Monday, October 10, 2005

It has begun

World War III is upon us! Sorry to say, Pie Hole has thrown down the gauntlet and I have answered the charge! No more silence, no more grumblings. I am sick of being Switzerland. The gloves are off and I will defend my family and myself from the invasion of Jabba the Hut. This I had promised in a past post. I will not deny my responsibility!

Unprovoked and psychotic writings have been received at base camp this am. A woman who uses her children to spawn arguments is the lowest form of life. She will be dealt with and without mercy. I will retaliate with dignity, calmness and intelligence, something that will make her insane replies all the more wacko. Niceness and class shall rule the day. It is the best form of warfare I can offer at this distance.

I apologize for any shrapnel that will be strewn about the landscape. Hopefully my war will not affect the nearby or faraway provinces of The Harbor, The Valley or The Bay. Casualties will be kept low, and victory will be sweet.

It is the duty of all people, to stand up for yourselves! Be resilient, protect your own and bend to no man (or beast in this case). I have turned the other cheek for far too long, and today begins my retaliation.

Perhaps I should end this post with a rousing battle cry such as the Marines "Hoo-Rah". This is my fight, hear my battle cry:

"Release the hounds!!!"

or perhaps:

"Take that! Evil Spawn of Satan!"

Help me out here people! I need a freakin' battle cry!!!


Blogger C.C. said...

Ladies and Gentlemen! We have a winner!!!

SALAHADIN it is!!!

Thanks Erin for Reminding me of that!


2:53 PM, October 11, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the most trying times, we seem to find the strength to combat our foes. We come together to form a legion of comrades fighting for a common goal: To shut that Pie Hole once and for all!

Now that we have a battle cry, what shall our Legion of Comrades be called?

3:18 PM, October 11, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I may have to come up north to aid in the battle...


4:29 PM, October 11, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off with her head!
Tino Lives

6:00 PM, October 11, 2005  

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