Saturday, August 29, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
You Go Girl!!!!
A little girl named Katie, age 19, speaks about the Healthcare Bill...She is my niece.
Go here, See this video that loads on the page:
and then see this video:
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Summer Fun
Evan has stayed with me two nights whilst I was housesitting for Kathy. For those of you who don't know, she has 5 cats, 2 dogs and 1 bird. It's a crazy place but they were great to work with as Evan and I made a News Show and a Music Video.
I am posting my first video on CClifeblog. The video is a cut down version of the original that was too large to post here but hopefully it is still entertaining. Set to one of my favorite crazy songs... Our own Music Video of "Rock Lobster" by the B-52's...Enjoy!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Letchworth State Park and Other Pics
Since I have had some time this summer to mess around with my video camera, I am finally getting some pics and videos situated. Here are some pictures from my excursion with Kevin this past spring using the still photograph feature on my video camera.
For a few videos of Thomas's band "Queen August" that I edited and posted, head to my You Tube Channel "OiyPirate Girl" or seach for Queen August.
Hopefully in the next few days I will be able to upload my first video to my blog. No takers for the Audio blog huh? I'm having a tough time finding the right name for it!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Pee-Wee Rides Again!!!!
Paul Reubens and a Pee-Wee Herman revival!!!?????
HA-HA! Who wants to go to LA with me in November?????
Check this out
Sunday, August 09, 2009
Saturday, August 08, 2009
Say What?
A friend has shown me a blog format that allows you to upload audio by calling a number and leaving a voicemail message. THIS could be HYSTERICAL. I would like to do this as a suppliment to my pic/written blog here but not sure what I would name it. Any thoughts?
I know that I would like to get Tom on the drums with some spoken word, Michael and his vocal trumpet skills and Beth (Big Geek) leaving me a message in our Jewish Lady voice. Random funny things that I can be spontaneous about. I think it would be enjoyable for all.
So I need a name before I sign up for an account and I need your help.
Friday, August 07, 2009
Waterfalls and Gorges and Wineries, Oh My!
Monday, July 3rd I took a trip to Ithaca NY for my sister Kathy's Birthday. Her eldest daughter Alysa is there this summer working before her Senior year at Ithaca College so she was our gracious tour guide. We (Mom, Kathy, Erin and I)saw her off-campus apartment and headed out to explore the beautiful Gorges and Waterfalls in and surrounding Ithaca.
The first placed we hiked to see was Treman Falls. I was a dumb-as and forgot to bring my cell phone to take pics, but Erin had her camera so I will have to post the good pics of that later. The walk through is wonderful, we did the easy end and I would like to go back and do the whole thing. I did take one pic of the tiny waterfall near the mill at the entrance/parking lot of the park:
Next was Taughannock Falls which is a very flat walk that is about 1 mile or so. It's a nice walk and you are not expecting to turn the corner and see huge shale cliffs leading to a beautiful waterfall. This waterfall plunges 215 feet and is the tallest free-falling cascade east of the Mississippi. It is 3 stories higher than Niagra Falls!!! Here I have posted sequential pics from Shale cliffs to amazing waterfall reveal:
I wanted to go swimming under the waterfall, but because of the falling shale and rock, you could only get so close...I think falling shale is a sham...I think they don't want you discovering the cave of treasure behind the waterfall!
Next we headed through the Cayuga Lake area to eat lunch at a winery. The Winery was called AMERICANA. We had a lovely lunch on the terrace and made friends with two chocolate labs that obviously run the place named Ruby and Max. They had a white table wine that I wanted to purchase called "Apparition". I will definately have to stop back and buy a few of those for the Halloween season if I go back to do more extensive hiking in the region!
Kathy enjoyed her Birthday and everyone had a great time. Hopefully I will have more pics soon from Erin to post so you can see Treman Falls and how amazing it was.
BTW, all of these pics were taken by my cell phone camera. Click the images to enlarge them. Not bad, eh?
Thursday, August 06, 2009
Thursday Thoughts: Incredibly Random Edition
Interested in seeing Cat's That Look Like Hitler? Click to see these amazingly creepy and cute at the same time felines.
Do you think CCLifeBlog should have a Twitter account? It might be silly random and fun, or it could just be adding to all the social media outbursts lately...You decide. Leave a comment to vote yea or nay.
Entertainment News:
I just read that True Blood actors Anna Paquin (Sookie Stackhouse) and Stephen Moyer (Vampire Bill Compton) are engaged. That's cool.
Alexander Skarsgard who plays Vampire Sheriff of Area 5, Eric Northman, is my favorite anyway... VS.