Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Celebrity Egos, Priorities and other Annoyances

This little bit of insight comes forth from the frustration that is "Hollywood" and the fact that it's fun to rip on celebrities. Obviously I know a bit about these subjects b/c I have read about them (or had them thrown at me in every magazine and tv tabloid known to man). I am just as guilty as everyone else. However, I tend to read these things and shake my head in disbelief thinking to myself "There are children starving, people fighting wars and dying for their freedoms and these people are obsessing about being snubbed at a boutique or who wore what to the Emmys." Priorities People!!! Get some!

SOOO... Oprah's over her supposed diss at Hermès' Paris boutique. All I know is that Oprah showed up 15 minutes AFTER closing and they wouldn't let her in. Big deal! Come on Oprah, I've worked in retail, it's draining. At the end of your work day, if someone came to you and demanded you stay late just b/c they couldn't get there on time wouldn't you be a bit annoyed? I certainly would, it's happened to me before. People want to end their day and get home to their LIVES. Some people are so inconsiderate and selfish and they think the world revolves around them. Oh I'm sorry, I forgot...she's Oprah.

Jen, Brad and Angie. Haven't we heard enough about this? Seriously folks, anyone who believes that a Hollywood marriage is for real should get their nose out of the fairytale book. I am not condoning cheating or whatever it is that happened there but these people have completely different sets of rules to their lives than we do. Take Brad Pitt: "Sexiest Man Alive", travels the world and portrays fantastic characters in amazing locations and is surrounded by beautiful women all the time. Kinda makes life seem a bit mundane for us regular Joes and Janes huh? The temptations are ten fold in Hollywood folks, and actors are always looking for that next big thing to take them to the top of the heap. Underneath it all, these "stars" are nothing like us. They are fame junkies who are slaves to their own selfish ambitions.

Paris Hilton? Don't even get me started on this vapid, dog -faced tartlette. I am still completely surprised that anyone even cares what she does. The "That's Hot" Snot needs a reality check. I'd say a reality show about Paris and some hard core Peace Corp work would be watchable. I'd make her do some real down and dirty work, live in a tent, no makeup, no Prada, no Gucci, build some houses, fertilize and plant a know, worthwhile projects to help others. Boot Camp is what she needs. She is the embodiment of everything that is without in our society today.

I guess I could go on and on about many Hollywood annoyances..."Hey P Diddy! Why don't you give the money it cost to throw one of your "famous parties" to a worthy charity? Or are you P Diddly Squat!?"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

big O is just misunderstood....

8:08 PM, September 27, 2005  

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