Thursday, August 17, 2006

Thursday Thoughts

Well, here it is, Thursday again. Time for some thoughts from the village in my head.

  1. Have you heard that David Copperfield has found the "Fountain of Youth"? You can read about it here at E Online. I think he is getting old and nutsy personally, or he just wants to lure people to his 300K /week resort and do magic for them. Hmmmm...or maybe David Copperfield can really do MAGIC!! Maybe Albus Dumbledore could sort all of this out...oh wait, he's dead. Does anyone know how to get in touch with the Ministry of Magic?
  2. JonBenet's killer found in Thailand? This guy looks like he is living in a make-believe world and has either convinced himself that he killed her, or he knows he is full of crap and just has that insane "I want to be famous for killing JonBenet" thing going on. Well, he is getting his 15 minutes all right. He just looks like he is loving the attention which is sick. I think it's a sham personally. Hey, maybe he knows how to get in touch with the ministry of Magic!!
  3. I still haven't heard from my apartment complex if we are getting a raise in rent again this year. I certainly hope not, for their sake, because I have a list of things they have not done, should have done better or did only half of. Our place is already overpriced as it is (after last year's hike). It seems as tho they have the dumbest people on the planet working the office AND in the maintenance department. This should be interesting.
  4. I haven't found any jobs to apply to this week. It's kind of bumming me out. I really need to start looking someplace that's else I guess. I was watching the 1987 movie starring Michael J Fox (He was my first celebrity crush when I was little) "The Secret of My Success". As corny and cheesy as that movie was, I found myself shaking my head in agreement. The Suits (men) ruled the company, the people in higher positions either had no clue what they were doing or did nothing and made big money, and unless you have experience you can't get hired, "tho if noone hires you to give you experience, how do you gain said experience to get hired, Savvy?" (thank you Jack Sparrow). Michael J Fox's character Bradley keeps saying "I can do anything if you just give me a chance!" Basically that is how I feel and being female makes it even harder.
  5. I am staying home for the first time in forever this weekend. I thought I might lay by the pool Saturday morning/afternoon. I have a birthday party to attend that night so that will be good (I guess). Sunday I can sleep in and spend the day cleaning and rearranging my room. There is alot I need to get done around the apartment, so this should work out well! Oh and I can grab the Sunday paper and job search too!
  6. I have a list of skits, shorts and movie ideas for me and my boys. We have a talented cast so far for whatever our next project(s) will be but I need to add someone else to the list. Jessica G. must be in a film! She has a great horror movie idea (in classic B movie style) so I think she will need to be lead director as well on that one! I have been meeting lots of kindred spirits lately and Jessica is one of them. She does some amazing English Accents which will come in handy in our filmmaking I think! Hopefully she won't mind that I mentioned her in my blog! Hi Jessica!!! Have you seen Suri yet?
  7. Here we are at Lucky 7. I guess my thoughts have run out so here is a quick update on other things: -The library job is going well. I work 3 nights a week now so I am getting a little more in my check every two weeks! yay! - Work sucks as usual. I basically come in , do my work, blog alot and then go to the library. -I have had the apartment to myself all week while my roomate was away. It has been GREAT! -I have been trying to catch up on Johnny Depp movies I have not seen: saw the Ninth Gate this week on Sci-fi and borrowed "Ed Wood" from the library to watch tonight or this weekend.

Don't you wish I could be that concise with all my blog posts! I am a terrible blogger with these long posts and I truly apologize. Well, have a great Thursday and if this post gave way to some of your own thoughts on the subjects let me know!


Blogger Lamby31 said...

Yeah,did you see the guy they arrested for Jon-Benet's murder? What a creep. I couldn't get past the fasct that the waist on his pants was somewhere up around his rib that Martin Short SNL character Ed Grimly (sp?)...

2:33 PM, August 17, 2006  
Blogger Lamby31 said...

comment on #4...that's why everyone aspires to be the top "suit"...

2:37 PM, August 17, 2006  
Blogger BLEU 12 said...

I like your thought on life and you dont suck at blogging. Keep it up!!! I will return soon to read more

4:02 PM, August 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jessica G will be a great addition to your movies. She can help direct, but she defintely needs to act in them as well. The world needs to hear her English accents!

7:38 PM, August 17, 2006  

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