K: Off Topic and Off Her Rocker
I am not sure what she means about "direct input", and seeing as though a majority of this post is not even remotely related to the class, I shudder to think what her next post will be. Don't worry, I am sure it will be increasingly screwy and you know I will post that. Why? Because you just can't make this shit up! (I think that would be a great title for my late night cable comedy series. Late night cable because you can't say 'shit' on the networks!)
Please keep the direct input. Moreover, the direct input mode is the very screen that teaches each of everyone of us, to think about what we are writing while designing web-pages. By the way, I remember the last fairly short poem that I wrote. I have another poem for which I really give clear reference to musician Edwin Star, regarding his Fall of 1970 hit called "War!" My poem is caled taking the easy way out.
"Taking the easy way out!
What is it, and what will it be all about!
Definately zero or nothing.
Taking the easy method at solving problems only leads to much, much deeper trouble.
For if you should take the easy way out at solving problems, you better get back in shape on
the very double.
For taking the easy way out, as to solving many problems could lead to disaster astrey!
For taking the easy way out on solving problems can't provide any of us peaceful futures.
It can only strip them away."
For some reason, I feel a poem coming on. Check in tomorrow!
OMG- Another 70's song I think Henlib hit it on the head - TOO MANY DRUGS in the 70's...
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