Monday, June 29, 2009

Why I Deactivated My Facebook Account

FaceBook is ridiculous. It's a selfish, forced interaction where peers can compare and brag to each other. It's not networking, it's fake social connections to see who has the most toys or who is ahead in "the game".

I admit it was fun at first to connect with high school and college friends I had not seen in years, but the intentions of most is clear when the first connection is over and nothing remains. These people were obviously not important enough to keep in touch with for the past 15 years, so why would I need to be friends with them now?

FB is socially inept in that way. I mean, where else would it be appropriate to find out that a friend from HS is engaged? How TACKY. Or how else would I find out that another HS friend had her third baby? Obviously both of these things happened a month ago and I just found out in my recent visit to FB. Was I supposed to be checking their pages everyday for juicy tidbits like these? Pulease! I have better things to do than stalk people who were not real friends to begin with.

Sooo, I deactivated my Facebook account today. At some point I will go back activate and take down everything and then deactivate for good, but I had just gotten to the point where FB annoyed me so much I had to do it. Facebook was made for college kids and it should have stayed that way. I would rather spend my time connecting with my true friends and family than any of those so called "friends" on FB.

Pinky said "It sounds like FaceBook is more like FakeBook!" Rock on Pinky. Rock on!


Blogger Artistic Soul said...

This is very true. I liked facebook a lot more when it was just college students and employees. I used it almost exclusively for keeping track of alumni. I have recently been thinking about taking down a lot of facebook stuff too because it's incredibly annoying....*sigh*

9:56 AM, June 30, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the novelty wore off for me after about 2 weeks. I rarely go and check it out.

Way to go CC!

beth (big geek)

PS - I got Rob interested in Firefly! Dan lost interest!
YAY! For Rob!

3:36 PM, July 07, 2009  
Blogger 1Life1Game said...

i dont agree with everything. c'mon, admit it, it was fun at first to see long lost friends and where they are at life right no. i for one have found many old friends on there and have rebuild strong relationships.

10:52 AM, August 06, 2009  

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