Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I'll Tell You No Lies Part 2

Well, I got some interesting questions so here goes:

Let's start with Lamby since she sent hers in first:
"Here are my questions for the meme:

  1. What makes you smile? Aside from the normal Dogs, puppies, kittens, horseys etc I will say I smile at CuteOverload (check my sidebar and check this site out, you will smile too!) A good song on the radio, The recipes I make up and taste amazing, When I can make people laugh.

  2. What makes you mad? Lately what makes me mad is when someone says "I don't know how to do that" or "I haven't been trained". Usually it is followed by silence instead of them telling that they will try or at least ask someone who does know so they can learn and get the job done. Are they lazy, dumb or both.? Pick up the damn ball and run withit!!! JUST DO IT! There is lots of stuff I do in my new position that is new to me and there have been a few BIGGIES that were firsts. Noone is here to train me, so I figure it out, ask questions and use common sense. Sure I ask for help, I am not afraid of that, but I have NEVER said I couldn't do a task!

  3. What movie would you have liked to be in? What character would you have played? Oh boy Lamby! If I could ahve been Indiana Jones or Marty McFly or a Goonie that would have rocked. BUT, since I a woman, I would say my top two choices would be Selina Kyle/Catwoman in Batman Returns and most definitely Lara Croft Tomb Raider. I would have made an entire series of movies for TR in the fashion of James Bond's longevity!

  4. Who is your favorite sister? I have 3 favorite sisters. Lamby is my favorite blonde one!:)

Next question comes from an anonymous poster:

Since you have been talking alot about Buffy lately, what are your favorite 3 episodes? Only 3?? that is tough b/c there are so many great eps of Buffy The Vampire Slayer. Let's see:

  1. "Hush" when the Gentlemen come to town and everyone loses their voices. Story telling with music only and so genius in season 4,

  2. "The Body" from season 5 when Buffy's Mom Joyce dies. This episode is so unsettling, as real life death is, but it is brilliantly crafted and I don't mind that it makes me cry every time I see it.

  3. "Once More With Feeling" the season 6 musical episode. Come on! A Buffy Musical? You cannot beat that, how clever!

Sparkles left these questions:

"i love this idea!... i didn't know you when you did your last "ask anything" post :) i get to play this time!!hmmmm... let's see.... here are a few questions:

  1. What is your favorite line from a movie? Oh dear, I am sorry to say that would take me all day! There are so many movies and so many great lines I shudder to think of only one...I refer you to any of my Movie Line Quizzes

  2. What is your favorite lyric from a song? I remember being in Jr High and realizing that while I was well liked by my peers, I was definately different in many ways. I started listening to Sting's solo work thanks to my friend Jess and Englishman in NY has always been one of most favorites of his songs. (Even now I have it as one of my ringers on my cell!) The lyric from that song that got me and makes me smile and shake my head in agreement every time was so simple "Be yourself, no matter what they say".

  3. What is the best thing about your life right now? I am loving life again for many reasons, new job, good health etc etc BUT I have to say having my own apartment again is definately at the top of the list! I am loving having the freedom to do and cook and watch what I please whenever I please. I love that I can invite family and friends over and not have to check with someone else. I love that I can decorate the place to my liking and spread my stuff out in all the rooms, not just be crushed into one room.

The final questions come from Lauren:

"This is interesting but difficult because I want to ask all sorts of things but I also want to appear smart and witty at the same time! Okay here goes:

  1. What is your favorite Italian dish? My Dad's Lasagna!

  2. What is your favorite book? As usual: Timeline by Michael Crichton

  3. Do you prefer favorite or favourite? Favorite. Although when I am silly and speak in an english accent, I assume then in that case I would say favourite!/li>

  4. Also cat or dog? I love animals, I would have to say that I have always considered myself to be a dog person first. Then I met Anchovy and it didn't matter that she was a kitteh, only that she was fun and spazzy and would curl up with me to watch tv at night. I only had her a week, but I love her!!

  5. What is your five year plan? WOW Lauren! That is a BIG question...Are you saying I should get that 2008 list done already????:) No seriously I have more of a 1-3 year plan. Let me explain a bit: Within one year I want to expand my knowledge of website design and development. Within 2-3 years I would like to buy a house...but my budget and earnings in the next year will reflect what is more doable. Also in the next 1-3 years I want to go to Disney, Europe and back to Vegas. Of course I realize I have spending and saving all in the same time frame. I guess it depends on how things go financially from here on out, if I get a decent raise for all my hard work etc. It's good to have plans, and then tweak as needed.

Well I guess that was everything! Thanks for sending in questions! That was fun. Up next...(hopefully)...the unveiling of the 2008 list!


Blogger Lamby31 said...

WAIT, one more question...


8:59 AM, February 14, 2008  

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