Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Creepy Much?

Ok, so here I am writing at night again. Something just struck me and I had to post.

There I was, sitting watching a little Buffy (season 7 actually) and getting a little creeped out. For you Buffy fans out there it's the episode "Conversations with Dead People" where Dawn sees her dead mother. Other pivotal stuff happens too, but that part actually made me jump a few times and was really spooky. I remember that episode freaking me out first time around too. Damn you Joss Whedon! You are too brilliant for me to even comprehend!

Great idea, getting all spooked out in my apartment where I live by myself. You know how it goes, you start hearing noises and you start thinking "Is that a normal noise, or is there some sort of evil in my second bedroom waiting to harrass me?" Then Jonathan and What's His Name come on the screen and make with the Star Wars references and I laugh and forget all the scary I was just thinking about.

So anywho, on to the next episode, less with the creepy and more with the "Spike is still all wonky". My cell starts going off with a text message. I make aquick guess as to who it might be and I pick it up to check. Boy was my guess wrong! The message was from, and I am NOT kidding: barbara@armyofhell . Then I start to think that maybe my life is turning into an episode of Buffy! I mean, is someone trying to tell me something? Was there another reason I used to make wooden stakes in shop class other than because I didn't want to actually build anything? Come on, Admit it, those saws were scary and you liked your fingers too much too!! (I am not kidding, I still have a wooden stake I made in like 8th or 9th grade. ) Could it be that I am the Chosen One of my generation and the big bad was notifying me via text message that it's time to go to work?

Where the hell did that come from? I just deleted it and didn't open it for fear of a virus of some sort. Chain letters are really annoying and I HATE those things. They are PURE EVIL and text messages are for texting, NOT STUPID ASS DUMB CHAIN LETTERS AND FORWARDS! It's bad enough I get them on my sodding email account! Just so you all know: If you send me a chain letter as a text message, I will kick your ass! And if you send it to my emal you deserve a sound beating all the same. Just sayin'.

So now I will go to bed knowing that at least I told you guys what happened tonight. You know, in case I end up missing and you find that I have taken up with a witch, a vampire with a soul, a former vengeance demon, a sister I never knew I had, and a Xander in order to save the world... a lot.


Blogger C.C. said...

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10:03 PM, February 05, 2008  
Blogger C.C. said...

True events, but told in classic Buffyisms for anyone who appreciates the Buffy the Vampire Slayer series. The weird happenings of this night were too perfect to ignore and so I had to write some wacky.

10:06 PM, February 05, 2008  

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