Thoughts of a Random Nature
This week:
- The new woman who is taking over for my original Admin. Assistant position MUST GO! She is pushy, annoying and a "know it all". When you start a new position, you should listen twice as much as you speak, after all, it's a new company and you need to learn how their procedures work. You don't interupt or push into conversations that you have no clue about or do not need to know about, especially if it's your boss or the V.P.! When the receptionist is training you, pay attention, she's not making you do it that way to fuck with you, that's how it's supposed to be done!!! Oh and my name is not "Hon" or "Girlfriend". I would prefer Attila if you must, and who calls people "Girlfriend"???. I could go on and on...but I will stop here.
- Someone brought food in for a birthday today and all I can think of as I smell it cooking in the crock pot is "cat food". You know the moist canned food smell? Yeah, that's appetizing.
- It's Sam's Birthday tomorrow. I made him a card with a RUSH Theme since he hasn't stopped busting my chops aout that concert yet. It's OOK Sam...Geddy still loves you anyway!
- OOH! My Niece Alysa is coming to visit tonight from college. I am very excited for her to see my new apartment and hang out. We haven't had an overnight in a LONG time. I am really looking forward to it.
- One of my guy friends here has become soooo annoying. He is too clingy and demanding of my time which REALLY makes me mad...That usually spells the end of the "friendship" for me when people don't realize their boundaries and cross them. Why is it that the ones you don't want, want you and the the ones you do want don't seem to give you enough attention?
- Anchovy slept on my lap all thru CSI last night. She loves to cuddle and sleep on my lap. She was all stretched out and so stinkin' cute! I am going to have to visit her often at my sister's house, 'cause I love that little poopy-kitten and I am gonna miss her.
- So I got Cable finally last night! Yeah, he made it just in time for Smallville, would have been earlier if he would stop hitting on me...Yeah, not kidding! Anywho, damn that Lana...she's still alive and almost shot my Lex Luthor! I love it 'cause he's all good and repenty now, which means he will eventually begin to turn all evil again. *sigh* I love Lex Luthor.
- Repenty...that sounds like a Buffy word. Before I got the cable, I watched the Buffy. Buffy Season 4 funny. Want to do entire post on Season 4 quotes like: "Beer Bad. Fire Pretty."

CC's Good Karma Deed of the Day: If I am thinking about someone: family member, friend, or whatever, I contact them and let them know. Just a "hi" will suffice, in whatever form of communication I choose, just so they know I am alive and kicking. It takes only a moment, and boy will they be happy you did. So spread the happy!!!
So, the cable guy hit on you?
I'm with you on the calling people "hon" and girlfriend" or Sweetie, or any other term. I had a student who came in to discuss an issue call me "hon" this afternoon. Perhaps it is best not to piss off the one who can help you with your problem...
Yes, the CABLE GUY hit on me... sorta creepy, but I know I could kick his ass if I had to. :)
Yeah, Lamby! especially the Marketing Manager or the Associate Dean of your college, right?
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