The Kittie Saga
I am a bit embarrassed by the recent happenings, but I will post it for all.
My sister Kathy is the director of a human society and had fostered 3 kittens who didn't have a momma and were bottle fed at first. The two brothers were adopted out together and the sister would be next. Once I decided I was getting my own apartment Kathy asked if I wanted to take the little black tiger kitty. I thought about it and decided that I would love to have a little partner in crime at my apartment! So last friday I picked her up and brought her to my place. Checking out Evan's puppy toys.
Sleeping on CC's lap on the couch with Evan.
She seemed to adjust really well and things were going great. I decided not to tell the complex I had the kittie until Monday b/c it was the 1st of the month. I was aware that there was a monthly fee added to my rent and also a deposit, so monday I contact the complex and asked them to draw up a pet lease etc and that I would pick up the kitten that week (obviously she had been at my place since Friday, but they didn't need to know that!) When they told me that b/c of the new management the pricing had gone up I braced myself but didn't think it had gone up so astronomically! I won't get into details here, but let's just say the fees and deposit almost doubled!!! I thought about it and decided unfortunately this was NOT going to work. I was sad and annoyed.
I called my sister and explained and she was actually very understanding. I can't help that policies changed with the new management obviously, and she said to bring the kittie back to her and she could live with them as she had been for the first 4 months of her life. I was relieved and so happy to hear Kathy would take her and keep her. Now I can go see her anytime, and if the chance comes along, she said I could have her back. It's sort of a catch 22 really, b/c I will miss her, but I think it is best for all involved, especially the kittie. She will not be so lonely and will have her friends to play with again too(3 cats and 2 dogs!) at Kathy's house. Aww, look at hers sleepin! Evan's visit tired her right out!
ANYWAY, I will take her back this Saturday, and I am already on the calendar to overnight dog/cat sit in a few weeks so that will be fun. I am just disappointed it worked out this way. I know I will miss her when she is gone, but so glad I can still see her.
In the time she lived with Kathy before I got her, my sister began calling her Anchovy b/c she tried to steal an anchovy she was eating. Me, wanting to name my own kitty, decided if that name were to stick, I better tweak it to reflect my sense of humor. Thus I added a name to the end and came up with Anchovy Jolie! I have gotten a lot of great responses for that. Pretty clever huh? DId I ever tell you I had a grey floppy eared rabbit when I was little and I named him Dustin Hoppman? yeah, are you sensing a pattern?Lamby and CC with Anchovy Jolie. Pretty Kittie, glad she is still in the family!
Anchovy is so pretty! I am glad Kathy is going to keep her, maybe some day you will be able to get her back.
Awww...that is too bad you can't keep the kitty at your place, but good that she will be nearby. She's a cutie!
if you can't keeping anchovy, i'm also happy that she is gonna be close by where you can visit her whenever. it's always good when pets stay in the family :) btw- some of your creativity's gotta rub off on me or you will be naming my next pet lol!
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