Thursday, January 10, 2008

Song Meme

Wiccachicky had this meme on her blog and I thought it looked like fun. The object is to answer the questions with the title of a song. Here goes:

1. How you describe yourself: Brown Eyed Girl (Van Morrison)

2. How do some people feel about you: I am confused by the wording of this: I will take it as how they think I am, or see me: Crazy (Seal) / Make You Feel Better (Red Hot Chili Peppers)

3. Describe an ex-SO: Zippity-doo-dah (Disney song)/

4. Describe your current-SO: No Such Thing (John Mayer)

5. Describe where you want to be: Montego Bay (Bobby Bloom)

6. Describe what you want to be: Double Agent (RUSH) hahah!

7. Describe how you live: You're never fully Dressed without a smile (Annie Musical Soundtrack)

8. Describe how you love: Fortress Around Your Heart (Sting)/ Let's Never Stop Falling in Love (Pink Martini)

9. Describe your job: A Rush of Blood to the Head (Coldplay)

10. Share a few words of wisdom: You can't always get what you want (Rolling Stones)/ Throw away your television (Red Hot Chili Peppers)

DAMN that was HARD!!! Here's an interactive portion I will add: You readers of the blog need to now tell me what songs YOU thought of when you read these questions regarding me.

Now THAT will be interesting!


Blogger Lamby31 said...

for #5 I was sure you would say Viva Las Vegas!

9:00 AM, January 11, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was freakin' awesome. I would have to sit and think about them though. That is so totally you to do that in your blog. I love it. :)

3:30 PM, January 13, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good answers, though the Zippity one is a bit confusing for me. :o)

9:43 AM, January 14, 2008  
Blogger Lamby31 said...

Actually, "Zippity" relates to the last name of her ex...That one would be confusing without that info! :)

10:16 AM, January 14, 2008  
Blogger Lamby31 said...

OK, C.C. - when you get back from your trip...time to update that 2007 List for 2008!
(listen to me...the girl running w/o a list!)

10:19 AM, January 14, 2008  

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