Happy Turkey Day and Other Silliness
Well, it's the last day of the work-week! I like the idea that Wednesday is Friday this week! I think every week shoud be like that! HAHA Thanksgiving is upon us, a time when we get together with family and PIG OUT!!! I LOVE this Holiday! When else can you eat seconds and thirds at dinner, then two hours later make yourself a Turkey Sandwich? Or, as I like to say, "A Turkey Samich and a drink a' soda". Oh yeah and more pie!!!
My sadness tho this year comes from the fact that we are going to be hit with some serious snow in parts of NY State. Particularly the parts where family is traveling to get to our get-together...Yeah, I am talking about Mike and Kim and the boys. I look forward to spending time with them b/c usually it's difficult to travel up there to see them in the winter. 1-2 feet expected in their neck of the woods so it's not looking good. :( Maybe we will get lucky and there will be a nice weekend between now and Christmas where I can go and visit.
Work is totally going to suck today. Noone really wants to do any work, they are all looking forward to the holiday and I will be stealthily working on all things not work related today. I am not going to lie. That's the cold hard truth. So if you are sitting at work reading my blog today, I give you permission to fluff off and have a little fun today! Go on! Live a little!
Here's a little game to play at your place of emplyment, or even at your holiday festivities. Throw around some words I like to use like "Stealthy","Plethora",
or "Serendipatiousness". (Ok so I am not sure if that last one is really a word, but I've heard little Johnny Cusack use it once...) Use those words (or others you like) in a sentence together for added fun and relate it to the Holiday like this:
"In a moment of SERENDIPATIOUSNESS, I was able to be STEALTHY and eat another helping of the fantastic PLETHORA of food without anyone noticing"
Have some fun and laugh it up (Fuzzball) because a little levity can make your day go by quicker!
In the spirit of the holiday, here's a few things I am thankful for:(besides those pesky basic necessities: like food clothing chelter, heat and DVR):)
1. My family (I don't know what I would do without you all)
2. My friends (especially those of you who live far away and I don't get to see very often but we are still the best of buds)
3. My health (never again will my nickname be Lumpy!)
4. My blog (for givng me the outlet I need to stay (relatively) sane!) Eat like a Pig, Dance like a Turkey! It's Thanksgiving!!!
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