Friday, January 21, 2011

Screen Names that Leave an Impression and More!

There certainly isn't a shortage of bad screen names on match. You may think you've heard these before, but trust me, they're all new.

Imreadytoroll123: "Roll, roll roll in ze hay!" (name that movie gentle readers!)

OneWomanManPeter: I think I understand what he was TRYING to say...

PETERSTICK: Really? (and all in caps) What is he implying? or overcompensating for?

Deinonychus1: HUH? Dine on my chest? Dein is mein? Anyone?

floppytomcat: He's lazy and he will only stay a while.

The exception to the stupidity:

OneBigNiceGuy: This guy is big, and he had a nice big smile. He was willing to put it out there and not hide it. I hope he finds a good girl.

Here is a Tagline from a profile that caught my eye (like a fishhook):

LOOKIN FOR MISS RITE NOT MISS RITE NOW Is Miss Rite any relation to Miss Rite Aide? Perhaps he really is looking for a priestess who is most ceremonial in her life and loves to burn incense?

"chris_is_active" sent me a message:
"you been to england that is pretty cool."
- Yea. I been to england it was pretty cool, yo...I mean, Yes. I have been to England.

"looking" winked at me. This is his first impression profile intro:
"Talk to me!! You ask me what you want to know. Why should tell you what I think you want to know? Ask...I will answer your questions."
Obviously a master communicator. OK, I have a question: Why don't you grow some BALLS, be a man and write to a woman instead of "Winking" at her? Making her do all the work sets a precident and in the future, you will be bitching that she bosses you around. Who's fault is that I wonder?

Updates: I have two second dates this weekend. One for a movie and one for a museum. In all seriousness, there are some good guys still out there and they seem to be going through the same things as we do.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Young Frankenstein. I love that movie!

11:51 AM, January 21, 2011  
Blogger Lamby31 said...

Deinonychus - is one of those little, fast dinosaurs - predators ...or a "dutch doom metal group" (whatever that means) - either way, an unfortunate screen name!

1:01 PM, January 21, 2011  
Blogger C.C. said...

Yay! Anonymous!

Hey Lamby...dutch doom metal is probably like death metal and that is never a good thing!!

2:07 PM, January 21, 2011  
Blogger Lamby31 said...

I am so uncool. :(

11:53 AM, January 24, 2011  
Blogger C.C. said...

No Lamby, death metal is never cool so therefore you are cool for not knowing! The fact that I knew about it is scary, but then again, I did work in a few music stores...:)

12:00 PM, January 24, 2011  
Blogger Lamby31 said...

But I knew Deinonychus was a uncool!

1:21 PM, January 25, 2011  

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