Thursday Thoughts!
Oh boy! Where do I start! This is like, one of the BEST WEEKS EVER!:)
- Went to the Post Office and applied for my passport last night. Passport pics are fun! I kid, but Roni the postlady was really friendly and it was actually an enjoyable experience.
- Joker for President? He's got my vote! Ahee-ahaa-ahaa... I did one of those campaign videos for Harvey Dent too, but I thought Joker was funnier actually.:) Lamby! You have created a monster!!!
- My eating habits are paying off (Low carb, smaller portions). I feel better, AND I am losing some poundage. Now to add some exercise to the mix!
- I know someone who is like a dog chasing cars...and yea, he wouldn't know what to do with one if he caught one. Unfortunately, I get that because I am the same way.
- It's official. I have a new celebrity crush...Aaron Eckhart. I can't help it, there is something about him, even tho he has butt chin and is sorta blonde. Sorry Bruce Wayne, but Rachel was right, I would have chosen Harvey Dent too. ( I can't believe I just admitted that) Ok, maybe I would have kept the love triangle, I mean, Why should a girl choose after all? Anywho, Aaron Eckhart. LOVE HIM!!!!!
Aaron as Harvey Dent in Dark Knight.
Thank you for Smoking! (Smokin' HOT)

Labels: Obsessions, Thursday Thoughts, wacky
OMG you are hysterical! i gotta tell you.. the first movie i saw aaron in was no reservations and i totally fell in love with him.. he was so sweet! check that one out if you get a chance!.. but i know you have a very busy 8 weeks ahead of you!!! i am so excited for you!! :):):):)
oh and btw.. i love your "dog chasing cars" reference!!
Yayyy for passports! You will be UK side in no time! I've already been talking to my professors about places to stay in Walesss!! We need to get on messenger soon...Aaron Eckhart has been my fav for a while too! I have a talent crush cus he's such a good actor!
Talk to you soon!
I don't like him
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