do spots about responsibly caring for animals and coming out against any type of violence towards them definitely. Football is a overly high paying, "lucky bastard" fantasy job, He doesn't deserve to be living the high life after what he has done.
Hayes said White and others who have come to Vick's defense are expressing an overarching frustration with disparities in the criminal justice system.
"People need to understand the backdrop as some in the African-American community make their expressions of support," Hayes said. "That backdrop includes anger and distrust with the criminal justice system that disproportionately pays attention to African-Americans and Hispanics. Boo-Hoo!! Are you kidding me? Everytime a "minority" (which by the way, caucasians are on their way to being the minority to blacks and hispanics) gets in trouble, they cry foul. I am so sick of it. Same as the celebrities and the ultra rich. It's Bullshit.
"While no dog deserves to be mistreated, the backdrop includes the perception among some African-Americans that the criminal justice system treats them like animals and that nobody seems willing to do anything about the disparity." Well, I guess I would complain too if I was getting treated like the "animals" that Michael Vick tortured!!
Hayes, who said the national group did not have an official position on the case, said he didn't want to speculate about whether Vick was being treated differently because he is black.
"He may in fact be being treated better than some African-Americans and Hispanics who don't have the resources and financial means that he has," Hayes said. "On the other hand, there might be some of a different race or different ethnicity who might be treated a bit differently." Gosh! Could he double talk any more? maybe it should be called the "N double-talk CPA"
On Monday, Vick said through a lawyer that he will plead guilty to a federal charge of conspiracy to travel in interstate commerce in aid of unlawful activities and conspiracy to sponsor a dog in an animal fighting venture.
Three Vick associates have pleaded guilty to the conspiracy charge and say Vick provided virtually all the gambling and operating funds for the "Bad Newz Kennels" dogfighting enterprise. Two of them also said Vick participated in executing at least eight underperforming dogs, raising the possibility of the animal cruelty charges. I have heard that pictures were taken of him executing dogs...at his request!! I guess he thought he was a big man and wanted to document his strength by killing dogs. How impressive. I have one thing to say: See pic below:
My thoguhts on his punishment? OK!!
Perhaps stripping him naked and rubbing raw meat all over him (especailly in certain spots) strap him to a fence and let the dogs get him. That sounds like a good punishment.
I don't care who you are, what you do or if you are black white, purple or orange! This kind of behavior is unacceptable and he should be punished. I think he should be made to do PETA spots! PETA is a little overboard, but they know as well (and better) than I do that People SUCK.
So, Here it is, the layout of my new apartment.
What? you say? We thought you were signing a 6 month lease extension?
Yeah, so did I, but it was brought to my attention recently that my roommate had found an apartment last minute. SO here I am starting a new position and having to look for an apartment all in the same breath.
Was I annoyed? Yeah, at first, but then the urge to have my own place and space was so overwhelming I welcomed the off the cuff change! I looked at some plceas over the weekend and deceided that a two bedroom at my current complex was a better deal than most one bedrooms elsewhere. Not to mention that I know the area and complex already and I can keep working at the library a few nights a week! Hey, this one fell into my lap and I jumped on it. My second bedroom will be perfect as a home office/guest room.
It's a nice, just shy of 900 sq ft 2 bedroom apartment, that I will be able to move into by mid-september. I am very excited about it, check it out:
YIPPEEEEE!!!!!!!!! Now that I have room, I can't wait to have an apartment warming party!!:)
Well, Folks, the time has come to tighten up and work like it's my job. The blog will be posted to every-so-often now because I won't have a ton of time to mess around. Believe me that is a welcome change!
I have been offered (and I accepted) the Marketing/New Product Development Manager job here at my company!!!! I am very excited to start this new chapter of creative outlets, lots of work to keep me busy, a little travel here and there and a MUCH better salary!
Monday August 13th will be my first day in the new position. I am anticipating a learning curve and that I will have to pick up in the middle of where the former guy left off and run with it. It will be challenging, but I am ready!
I have about 3 posts that I had written but hadn't actually posted yet. Those will be posted next week as I have a few moments to point and click them into your view. I really appreciate everyone who has visited and become regular commenters and lurkers! I will try to check in from time to time with the blogs I frequent like Amy's and Wicca's and post on my progree in my new position.
Once I get my schedule situated here at work, I may find time to blog at home once a week or so, so don't fret, it's only temporary. The TOmfoolery WILL continue!!! I just know I won't be an everyday poster like before!
Up tomorrow: Pinky's Party Finally! It's been like two weeks people! But I am on it tomorrow am!
Your horoscope - Scorpio: Week of August 6, 2007Venus, your partnership planet, continues to be retrograde, so you may need to take a closer look at issues that are troubling you. These may not have been resolved yet, let alone acknowledged. If you happen to have a job interview on Thursday you should do well. Mercury trines Jupiter, so the tide may swing in your favor. From Sunday a New Moon in Leo brings the opportunity to start fresh. If you're beginning a managerial position at this time, you have the blessings of the cosmos. Your leadership qualities will stand out from the crowd.
It just so happens that I have an interview this week for a managerial position...
I did a random search of cclifeorsomethinglikeit on Google and came up with of course my blog but also something very annoying. Someone has taken my name (C.C.) and my blog address and registered for some Hot Celebrity Gossip Forum...
The screen cap is not great but... How annoying is that? I can tell you that is is NOT me and I cannot seem to find a way to complain to the website to have it removed. I guess I need to do more digging.
The good news is, they have posted only once, and that was back in April, but I cannot find the post (thousands of posts to go thru). My issue is that they link to MY BLOG!!! Who knows what porn-esque discussion was in their post, and can be linked back to my blog when I didn't even do it! If you are the person who did this, please take that shit down. Do a blog of your own and stop using someone else's. I run a clean ship here and don't need any bad press!
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!
THIS IS SOOOOOOOOOO AWESOME!!!! A trailer and a pic!!!
Check out the first teaser trailer for the next installment of Batman: The Dark Knight! I know I said I was nervous about Heath Ledger...but when I heard his voice as the Joker, it gave me chills!!! Sounds a bit like Jack Nicholson, tho I would rather he emulate him than screw it up!
and a pic....hmmmm. I am so glad Katie Holmes is out! I really like Maggie Gyllenhal!!!
This made my day!!!!!!
My sister Anne turned 50 in March, but b/c she is such a work-aholic Music Teacher and with March being "Music in Our Schools" month, she didn't have time to celebrate. We did the usual: flowers, cards, a baby pic to embarass her in the local paper etc, but we wanted to do something extra special for our favorite Annie! BTW: We call her Pinky, a nickname that came from my brothers...
We decided on a surprise party including family and friends. This took place July 28th at my parent's house. About 45 people came and we had beautiful weather and a great time. Here are some pics of the celebration:
The weather was supposed to be a washout (as you can see from the grey skies) so Mom and Dad rented tables and a tent to accomodate the day:
Dad, Mom and Linny Prepping before the party:
The Birthday Girl next to her Picture and Cake table:
Erin, Evan, Kathy and Alysa pose with the Birthday girl. Notice the sun came out by the time the party had started and remained for the rest of the day!
Enjoying the day as the sun takes over and moves the clouds out!
Time to Eat! BBQ is ready! Yum!
We can't have a party without a little roast! Mike read a letter from President George Bush (in the frame Annie is holding and entirely hysterical.) and I am reading a poem I wrote entitled "Ode to My Annie".
Time for gifts!
It was a beautiful day and everyone enjoyed visiting and reminiscing with Annie! Later on, family stayed and we had a campfire and smores! It was a fun day visiting, swimming and hanging out with everyone. Happy Birthday Annie!
To quote my rommate: "What is Indiana Jones going to dig up this time? Himself?"
She cracks me up! If you could only hear our banter back and forth busting on Indy and how he has to turn in his whip for a wheel chair. But seriously folks, I am nervous but extrememly excited for this movie. It will be what it will be (but please don't kill Indy in the end!!!!!)and I will definately be along for the ride. Oh, and I am bringing a few friends along, right Jess and Nate?
Yeah, Indy is getting old. We all know Harrison Ford turned 65 just recently, but the pics of him are looking pretty good. The old boy has whipped (no pun intended) himself into pretty decent shape and is looking ready for the challenge:
Apart from digging up his son, as I had discussed many moons ago here on CCLIFE, I wonder what artifact of note he will be persuing. He's found the Ark and the Grail, and 3 Sankara Stones from Temple of Doom but what will his next adventure uncover? IMDB says the working title is "Indiana Jones and the City of the Gods" which makes me lean towards artificats from a Polytheistic culture...
Did some research and found that Teotihuacan in Mexico is called "City of the Gods". Located about fifty kilometers northeast of Mexico City, it was occupied around 150 B.C. through 650/750 AD. Excavations have been conducted at Teotihuacan for over a century and include the Pyramid of the Sun, Pyramid of the Moon, Feathered Serpent Pyramid, Avenue of the Dead, Cuidadela. I have seen this on the Discovery Channel, very complex site and could generate a lot of interesting storylines. Hmmmm...
I am trying not to read too much about the production, since it would be nice to be surprised and not know too much before it's released, but it is fun to guess! I love being a Geek! If you would like to know more about the movie, head on over to IndianaJones.com and check it out. Oh and crank those speakers!!!
As for a release date, Memorial Day 2008 sounds good to me!
Some of my Favorite quotes from the previous movies:
"They're dates. Ya eat em!"
"Indy! Henry! Follow Me! I know the way!"
"Egyptian Asps. Very dangerous... You go first!"
"I know Dad! It happens to me all the time!!!"
"Hello Marion."
"I burnt a finger and I cracked a nail!"
"No time for Love Dr. Jones!"
"Knock it off!!"
"What's This?"
"The Ark of the Covenant."
"Are you sure?"
"Pretty sure"
"Please, sit down before you fall down."
"I didn;t know you could fly a plane!"
"Fly? Yes. Land? No."
I could go on forever! Let's hope the next installment will have many great quotes as well!