Friday, May 29, 2009

To Thine Own Self Be True

Two weeks ago today I was laid off. Yep, they laid off the Marketing Manager. Of course I was the only marketing person for 4 divisions, so I guess it's not so huge for them, but still, the Marketing Dept is gone. Crazy yes, but for me a welcome end to a frustrating work environment and the acknowledgement that I was indeed on the wrong path.

There is a lot of negativity floating around out there, and rightly so for the mess we are in economically, and I must say that it has messed with my self-reliance a lot in the past two weeks. Many people who I have sought advice from are dealing with their own life issues, and I have to stop this "Youngest Child Syndrome" where I go running to family to help me solve my problems.

Being unemployed with no idea whether I want to stay in Marketing or persue something else has not been easy. You all know I have been on a search for months now, even resorting to self-help career books! (gasp) Most of my research has led me to the same types of skills/interests. My gut feelings keep bringing me back to two areas that use these skills and interests, and can interact with each other nicely. What is holding me back is that I would need to go back to school for either of these two things. So instead I have been trying to find a growth industry instead of something that I am passionate about. I say I trust my gut, but in reality I think I talk myself out of my gut feelings for what I "should" be doing. That is a huge disservice to myself.

My sister Pinky said something so simple, yet so eye opening. She said that if there is something that I want to do, now is the time to do it. I am unmarried, no kids, and still young enough to make a go at something new if that's my path. She said, listen to advice from those around me, take it all into consideration but follow my own heart/gut feelings. If it doesn't work out, I have a saftey net to come back to, but at least I went and tried it. Why not take the chance?

Risk nothing, gain nothing. Carpe Diem, Tempus Fugit. Blah Blah Blah. Cut the chord and jump out of the plane already, yea?

Use the Force by Jamiroquai

I must believe
I can do anything
I can heal anyone
I must believe

I am the wind (yeah)
I am the sea
I am the wind
I am the sea
I am the sun
I can be anyone

Oh this world is mine
For all of time
I can turn any stone
Call any place my home
I can do anything

I know I'm gonna get myself together (yeah)
Use the Force
I know I'm gonna work it out
Use the force
I know I'm gonna get myself ahead
Use the Force
Use the Force

I can go eagle high
Circling in the sky
Learn to live my life
I don't need no strife

I must believe
I'm a rocketman
I'm a superstar
I can be anyone
I can step beyond
All of my boundaries
It won't be hard for me
To fell what there must be

I know I'm gonna get myself together (yeah)
Use the Force
I know I'm gonna work it out
Use the force
I know I'm gonna get myself ahead
Use the Force
Use the Force
I can do it
I can do anything
Anything Anything


Blogger Sparkles said...

Pinky is definitely right! I know it is cliche but there really is no time like the present.. You gotta get out there and do what YOU want to do! And one day, when you're old and gray and organizing wheelchair races with your nursing home buddies, you can say "Yeah, I did that!"

11:33 PM, May 30, 2009  
Blogger Lamby31 said...

Pinky IS right. Sometimes we really do know what we need to do... We just need to start , and then inertia will help it along. Maybe we think we need to "jump out of the plane" sounds BIG - but it's really one small baby step that gets things rolling!

11:57 AM, June 02, 2009  
Blogger Artistic Soul said...

I totally agree with Pinky too! The thing is, we have this cultural myth that we should be "settled" as adults, and that often comes from either work or relationships (but not generally both). You haven't been happy at your job in a LONG time, and you DO have the opportunity now to take steps toward whatever you want! You should do it! Although I love my job, I regret spending so much focus on it that my relationships always suffered. Now that I'm finally realizing that is the part that has made me unhappy, it's amazing to start making choices that DO make me happy!! Trust your instincts, even if other people tell you you're being crazy. :o)

9:45 AM, June 04, 2009  

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