Thursday, October 06, 2005

Thursday Night TV Thrills!

Yep, It’s Thursday!! Yipeee!!! The best night on TV!! Smallville followed by CSI, the original and best I might add! There’s lots of intrigue and handsome guys in tonight’s lineup (and plenty of eye candy for the guys too).

SMALLVILLE: 8pm, WB Network

Clark Kent as a young man, now in college, learning about his past and what his present and future will hold. The lovely Lana Lang is his love interest (again and finally!) and Chloe the ever-faithful (surprisingly) friend who keeps his superhuman secret.

Great cast, decent stories, neat Superman mythology references, but let’s face it folks, I watch this show for one reason and one reason only! Let’s say it together!!! LEX LUTHOR!!! I mean could Michael Rosenbaum be any cooler? Seriously the way he plays this part makes bad seem oh so good! That bald head, the sly snickering smile. How could you resist?

So he’s becoming bad. (I prefer “turning evil”) If you were treated like crap by your dad who then tried to have you killed, not to mention kidnapped and beaten up by a plethora of bad guys every other week and you know your best friend is lying to your face on a daily basis, wouldn’t you be bad too? I would! I can’t blame him for being a tad evil. I mean I’d be ready for some revenge too!

If you don’t already watch Smallville, I suggest you tune in. If you can make it thru the teenie bopper romance between Lana and Clark, you will definitely be glad you watched. John Schneider (Bo Duke) as Pa Kent, James Marsters (Buffy’s Spike) is a recurring role for a few eps this season and a special guest star appearance by Luke Duke himself, Tom Wopat, is also coming up! Not to mention, watching the deliciously evil Lex Luthor work his magic on the town of Smallville, Kansas is very entertaining!

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, 9pm, CBS

Grissom, Katherine, Warrick, Nick, Sarah and newbie CSI Gregg return for another season. This time the team has been put back together after Eckley pulled them apart last season. Although sometimes too gross and not enough science, this show is still a favorite of mine. The cast works well together and the stories are based on true events. I don’t watch Miami or NY, I tried but I am just too invested in the original cast.

It doesn’t hurt that Warrick Brown and Nick Stokes are completely filthy rotten hotties either. Hey! Give me a break, like the guys aren’t drooling over Katherine!! These two are like Bo and Luke Duke were to me from Dukes of Hazzard. One week I would like Luke best, the next Bo. I just don’t know which one I like better, Nick or Warrick? Warrick or Nick? Ah decisions, decisions. Though I must admit, Grissom is still my favorite CSI character! I would work for him! Knowledgeable and cool, how can you top that?

So pick your favorite character and have some fun with your TV programs! Let a little “un”-reality into your life! Lighten up, sit back and relax! It’s Thursday night!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

is anyone watching Invasion? or am I the only looser who thinks it's a good show!?

5:38 PM, October 06, 2005  
Blogger Amy said...

Smallville is good...I'll give you that & yes, it's b/c of Lex Luthor (those eyes, that ability to command the tv screen. Yum!) But, I was a bigger fan of CSI: Miami. Till they killed off Speedle. Now I don't watch any of 'em. I like Crossing Jordan instead.

3:27 PM, October 08, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if you want to hear news about scifi shows, then go to (stargate, smallville,etc

5:54 PM, October 09, 2005  

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