Viva Las Vegas: Part 2
This post will be text heavy and photo light, but the remainders will reflect that I had more free time to take pics and enjoy myself. Here goes Day two and three:
Day two started off early. I met my two female coworkers for breakfast, pigged on some yummy pancakes and headed to the show floor for 9 a.m. the tradeshow would start at 10 a.m., but we needed to have the typical "pep-talk" from the Genreal Manger of the division. The show was two floors of promotional products. It was very overwhelming to me and I soon felt a bit dizzy from all that I needed to look at. Being Marketing Manager, I wanted to work the booth a bit to get the experience, but my main focus was to walk around, check out other booths and products and otherwise spy on the competition. Lamby got a frustrated call from me mid-morning because I needed an experienced influence to calm me and help me focus. Basically, I needed to bitch for a few moments and get it out, then I could move on, so thanks Lamby!!
It was definately a long day, especially since I was looking forward to dinner with my brother Mark who was in town preparing for a tradeshow of his own the following week. Since I was breaking from the herd Wednesday night for dinner I decided to take the walk from the convention center, thru Mandalay Bay, Thru the Luxor and then Excalibur to NY NY. My coworkers thought I was crazy to walk for 20 minutes after being on my feet all day, but I was in the mood to explore on my own a bit.
Mark picked me up at 6:30 p.m. for dinner. I was greeted by a stretch limo awaiting me at NY NY!!! We went to this great steakhouse called Del Frisco's (Mark's favorite)and I had the best filet minon ever! (along with more creamed spinach, this time with bacon in it; YUMMY!) We also had a great seafood sampler for an appetizer: Shrimp with differnt sauces and marinades: Cocktail sauce, garlic marinade and ramaulade and also a crabcake to share. OMG!! I was sooo full I could barely drink the rest of my wine!
After dinner we took a ride to Freemont street to see the lights. The ceiling light show was every hour, and we had just missed it, but the other lights were incredible anyway. We ducked into the Four Queens Casino for a look at old Vegas.
As we drove back to NY NY Mark told me that he had a few rooms that weren't being used at the Four Seasons and that I should stay for the weekend instead of leaving on Friday. Now most of you know that I want to be spontaneous more than anything, but I am a planner at heart. I told him I would think about it and let him know when he stopped by the show the next day (Thursday). My concern was that I would be on my own while he was checking on his tradeshow booth during the day, and what fun could that be? (yeah, I know, I need convincing even on the no-brainers!) Here's another self-pic of me in my room at NY NY. I think this is the moment I made my mind up to stay. Can't you just hear me thinking "I'm changin' my flight. I'm stayin' in Vegas at the Four Seasons Baby!"
Well, I thought about it overnight, made a few phone calls and decided what the hell. 2 free nights at the Four Seasons and some time with my brother that I only get to see once or twice a year? It's a no brainer! I am a big girl. I can hang by myself for a few hours! It would be good for me!
As soon as I arrived at the show the next day I made a phone call to my travel agent to check on flights to change to on Sunday. She had some seats available on a flight at 11:30 a.m. Sunday routing thru Philly so I said CHANGE IT!~ I broke the news to my coworkers and spoke with the President about the change fee and reimbursing the company when I returned. He said I had been working hard and told me to ignore the change fee, that the company would take care of it. How nice was that????
Thursday (the second day of the tradeshow) went better. It was busier and I had found a plan of attack that worked well for me and my agenda. That evening all of my coworkers and I dined together with one of our Reps and his family at Gallagher's in NY NY. I had a wonderful cut of Prime rib, med -rare just like I like it. It was delicious. Our sides were macaroni an cheese and steamed brocolli. Apparently Mac and cheese is a staple at steakhouses...but it's gourmet and so yummy. :) We had a great dinner with the crew. here is a picture taken of all of us. I felt bad for the Pres, he was feeling under the weather and left shortly before dessert. Dessert was a tasting of Chocolate Lava Cake, Bread Pudding (OMG SO GOOD!) and Creme Brulee of course! Three of my favorites!!! Here is a pic of the group at dinner: Sitting from left to right: Rep, Division Manager, Bob our tradeshow staple, My Boss Pete, Our Sales Guy, and the President. Standing from Left to right: Rep's Daughter, Our CSR Manager, ME!, Rep's Wife, and Ellen.
Friday the three of us girls went to eat at a great buffet in Mandalay Bay called Bayside. We had a window seating that looked over the pool and gardens. The food was wonderful and I ate a ton, hoping it would get me thru the shorter and last tradeshow day.
The tradeshow was slow so I got some time to bring home a few goodies. I had to be conservative, considering I was traveling home alone and didn't have a lot of room to fit much in my suitcases.
At 3pm the show was over so I grabbed my luggage, said my goodbyes and headed in search of the well hidden Four Season's Hotel nestled on the top 5 floors of the Mandalay Bay Hotel...
Tune in Tomorrow for: Pics of my room at the four seasons, The "NY Connection" Waiter and my walkabout Saturday on my own!!!
I knew you would stay...I could hear it in your voice when you called!
A chance to stay in Vegas in style for FREE and have time to see some stuff I wanted to see?
OH YEA!!!!
I wish you had come along!!! Maybe we should plan it that way for next year!!!:)
Not a bad plan!
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