Friday, October 07, 2005

Yippee!! It's Friday!

As you can see I have been working at my computer all day and managed to find some fun to share with you all! Now, where should I start? Hmmm, how about this...

Well kiddies! It's Friday once again! That golden day where everything is possible and nothing can go wrong! The weekend is almost upon us and I thought a few random rants might help you get thru that last hour or so of the day!

Katie and Tom are Pregnant? Those crazy kids! What will they come up with next? I bet it will be turning their home into a Scientology Fun Park, complete with rides for the whole family! Michael Jackson will be proud! If it's a boy will they name him L. Ron?

LOCAL POLICE ISSUE A WARNING: This Halloween be on the lookout for a gang of masked robbers. Just like Gypsies in the days of old, they come to your door dressed as trick or treaters and scope out your house only to return when you are not there to eat all your food!!! You have been warned!

THe Wicked Stepsisters were caught having a wild night out on the town! The two apparently have dropped the "UGLY" in favor of the more interesting moniker of "Wicked". Cinderlla was divorced recently and has no friends since she alienated everyone over the "Slipper Incident of 1998". "She is constantly asking her stepsisters if she can come along on their nights out." a snitch tells this blog. The Stepsisters have declined to comment but a spokeperson said the two "are having the time of their lives and Cinder-what's-her-face can bite us!"

Hey look! It's BLOWOUT 2005!!! What a crew! Lots of sun, fun and food makes for a great time! Who's missing? Well if you guessed Pie Hole you'd be right!!! Sorry to say the Rochester Contingent didn't join this year...Fortunately for us we all fit in the frame b/c Pie Hole wasn't taking up all that space!!!

That's all from here (for now...) Have a great weekend everyone!!


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