MIA: What Can I Say? Part 2
Following posts like the last ones is never easy, but is has to be done sooner or later. After the sadness must come happiness since it is the only way to move forward.
Carpe Diem! Count your blessings! Just LIVE!!!
That said let me get to some exciting and happy things happening in my life right now:
Firstly I must say that work is going a bit better. The work load is definately keeping me busy and I am hoping that these new duties will warrent me a decent raise in October. it's not so bad I guess. Everyone seems to really like and appreciate me there, so that's a positive.
Next, I am posting from my new laptop! Yep I finally bought myself a home computer albout a week and a half ago. I think you will find me posting later at night from now on. Work will be happy that the blog is no longer a point of procrastination for me. I am loving it! So I am wireless thanks to someone who has a router in my complex b/c I haven't set mine up yet! I know that is bad, but now that a friend from work has picked a super hero name for me (I named her "Procedural Girl") it's fitting. What did she name me you ask? Why "Danger Girl" of course! I don't cause it...I SENSE it.
When I think of my laptop I smile and think of the immortal words of Napoleon Dynamite:
Well that's all from here.
Everyone needs a super hero name. Find your's today!!
And last but not least, Puppies and kitties make every day better:
Don't you just want to give dem hugs and kisses? Aww!! They are so cute!!!!
Have a great day everyone!