Really Bad Match Screen Names
Remember "hotpiglove"? That was probably the worst screen name I have seen so far but here are some more from in my list of really bad screen names I have found on
"Trojan518" - Does that mean there is a surprise inside that is NOT GOOD?
"4hrsmn" - I'm confused
"PhoneJackSam" - He either works for a phone company or he really likes wall fixtures
"Goforitromance" - Yea! You go for it romance!
"Doorman14" - Maybe he is polite? Hopefully he didn't misspell "Doormat14"
"Dicker911" - If there's an emergency with that, that's your problem!
"Grousehound44" - Hunting humor? FYI, lost of most chicks.
"Vanloan79" - Has he had a loan on his creepy van since 1979?
"BedlamStun" - Again, I am confused
"hungryhat" - huh?
"InjinCowboy" - This guy is actually a really hot Indian...we've emailed but I was worried I can't do my indian voice and talk about dots if we met and dated!
"mayor_mccheeze" - haha. weird.
"PhilMaCrackIn007" - Seriously? Really? and 007? Very stealthy. You are a fucking idiot!
"HOTSTUFF1970" - For the full effect, I present the picture that was attached to the screen name:
Dumb names remind me of this dumb ass who sent me messages this week. Just some background: if someone writes to me or winks I check out their profile, regardless, and you should be happy because that's where I end up getting all this great fodder. People know who has looked at them, and I know who has looked at me, even if they don't attempt contact. That said I got this message:
December 09:
"hi my name is r, your profile is very nice a...
hi my name is r, your profile is very nice and interesting.I enjoy life, try to travel as much as possible,though i havent for a few months.i think we may have a few things in common. maybe you can write back,bye"
I looked at his profile, briefly, but just to see who it was. I mean, he wrote to me, I should check out his profile to see if I am interested in writing back, right? Well, this guy must be slower than he looks, because I received a second message the next day. I only looked at his profile because he wrote to me. Did I contact him? No. Obviously I was not interested in his profile enough to email him, but this tard doesn't get it:
December 10th:
"hi there again, i think you viewed my profile,I...
hi there again, i think you viewed my profile,I bet your getting tons of e mails from other guys,but just write back sometime maybe we can chat and see how it goes."
God help me...
Maybe you need to try a different website! And you have always loved the name McCracken!
henlib: unfortunately I think all these weirdos are on all of the dating sites! They're everywhere!!!
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