Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Pinky's Party!

My sister Anne turned 50 in March, but b/c she is such a work-aholic Music Teacher and with March being "Music in Our Schools" month, she didn't have time to celebrate. We did the usual: flowers, cards, a baby pic to embarass her in the local paper etc, but we wanted to do something extra special for our favorite Annie! BTW: We call her Pinky, a nickname that came from my brothers...

We decided on a surprise party including family and friends. This took place July 28th at my parent's house. About 45 people came and we had beautiful weather and a great time. Here are some pics of the celebration:

The weather was supposed to be a washout (as you can see from the grey skies) so Mom and Dad rented tables and a tent to accomodate the day:

Dad, Mom and Linny Prepping before the party:

The Birthday Girl next to her Picture and Cake table:

Erin, Evan, Kathy and Alysa pose with the Birthday girl. Notice the sun came out by the time the party had started and remained for the rest of the day!

Enjoying the day as the sun takes over and moves the clouds out!

Time to Eat! BBQ is ready! Yum!

We can't have a party without a little roast! Mike read a letter from President George Bush (in the frame Annie is holding and entirely hysterical.) and I am reading a poem I wrote entitled "Ode to My Annie".

Time for gifts!

It was a beautiful day and everyone enjoyed visiting and reminiscing with Annie! Later on, family stayed and we had a campfire and smores! It was a fun day visiting, swimming and hanging out with everyone. Happy Birthday Annie!


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