Thursday, July 23, 2009


Whilst hiking a short beginner to intermediate hike in the Adirondacks last week, I realized something I never thought would happen. I am out of shape. Now that I typed that, that is definately an understatement! I have always stayed fairly in-shape with minimal work on my part, but in the last few years my lifestyle has really taken it's toll. That hike I took? I used to be able to do it with no issues and no stops. This time, I stopped 4 times and the 5th time I almost passed out! Low sugar and not enough water probably played a part but the big thing is I am 20 -30 pounds overweight and I need to get serious.

In an effort to get some activity in every day and a few higher impact activities 3-4times a week, I have begun walking the lovely hilly neighborhood by Pinky's house and I have gotten my mountain bike back on the trail. I actually just got back from a little jaunt on my bike, and I had all but forgotten how good that exercise high feels. I LOVE IT! I used to be able to bike 10-15 miles and hike all weekend. I need to get that back.

Not only do I have a wedding of a close friend I am in coming up in November, but recent family health issues have made me more aware. Now that I am 33, my metabolism works differently and I need to put time into losing weight and maintaining muscle and tone. I refuse to let genetics get the better of me so soon and I know I need to get my butt in gear or I will end up looking like this:

PS) We all know PieHole is on Facebook,right? When I last looked at her (real)account she had 3 friends, a fat lady, a guy that looked like a teacher and one of her daughters. When I looked today she is down to 2 friends, her daughter and some new lady. I wonder what happened to her other friends...


Anonymous Artistic Soul said...

My metabolism is mad at me too!! It's annoying. I wish there were things I could do around here without joining a gym because I HATE gyms. I really want to buy my own rowing machine but my place is too small to put it in. :o(

7:21 PM, July 23, 2009  
Anonymous henlib said...

Maybe you could be Piehole's friend... maybe you could start working out together too!!

7:41 PM, July 23, 2009  

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